
Chapter 99 Celestial Spirit King

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from you, Ye Yuan." Loki, no, it should be Leo now, looked at Ye Yuan with an extremely complicated look. Originally, he wanted to quit the guild today and find a hidden place. A place to leave this world alone.

As a result, Mavis and Ye Yuan's words instantly disrupted Leo's entire plan. Leo had no idea what to say and could only smile helplessly.

"Loki, Ye Yuan, is what he said true? As a Celestial Spirit of the Zodiac, and also the strongest Leo, how could you be expelled from the Celestial Spirit world by the Celestial Spirit King?" Maka Love was very surprised that Leo was expelled from the Celestial Spirit world. He rarely heard of Celestial Spirit being expelled, and the reason why those Celestial Spirits were expelled was to kill the summoner. But regarding Leo being expelled, Makarov obviously didn't believe that Leo would kill the summoner.

"The reason why I was expelled was because I killed my summoner, Karen, so I was expelled from the Celestial Spirit world by the Celestial Spirit King. But I definitely don't regret it!" Leo had no intention of hiding anything and just said He said everything he did to Karen.

"Karen was the original contract owner of Celestial Spirit Aries and I, but she didn't value Celestial Spirit at all. Instead, she treated us as tools. She only made a contract with us to get benefits, and even used us as a shield." Even after several years. , when Leo said to Karen, he still showed strong dissatisfaction, but no hatred.

"I have always regarded Aries as my sister. When Karen abused Aries again, in order to stand up for Aries, I used my magic power to reach the human world and threatened Karen to cancel the contract between them. Karen refused to listen, so I relied on my own The powerful magic continues to stay in the world, but Karen died in an accident because she failed to double open the door to summon Celestial Spirit during a job. At the same time, I was expelled from the Celestial Spirit world because I violated the rules of the Celestial Spirit world and could not return to Celestial. In the spirit world, you can only stay in the human world." Leo "killed" himself in one breath. Karen told everyone what happened, and he told all his friends why he could not return to the star.

"I didn't expect it. According to external news, Karen is an extremely outstanding Celestial Spirit mage. This is indeed the case. It is really surprising." Makarov did not have the slightest doubt about Leo's words. Not only because I believe in Leo, but also because I believe in the existence of Ye Yuan and Mavis. No one's lies can deceive everyone present.

"You really know people but not their hearts. Who would have thought that Karen would be such a person."


"Leo, you did a beautiful job. If my sister had been abused, she would have died on the spot!"

"That's right, Leo, I support you!"

"Me too!"

"Count me in!"

The guild members present did not favor Karen at all because she was a human. They all supported Leo's actions that year. This was not only because Leo was a member of Fairy Tail, but also because of Makarov's teachings to them, which made Fairy Tail Every magician has his own bottom line and his own persistence.

Seeing the actions of the guild mage, Leo couldn't help but be very moved, and Makarov showed an expression of relief, which was the greatest affirmation of his teachings over the years.

"So Leo, tell me what you are thinking now. Do you regret what you did back then?" Looking at everyone's expressions and actions, especially Mavis's pleading eyes, Ye Yuan decided to intervene in Leo's case. This is also the first time Ye Yuan has intervened in a male matter, but this is the only time he will do it.

"I have never regretted it. I only regret that I was too hesitant and did not directly take the Celestial Spirit key from Karen's hand. Otherwise, Aries would not have fallen into the hands of the dark guild wizard. I still don't know about Aries." How are you doing?" Leo is still worried about Aries to this day, worried about that delicate and weak sister.


Seeing Leo's completely different performance from that in the original work, Ye Yuan seemed very proud. This was still due to him, because the existence of Ye Yuan was not only for the strength of the guild, but also for the character of the guild wizards in handling things. All have some great influence.

"In this case, I will make an exception for you today. I have never helped men solve problems before. I have always solved them for you indirectly. This time I will help you solve this problem directly!" Ye Yuan was silent for a moment. , under the gaze of everyone in the guild, the figure appeared directly in front of Leo and said these words extremely seriously.

And what Ye Yuan said immediately made the wizards in the entire guild feel relaxed, and they were completely relieved of their previous nervousness. For them, there is nothing in this world that Ye Yuan cannot solve. This is what Ye Yuan said. The impact of Yuan's strength on the guild.

"Let's go to the back mountain. If we are here, I'm really afraid of accidentally destroying the town again." Ye Yuan put his hand on Leo's shoulder, smiled at Mavis, and the two of them disappeared immediately.

"...Great, Ye Yuan can definitely solve Leo's matter if he takes action!"

"Yes, it is too easy to solve this problem with Ye Yuan's strength."

"But after the resolution, will Leo return to the Celestial Spirit world and become his Leo Celestial Spirit again, or will he still be the wizard of the guild?"

Seeing Ye Yuan and Leo leaving the guild, the magicians in the guild became more relaxed and no longer nervous.


"It seems that Ye Yuan's status in the guild has surpassed yours for three generations." Mavis did not go with Ye Yuan, but stayed in the guild "I want to know more about the guild.

"Yeah, maybe Ye Yuan didn't realize that he has become everyone's spiritual support. It's a pity that he will not be the fourth generation president no matter what." Makarov said this, looking extremely depressed.

"Giggles, then you can continue to be your third generation. With Ye Yuan's existence, what's the difference between you being the third generation and retiring?" Mavis saw through Makarov's little thoughts at a glance and smiled (denuohao). Said to Makarov.

"Haha, that's what the first generation said." Makarov suddenly seemed a little embarrassed after Mavis saw through his little thoughts, and laughed on the spot to hide his embarrassment.

In the back mountain of the town, Ye Yuan and Leo appeared in front of a waterfall in the back mountain. Looking at this extremely familiar scene, Ye Yuan smiled, leaving Leo a little confused.

"Celestial Spirit King, get the hell out of here!"

An even more unexpected scene appeared for Leo. Ye Yuan shouted domineeringly forward without even moving to open the door, but the result left Leo stunned in place for an instant.

"Sir, please calm down. I don't know how to provoke you." The Celestial Spirit King had just finished speaking to Ye Yuan. He appeared in front of Ye Yuan. His figure was not as huge as Leo's impression, and his aura was not at all. Odu doubted whether this was the Celestial Spirit King. It couldn't be a fake Celestial Spirit King. .