

Bent toward the floor, wracked by violent coughs and spitting blood—poison coursing through my veins courtesy of my own family. How could they? Even if I'm not their flesh and blood, how could they betray me like this? My gaze flickered up to meet theirs, twisted in cruel anticipation, my mother, father, and sister, watching me with chilling detachment as if waiting for a morbid spectacle to unfold. Fury surged within me, a molten tide of rage and betrayal mingled with a raw desire for vengeance. I wanted to wrap my hands around their throats, to feel the warmth drain from their bodies, to see the fear in their eyes as they realized their mistake. And then, as if in response to my silent plea, something stirred—a voice, dark and seductive, whispering promises of retribution. "Do you seek revenge?" it chuckled, a sinister edge to its tone. I didn't hesitate. "Yes," I rasped, each word laced with the metallic tang of blood. "Good," it purred. "I can help you. All you need to do is offer me their souls." I nodded, a fervent agreement fueled by pain and anger. "Take whatever you want," I spat, my voice thick with venom. "Just make them pay."

DivineAuthor · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


"You don't have to thank me; it's my duty," Raina replied politely, her words carrying a sense of earnestness.

For a while, we remained silent, fully engrossed in the task of organizing the documents. The study was filled with the rhythmic scratching sound of the pen against paper as we diligently worked through the pile. Despite our efforts, the stack seemed endless, stretching out before us like an insurmountable mountain. With the sun sinking lower in the sky, the urgency of our task became all the more apparent.

"Why don't you consider hiring an assistant? That way, your workload could be significantly reduced," Raina suggested, her voice cutting through the quiet of the room as she continued to write.

Her words resonated with truth. The estate's growing population meant that my responsibilities would only continue to multiply, and without assistance, the burden would become overwhelming. Raina's insight was invaluable, and I knew she was right.

"I need someone to assist me with this monumental task," I admitted, feeling a sense of relief at the prospect of sharing the workload. If this continues unchecked, I fear I'll meet my second death.

With Raina's suggestion echoing in my mind, I made a mental note to schedule an event to hire an assistant. It was clear that a public notice would need to be created, outlining the basic criteria for the role. This way, we could attract suitable candidates and ensure that the estate continued to run smoothly in the face of its ever-expanding demands.

"Then let's schedule the event for the day after tomorrow and draft a public notice," I suggested, eager to take action. "I'll personally conduct the interviews."

"As you wish, my lady," Raina replied, her tone respectful and assured.

"We should wrap things up; it's almost time for dinner," I informed Raina, glancing out the window. The sun had long since set, leaving the world enveloped in darkness. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, and I yearned for a moment of respite.

We meticulously organized the documents and made our way toward the dining hall, the weight of our labor still lingering in the air. The exertion of the task left me craving a well-deserved reward in the form of a delicious meal. The thought of indulging in savory dishes and delectable treats served as a beacon of comfort amidst the fatigue that settled over me.

 As we approached the dining hall, the aroma of freshly prepared food wafted through the air, enticing my senses and fueling my anticipation.

Tonight, I would savor every bite, relishing in the satisfaction that came from a job well done.

After dinner, I strolled into the back garden, eager for my personal mana training session with Tenebris. Having mastered the art of channeling mana energy within my body, I was now ready to advance to the next level: learning to convert this energy into mana stones.

In the realm of spirit contracts, a crucial element is the medium used by the contractor. For my pact with Tenebris, the souls of my adopted family served as the medium. However, when it comes to forming contracts with elemental spirits, a different medium is required: mana stones crafted from the contractor's mana energy.

According to Tenebris, the next step in my training involved releasing my mana into the air and then infusing it together to transform it into a crystal form. While it sounded simple enough, handling mana energy could be perilous, especially when attempting to fuse large amounts. Failure to fully control my mana could result in a catastrophic explosion. In the worst-case scenario, the entire mansion could be wiped out.

"Are you ready?" Glancing surreptitiously at Tenebris, who stood at a slight distance, I inquired.

Tenebris responded by casting a substantial invisible barrier around us, ensuring that I wouldn't inadvertently destroy our surroundings.

"Yeah, you can start now," Tenebris prompted.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I replied, "Then here I go."

I raised my hands in front of me and pressed them together, initiating the process of releasing and infusing my mana into the air. As the energy emanated from my palms, a visible ripple spread through the surroundings, causing my hair to flutter and the grass beneath my feet to sway in response.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the mana energy surged, weighing heavily upon my body. The strain became increasingly unbearable, manifesting as beads of cold sweat forming on my forehead. Gritting my teeth against the discomfort, I persevered, determined to maintain control.

Despite my efforts, the raw power of the mana began to spiral out of control, transforming into a turbulent vortex of energy. Panic surged within me as I struggled against the invisible barrier that Tenebris had erected, my body contorting in a futile attempt to contain the chaotic force.

During this turmoil, I realized that I had reached my limit. Desperation clawed at my senses as I fought to regain control, but it was clear that I was teetering on the brink of disaster. 

Tenebris hurriedly rushed towards me, swiftly positioning himself behind me to restrain my flailing arms. With a firm yet reassuring grip, he held onto me, his presence offering a sense of stability amidst the chaos.

"Try to relax and leave this to me," he whispered into my ear, his voice a calming reassurance amid the tumultuous energy surrounding us.

As he extended his hand towards the erratic mana energy, a dark aura emanated from his touch, enveloping the unruly energy like a shroud. With a voracious hunger, his dark energy began to consume the swirling mana, steadily bringing it under control.

I watched in awe as my mana energy slowly dissipated into the darkness, the once turbulent force now being absorbed into Tenebris's dark matter, like a moth drawn to a flame.

As my body gradually relaxed, the tension dissipating with each passing moment, I found myself gazing at the large hand that securely held my arm. An unfamiliar yet oddly comforting sensation stirred within me, a mixture of gratitude and longing. It dawned on me that perhaps this was the support I had always yearned for but never received in my past life.

Turning my gaze towards Tenebris, I observed him completely engrossed in his task. The intensity of his crimson eyes seemed to flicker like flames amidst the darkness, illuminated by the ethereal glow of mana.

"I didn't realize it before, but red seems to be growing on me," I mused softly, a gentle laugh escaping my lips as I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Tenebris inquired, his attention momentarily diverted from his concentration.

I said, "Nothing", responding with a serene smile.