

As Katsu's dead body has been laid down after he died, the creature tried to approach katsu's dead body and tried to grab him by reaching out its hand. then as the creature was about to reach katsu-


a red color aura suddenly burst out of his body with huge pressure.

after the red aura burst out the creature, who felt the pressure had instinctively taken back its hand and looked at the red-colored aura as it continued to flow. after a moment the aura flow increased bit by bit and suddenly a huge red color terrifying eyes were opened in the aura right over katsu's dead body.

as soon as the creature has seen those eyes it stepped back with fear.

a vibration in the air occurred as the aura from katsu's body was overflowing from him and flooded into the surroundings. Increasing its width and height eventually. the creature was looking at it as it was happening and continued to step back little by little as it made a face of pure shock and fear.

as the aura completely spread the eyes that were seen on the katsu's body had moved up and in the midst of the aura a huge figure has appeared and from top to bottom the neck, the muscular hands, the peculiar legs, and the wings it all has the same body structure as a human. it could be hard to determine what it was but from the shape of its face, it can be determined as a dragon's silhouette. it has a size that is equivalent to that of a mountain. it is entirely covered in a red aura such that only its silhouette can be seen. nobody can identify its features other than its silhouette.

seeing that dragon's intimidating mountain-sized shape and monstrously terrifying aura the creature completely went back and hid behind a huge rock from the debris that caused the damage when it was attacking.

the dragon looked upwards and opened its mouth and the next moment-


a heaven-splitting roar has been made.


In a certain place in between the clouds. there was an island-like structure built on a cloud. On that island, there were buildings and that island is part of heaven. at present in that heaven







"what the hell is going on!!!?"

"is it another one of those celestial creatures attacks?"

"no, if it was that, the protector would have gone there by now."

"then what is it?"

there were some shadows in panic and were on alert as they dropped off all the work which they were quite busy doing and were wondering what was happening. then suddenly-


the huge roar of the dragon back at the earth has pierced through the clouds and reached heaven, after hearing that huge roar everybody went into even more alert and some are even terrified and ducked onto the ground.

"What is that roar!!!??"

"just what happened all of a sudden?"

and as they were all wondering about the roar they all of sudden felt something tingly and it was-

"What is this huge amount of magic power?"

yes, it was the magic power. simply put the aura that was released from katsu after his death. as they were feeling this magic power everybody started to break out in cold sweat.

"master Michael, what is happening?"

when a person asks the one in charge. he calmly talks to himself

"everybody, calm down. it looks like something huge is happening at the moment but it will calm everything after a little while."

as he said that everybody calmed down a little as Michael thought to himself.

(this is quite a huge amount of magic. what it might be. does this have something to do with the premonition that God has left for us? maybe I will have to wait and see)

and as he thought that his shadow looked into the horizon through the window. and what appeared were islands with the sea of lighting in between them. He continued to think as he looked over the islands

(if that has nothing to do with the premonition it would be bad because this final standing island will also become like those islands soon. if it has something to do with the premonition then the sooner the better because considering the situation as of now the hell which is also in the same situation as us will fall before heaven)

he changed his direction to a certain person shadow silhouette and continued his thinking.

(to top it off it does not even have a protector at least. even if one of the two mythological parts of the world were to fall,.... we are doomed.)

as he looked at the silhouette of that person and worried for hell the counterpart of heaven.

that person sensed that Michael is looking at him and looked back at Michael. what stood out in that black silhouette is silverish white-colored eyes that were glowing.

and after a little a while the tremors stopped and everybody felt relieved.


at the same time in someplace between normal buildings, some people were working busily which looked like an island that is built on the lava itself. this place is hell. the normal lifestyle of devils which is similar to that of humans and all of a sudden in that busy atmosphere there were-






tremors all of a sudden


"what are these tremors all of a sudden?"

"Are there any celestials coming?"

"no, the coast is clear. there are no celestials?"

"then what the hell are these tremors?"

everybody dropped their work and went alert and-


they heard a huge roar that was way too intimidating and way too dense magic. all their shadow silhouette are in panic just as much as heaven and among them, a single person was calm and silent while sitting in the chair while all the others were in panic. some were sweating cold and saying with a terrifying expression

"what the hell is this magic power?"

