
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasía
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79 Chs

Fiona joins

Zeke sat outside the office leaning against the bench. He gazed up at the crystal blue sky with clouds twisting and forming into new shapes. He let out a satisfied breath.

"Zeke, gotta say this happy look is really scary." Han said taking a seat beside him. "Never thought I'd see you like this. Oh crap! Is this your Demon's Blood acting up again? I'll go get Moon and Sunny." He snickered shaking his head.

"It's not any of that Han. I'm just...not gonna take anyone's shit anymore." "Seriously...what the fuck happened over there? From Moon told me, Heaven is not what it's cut out to be." "I accepted what I am, and that I can't change that. I am and always be a Demon, with an eternal hunger for power, and exist to destroy."

"Zeke, you're nothing like-" "I am. Before we left Hell. Samael spoke to me in Enochian, leaving me a message to find that smith. He knew I wanted more power, and I wanted it to be the most destructive thing ever." "Starting to scare me more here..."

"I'm just taking your advice Han." "Don't do that. I'm a terrible influence." Zeke chuckled. "I'll get as much power and influence as possible, and destroy any evil I find. Like the hero you said I could be." "Oooh, that advice! That's less concerning." Han said letting out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you Han. I'm glad you're my best friend." Han froze looking at Zeke in disbelief. "What was that?" "You're my best friend, and I mean this in a very platonic way. I love you Han. Thank you for staying with us and our stupid problems." "Wh...wh...why are you telling me this?"

Zeke stood up stretching his back. "Because I'm done lying to myself. What'd you feel like eating?" "Zeke...I'm still trying to comprehend everything here." "Chinese?" "How can you just admit everything like that in a second? Aren't you embarrassed!?" "Nah, so is that a no to Chinese?" The others walked out with Han sprinting over to them.

"I think that my might an imposter and not Zeke!" She said hugging Moon. "What?" "He just told me he loves me as a friend and that I'm his best friend." "I mean...you've been with them for a long time. It's only natural he appreciate you-" "He also said he could understand a different language."

Moon summoned Soul-Taker and Iziel sprinting over and placing it under Zeke's throat. "Who are you!? And what have you done with the real Zeke!?" "Moon, what are you doing?" "The real Zeke could never understand another language." Han said.

He rolled his eyes. "Honey, I love you." Zeke said in perfect Korean. The two reeled backed looking at him askance. "See! An imposter! Zeke is a retard at languages." "Thanks Han." He said annoyed. "What can I do to prove to you. That I'm not some kind of imposter?"

"There's a spider on your shoulder." Sunny said casually. "WHERE!? GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Zeke shouted frantically spinning around. Moon and Han pulled back. "Shit...it is Zeke." "GET IT OFF!" Sunny pinched the back of his shirt and pretended to throw it away. "It's gone."

Zeke let out a sigh of relief. "Christ...let's go get something to eat at home. Damn spiders are everywhere." Zeke said looking around cautiously. "It's not an imposter. He's just...happy." Sunny said watching him saunter off.

"Huh...is it super weird for you to look at?" Han asked. "Incredibly weird." "Have you two never seen Zeke happy before?" Sunny asked. "I mean...I've seen him get excited." Han said. "I've seen him celebrate, but never seen him wear a smile that long before."

Returning home the eight sat around the dining room table with a mountain of Chinese takeout. Moon and Sunny took turns feeding Zeke poorly. Fiona sat uncomfortably next to Raven, looking around meekly.

Red leapt onto her lap, startling her. She cautiously gave her a few head scratches. "This little girl must have cost you all a fortune. She's so well trained." "Red's not a pet. She's my familiar and a member of our family." Zeke said.

Fiona looked up at him. "Um...." "I'll give you a full run down on everything weird about us." Raven whispered to her. Fiona stood up nervously fidgeting with her hands. She gave Zeke and awkward bow nearly hitting her head onto the table. "Thank you very much saving me Mister Chen!"

Everyone looked at her confused and stunned. She stood up bright red. "I never...I never got to thank you properly for saving me. I'm sorry for not-" A peanut bounced off her forehead. She looked up stunned at Han. "Hey weirdo, don't call him Mister Chen. It's just wrong. Secondly, Zeke doesn't do positive reinforcement well."

"She's right. It feels hella weird." Zeke said. "But I-" "Also, if you're a friend of Raven, you're a friend of ours. So stop holding back and eat with us." Han said. "If you're still feeling awkward, tell us about yourself and we'll go from there." "...what...what did you want to know?"

"Start off with your powers." Zeke said. "My powers aren't very useful and they're strange..." "Still doing better than Han, who's strange and powerless." Han threw a peanut at Zeke's head. Fiona removed her shirt.

Zeke instantly looked away. Raven quickly covered her chest. "You can uh look now." "You sure?" Zeke asked. "Are your powers stripping at the dinner table?" Han asked. "No...it's this." Her body grew five times in size with muscles bulging .

