
Ch 03 - Class

[Inside the Classroom]

Because Jane likes to sleep a lot, we are always one of the last to arrive in the room.

The tables are divided so the students sit in pairs and obviously Jane and I sit together. Causing a lot of jealousy in some boys and girls.

Jane does not like the kind of people who want to befriend her because of her status.

The teacher comes to class and begins her class, explaining the history of fashion.

Many find the class boring, but I rather like historical facts and important events. Jane on the other hand is struggling to erase and fall asleep and keep her air of dignity.

"Jane, you can not sleep in class right now. The subject matter is important for the tests." (Mary) I try to keep her awake.

"This is very annoying Mary, can not pay attention" (Jane) she complains of the content and with a tired face.

Taking advantage of the fact that she seems distracted, I place my hand on her soft thigh with the excuse and keep her attentive.

"Do not worry then, just stay awake and then I'll lend you my resume" (Mary) I say as I enjoy the feeling of my hand without showing.

Besides, Jane is very smart and always does well in the grades after seeing my class summaries.

Taking advantage of these opportunities of physical contact with Jane is the best part of the day for me. I can not resist the temptation and it seems she does not mind at all.

Sometimes it feels like she likes it and I wonder if she knows of my fads and thoughts that I have with her.

Seizing the moments with her is what makes my college year happy.