"The air is vibrating due to the magic power."

gaming the panicked people one person who looked like a leader said his servants and other servants

"guys, go and make sure that the people do not go into a panic."


as he ordered their servants all of them left while two of them stayed back in alert mode as if guarding their lord.

as everyone was panicking the tremors died down. and as they died down all the shadow silhouettes calmed and talked in between themselves

"what was that all about?"

"I have never felt such intimidation in a long time"

"me too. I got goosebumps"

then the one that was silent and calm talked in low voice.

"so, the time is finally here huh"

"huh? what was that? Solomon, you said something?"

as one of them who was a girl noticed his mutter asked in curiosity

"no, nothing at all"

he said that and stood up from his seat with a serious expression and walked a little further away from the others and all the others were seeing his back.

"master Solomon?"

a lady who seems clearly as a servant that was standing behind him saw him in a puzzled expression and called out to him.

"say, guys…."


everybody responded to him in a tense voice as he called out in a serious tone. they thought that he was going to say something since he looked as if he knew what was going on about the chaos that happened right then. he turned back and then he replied-

"I will be going out just for a minute okay?"

in a cheerful and playful voice. and everybody who was so tense until a moment ago became dumbfounded for a moment and enraged.


"what do you mean by going out we have a huge pile of paperwork out there."

"yes, master Solomon you are not allowed to go out no-"


as all the others were enraged and the servant was about to reach him and stop him but it was too late as the shadow silhouette of the servant reached the person he vanished as a magical circle swiped from below to above making him disappear and he escaped the nagging.


back on the surface

as the dragon roared the creature went behind a rock and hid. and when the roar was over the creature peeked out from behind the rock and looked at the magnificent size of the dragon. when the dragon noticed the creature it glared at it with a huge blood lust that the creature had hidden behind the rock again.

after a little while, the dragon's silhouette had distorted and the aura disappeared. when the creature looked again all it could see was the aura in the area and katsu's dead body in the middle where the aura was not even present.

the creature who thought the existence of katsu is dangerous to it and has tried to reach to him as if to absorb him but was still afraid about the red dragon might appear again.

so the creature looks at katsu's dead body and moves its body towards it after confirming that the red dragon was not there, as the creature moved cautiously towards katsu's dead body and reached near him.

it extended its arm once again and tried to reach katsu very cautiously.


as the creature was about to reach katsu a red color aura appeared in front of the creature by rising itself as a straight pillar as if to create a wall in front of katsu. seeing that the creature jumps back and took a fighting stance since it thought that the red dragon has appeared again.

but this aura is clearly different from before. the aura before was pure bright red. but this aura was dirty and muddy red color as if it is the same as blood. a person walks out of the pillar

"oohhhh. what a huge and dense amount of aura it is. just to be expected from the red dragon."

the person who walked out was the handsome man with dark red colored hair as if he was in his late 20's wearing a red-colored cape and white-colored coat and golden-colored embroidery on the cloth. his presence was so dignified and overwhelming that it was as if a king of the world itself has started to walk in front of the masses.


the creature was clearly unaffected by the overwhelming presence of the person who walked out of the pillar. it was growling at him. as it was growling he looks towards the creature and says

"oh so you were the one that triggered it huh? no wonder about that, you must be trying to steal the red dragon. so where is the host of the red dragon?"

he looked towards the creature and says to it and the creature growls at him even more but he did not care and looks around and finds katsu's dead body and looks a little shocked and says

"so I did not make it in time huh. no, maybe I should say that I just barely made in time."

he then turns back to the creature and says

"a lower level celestial creature can enter the surface without being identified by the surface guardians since its power level is almost negligible to them but that does not mean you are not dangerous. that is the reason why we assigned the surface team. even if you did enter the surface, the surface team could've stopped you. but this kid is unfortunate. well even though he is dead for now I am not gonna let you reach him. if you reach him and gain the power of the red dragon host you could evolve into a high level or even advanced level in just one go. right now both heaven and hell are in utter chaos due to your species and I cannot let it become even more trouble. so, i Solomon lucifer as one of the four demon kings of hell shall destroy you right here, right now"


as he declared that the creature growled and took a stance to attack at any moment.