Everyone reeled back with their eyes bulging at the sight. She quickly shrunk back down, her face bright red. "It's super strength...but I don't look as good as Raven when I do it..." "Alright...that was interesting. Does your Familiar fit in this room?" "Oh, he sure does!" Fiona held her hand out.

Through the green Rift emerged a fluffy grizzly bear. It snarled at their presence. Fiona gave his ear a scratch before hugging him. "I'm sorry it's been so long since I've summoned you." Zeke stood up walking over. "This is Fluffy, and he-"

Zeke pressed his face against Fluffy's face nuzzling against it. Red frowned at him folding her arms. "HE'S SO SOFT AND CUDDLY!" Zeke exclaimed. Han leapt over the table playing and stroking his ears. "OH MY GOD HE IS! GET IN ON THIS!"

Red's jaw dropped seeing everyone rush over to pet Fluffy with Fiona smiling beside Raven. She took Red in her arms. "You're just as cute." She said handing her to Fiona. Fluffy shook his body retreating through his Rift. Everyone's mood dropped.

"Um Zeke...we wanted to talk to you about something." Raven said, with everyone taking their seats. "Yeah?" "I was wondering if you'd let Fiona work with us. She'll be a great secretary, and she can stay in my room. We'll be quiet, and, and you can only pay us three chips each. I promise."

He looked at her confused raising an eyebrow. "Why would I hire Fiona? She's gonna get 10,000 chips and whatever you two negotiated for in the office." "We didn't want anything from him. I just told him to go die and left...wait, you just met me. Why would you give me 10,000 chips?" "So you can start a new life if you wanted."

Fiona slumped in her seat stunned at Zeke. "He has that effect." Skye whispered. "Zeke, she can do the work and-" "Three chips each isn't enough. Skye wrote down how much you spend on snacks alone." "Snitch." She frowned at Skye. "What? It's my job."

"If I'm going to hire to her, she'll need a designated job. Um is there anything you like to do?" "Um...Oh, I'm great with numbers! I could be your-" "Jobs taken sister." Skye said firmly. "I use to do a lot of fashion, I could maybe-" Han cleared her throat loudly. "That's also taken."

Fiona lowered her head. "How are you with people right now?" Zeke asked. Fiona tilted her head up. "I...I don't understand." "You've been through something traumatic, and you were jumpy last time." "People are okay...I don't mean any offence, but I was stuck around Angels for a long time, and they were the worst."

"Nah, you're right fuck them Angels." Moon said. Sunny pursed her lips. "If you're okay with it, and only if you're okay with it. We'll need a receptionist for the office, and potentially admins or managers at a later stage." Zeke said. "Um...what's happening now?" Han asked.

"We're closing this place down as our office. I'm sick of people knowing where we live." Han gasped. "We're getting an office space! I call dibs on-" "No calling dibs on office space." Zeke said cutting her off. "We still need to find a place. So if you're okay with that-" "Thank you!" Fiona bowed.

"Really got that bow thing down huh?" Han said. "Well that settles that problem. Raven when you have the time, set our business to closed for now. No new requests until we've gone to Sakura's birthday party, and our office is set up."

"I mean do we really need to go to that party?" Moon asked. "Yes. She's a friend." "Who is clearly trying to have sex with you." Sunny said. "Do you two seriously think, I would cheat on you both? I am the luckiest man in four fucking realms to be with you two." The two blushed.

"Besides, it's not like I'm some kind of chick magnet." "Zeke, count the amount of dicks in this room." Han said. "Okay, first of all. You're basically family, so is Skye. Raven and Fiona are gay. Not a chick magnet. Now I'm gonna go take a shower."

"You're gonna need help." Sunny said. "I don't need help. I am fine." "Oh, god. Are you still against showering with someone?" Moon asked. "You're against showering with your girlfriends?" The others asked.

"Yes I'm against it. I'm in there to clean myself, why would I invite someone I love to see that side of me. So if someone could tie my arms in plastic, I'm going to take a shower." "Zeke-" Sunny stopped Moon. "If we hear you fall in there, we're coming in." "Fine, but you won't."

They watched Zeke confidently enter into the bathroom. The house fell silent. "Come on you stupid thing turn." They hear d Zeke's frustration building with bottles banging against the ground. "Need help yet!?" Moon called out. "No! I'm fin-AH!" A loud thud shook the top floor. "Yeah, I need help!"

Han, Red and Skye sat in the living room watching TV together. Fiona and Raven laid in her bed resting their foreheads together. Their fingers interlocked. "You found a crazy bunch." Fiona said. She sniggered. "Just like us."

"Ah! I'm clean! Stop!" Zeke yelled through the door. "Zeke! Don't tell me that's how you've been washing your hair this whole time!?" Moon exclaimed. Fiona and Raven opened their eyes. "Is it always this rowdy here?" "They're a bit of a new dynamic."

