
Cosmic Ascendancy: Rise of the Overlord

In a secluded village, Evan discovers a mysterious knife that unlocks his dormant cultivation potential. Rising from Mortal Seedling to Mortal Crown, Evan undergoes a transformation from a frail boy to a young cultivator. He later joins an academy, gaining allies and mastering new techniques. During his cultivation and transformation, he will lead his village to the focal point of the universe using all his legendary encounters and objects.

sunhell · Oriental
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77 Chs

Ancient Stone Obelisk actions

Let go back when Lea just started training.

In the heart of the village, the Ancient Stone Obelisk, long considered to be an inert, if mysterious, fixture of the community, subtly began to change. Unbeknownst to the villagers engrossed in their daily routines, intricate carvings, designs, and inscriptions on the obelisk's surface started glowing ever so slightly. The midday sun was high and bright, masking the faint luminescence emanating from the stone, making it virtually invisible to the naked eye.

Deep underground, where the obelisk's roots stretched for 100 kilometers, something even more remarkable was happening. A dormant formation at its tip, which had a 20km radius, started to activate. As if waking up from a long slumber, the formation began to draw in qi from the natural world.

This wasn't just any ordinary qi. It was converted into a unique, special kind of energy—Chaos Qi. An intricate blend of multiple types of elemental qi—fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, dark, and life—were harmonized into this unique form of energy. The conversion process was silent and invisible, occurring in the deepest recesses of the formation's complex mechanisms.

At the same time, Evan was in the midst of his training under Lea's instruction. Unaware that his actions might be resonating with the Ancient Stone Obelisk, he focused on balancing his body, mind, and spirit. Each squat, each sprint, each breath seemed to resonate with the distant monolith. It was as if some unknown connection had been established, triggering the ancient mechanism to awaken from its millennia-long dormancy.

Even Lea, busy overseeing the youngsters, did not notice the subtle changes happening in the atmosphere. The air seemed to grow fresher, the breeze lighter, as if the natural world was reacting to some invisible stimulus. Only Evan, who had recently activated his soul and gained enhanced senses, felt a strange tingling sensation deep within him. But even he could not pinpoint the source or understand its significance at this time.

The villagers were yet unaware that a profound change was taking place in their midst, a change that could reveal long-hidden secrets and transform their understanding of the world. For now, the Ancient Stone Obelisk and its newly activated Chaos Qi remained an untold mystery, silently doing its work in the background of everyday life.

The village had always been quiet, a place where the greatest excitement came from minor quarrels or occasional festivals. But today, unbeknownst to its inhabitants, it had become the epicenter of a phenomenon that could rewrite the very laws of cultivation and qi manipulation.

The Chaos Qi generated by the Ancient Stone Obelisk was not just a random mix of various elemental energies. It was a harmonious blend, each element meticulously balanced, resulting in a form of qi that was both potent and stable, yet highly adaptive. This form of energy was an enigma, defying the conventional understanding of qi as known to cultivators.

Deep within the earth, beneath the obelisk's towering form, complex channels and reservoirs had formed over millennia. These ancient constructs now began to fill with Chaos Qi, layer upon layer, like water filling a long-dry lake. The earth itself seemed to hum softly, as if a long-forgotten heartbeat had resumed.

Up on the surface, the change remained imperceptible to the villagers. Crops grew, animals roamed, and people went about their day-to-day activities. But those who were sensitive to qi fluctuations—cultivators like Lea, the village head, or any visitors who might wander into the area—would soon find their senses tingling with a newfound vitality.

As for Evan, the transformation he was undergoing aligned perfectly with the chaos energy beneath his feet. His body, absorbing the nourishing qi from the atmosphere subconsciously, began to change at a cellular level. His muscles grew denser; his senses sharpened even further; his mental capacity seemed to expand. Every part of him seemed to be in perfect harmony, in sync with the world around him and the mysterious energy it now harbored.

The Ancient Stone Obelisk's subtle glow, hidden beneath the brightness of the midday sun, continued to shine like a beacon, calling out to unknown forces in the cosmos. Perhaps it was a signal, perhaps an awakening, or perhaps the first stirrings of a prophecy long foretold. Only time would reveal its true purpose.

Inside the enigmatic Ancient Stone Obelisk, concealed from the world, lay an "egg" unlike any other. Its existence was not corporeal in the way mortals understood matter; it existed in a state that defied explanation. An ethereal, glowing orb enveloped in an atmosphere of complex, ever-changing runes. These runes were microscopic, even smaller than the wavelength of visible light, making them impossible to discern with mortal eyes or even the most advanced magnifying tools.

These runes carried information, not just of physical constructs but of laws and principles that governed energies and dimensions beyond human understanding. They held keys to mysteries that even the most scholarly cultivators in the world had yet to fathom, almost as if they were fragments of the original code upon which the universe itself was built.

The "egg," in this formless state, resonated with the Chaos Qi now flowing around it. Slowly, almost hesitantly, it began to absorb the amalgamated energies. The runes shimmered as they processed the Chaos Qi, breaking it down into its constituent elements, analyzing it, and then reforming it into something purer, more potent. It was as if the "egg" was feeding, growing, and perhaps even evolving.

As Evan continued his training, not aware of the cosmic-scale events that seemed to be orchestrating around him, something within his own nascent soul resonated with this mysterious "egg." The glowing sphere within his mind, which had also been absorbing various forms of qi, albeit at a much smaller scale, sensed a distant kinship with the more magnificent and complex formation hidden deep within the Earth. This resonance created a minute, almost imperceptible link between Evan and the "egg," a connection neither could yet comprehend.

Unaware of all these undercurrents, Evan felt only the palpable increase in his vitality, the newfound ease in manipulating his nascent qi, and an inexplicable sense of unity with the world around him.

The village too remained blissfully ignorant of the monumental changes taking place deep within the Earth and within one young boy. But as the days passed, this newfound energy started to manifest in subtle ways. Crops seemed a bit more bountiful, the air felt a tad fresher, even the elders felt a little less of the ache in their aging bones. And among the children learning the rudiments of cultivation, a few showed surprising leaps in their ability to manipulate qi.

The Ancient Stone Obelisk, or what it housed, was awake now, and its effects were starting to ripple across dimensions. The question that remained was, awake to what end? And how would it shape the destiny of the village, and young Evan, in the times to come?

Just a quick tease on the mysterious ancient stone obelisk.

Hope u all like it!

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