The two closed their eyes, before hearing more bottles and things clatter in the bathroom. "Ezekiel! Hold still!" "I said I'm clean! This is just a waste of water." "We've been in here for five minutes!" Fiona and Raven snickered. "Go outside?" Raven asked.

The two sat outside on the curb looking up to the night sky. "I almost forgot what it was like to look up and see stars." Raven took her hand. "Zeke, will never make us do anything we don't want to." "I've never seen you respect a guy like this. What happened to them being the enemy?" "Down there they are the enemy, but Zeke is...different in every sense of the word. He saved me as well."

Zeke bolted out the front door, wearing his suit leaving a wet trail behind him. Moon and Sunny came bolting after him. "Zeke! Get back here! You need to moisturize!" Moon snapped. "I don't! Let me dry off and go to bed."

"You need to blow dry your hair as well. Get back inside Ezekiel." "Come on, I'm tired. I want to sleep." "Not with wet hair." Sunny said firmly. "Or dry skin. Now get inside." "I've been cleaning myself like that for years. You two have never had problem with it. Now there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind-"

Moon and Sunny pulled their shirts up. "Get inside and you can sleep between them." Moon said. "Alright let's go inside." Zeke said. Raven and Fiona stared on impressed. The two women ushered Zeke inside. "We'll try and be more quiet. You two enjoy." Moon said. "Yeah, sorry. He'll be quiet now." Sunny said.

The birds started the new day with a chorus. Zeke slept with a smile, lying between Moon and Sunny, gently snoring away. Raven and Fiona slept peacefully together embracing each other. Skye nuzzled with Red in her arms. "IT'S HERE!" Han shouted. Everyone jumped awake, letting out a groan, before closing their eyes again.

Her heavy footsteps rung out as she bolted out the door. "Should we go investigate?" Sunny said sleepily. "She'll quiet down. Let's just keep sleeping." Zeke said. Moon nodded in agreement. A throaty engine revved outside, rumbling the entire house."WOOOO!"

"Alright, that doesn't sound good." Zeke groaned. The engine revved again. Everyone groggily exited the house seeing Han sitting inside a shiny new ford 69 mustang, painted a glossy black. "WOOO! WOooo...." Han trailed off seeing everyone staring at her.

"Did I wake you guys?" Everyone nodded. "Is this what you asked for?" Zeke asked. "I mean...it's one of the things I asked for..." Zeke tried to pinch between his brow. Moon did it for him. "Thank you...What else is coming?" Zeke asked.

A hot pink lambourgini pulled up into their driveway, followed by a plain sedan. The driver dropped the keys into Han's hand. "Mister Linette has paid his debt with you. The paper work is in the car. Sign them in on month's time." "Thank you! Hey you guys want to take a ride?"

"Han, why the fuck did you ask for two cars? You already have one." "Oh Zeke, aren't we past this in our friendship? You say something pragmatic and rational, then I respond with why it's amazing to have, or no follow up answer." "No, we're not past that. Where the hell are we gonna park these things and who's going to handle the maintenance on them?" "No idea, but look how sexy they are! Moon agrees with me. Don't you?"

"Ha! We're now together, and-nevermind she's inside the lambo." "Let's use this one first!" Moon said excitedly. "Night time clubbing girl! OH!OH!OH! Let's race the cars! Hennesy verse American Muscle." "YES!"

"I feel like we should be stopping this." Sunny said. "Eugh, I'm not dealing with this. Be safe you two, we're gonna do office shopping. Fiona you're on interior decorating duty." Han crawled out the car window. "Why wouldn't you just use the door?" Skye said confused.

"Hey! Hey! You can't just go office shopping without me." "What time is it?" Zeke asked. "6:18am." Skye said. "You two are back here by 8:30 and ready to leave at 9am sharp. No delaying." "WOOO!" Han leapt through the window feet first. "Seriously, why isn't she using the door?" Skye asked.

"I'll go make us...god damn it! I hate not having my arms!" "Oh, I can make you breakfast. I'm an excellent cook." "Alright, there's some groceries still inside the fridge." "Oh! You should make your amazing mac and cheese!" Raven said. "Oh I should." "You guys are gonna love it. She uses like a whole packet of cheese slices." "Alright, we're just gonna go buy breakfast." Zeke said.

Moon and Han came back at 8:29 their hair puffed up like a bird's nest. They sprinted up the stairs causing a ruckus as things clattered and hit the ground. Everyone else sat around the dinner table eating from McDonalds.

"Zeke!? We need more time! Please!" "Make it quick!" "Love you!" Moon yelled. "Did you really think they'd be ready by 9?" Sunny asked. "The real estate agents don't open till ten." Sunny snickered feeding Zeke another piece. "Hey, wait. Did you do anything like that to me, when we were dating?" "...No." "You hesitated." "I'm gonna go get dressed!" He said leaving quickly. "Ezekiel. Ezekiel! Zeke!" Sunny called out.