
Chapter 96 Elf World (Part 2)

"Creator, where is this?" Igabela looked at the extremely desolate world in front of her, a little confused and a little excited.

"This is the world you will live in in the future - the Elf World, but it has not been completely completed yet. Next, I need to rebuild this Elf World." Ye Yuan took out several walking tools and looked at the desolate and unstable landscape in front of him. The world frowned tightly.

"First, let this world be completely stabilized!" Ye Yuan took out a stick and touched the stick directly into the world.

That seemingly ordinary stick, after falling to the ground of this world, instantly turned into a sky-high stick, allowing the world to expand but not shrink.

"The next step is to make this world full of magic." Ye Yuan looked at the many props in his hand, smiled slightly, and threw them into the world one by one.

Whenever a prop comes into contact with the Elf World, there is one more rule in the Elf World, and these extra rules are all understood by Ye Yuan himself. He only gives these rules to this world.

"With these rules, it should be almost done. The next step is to activate these rules." Ye Yuan felt the rules contained in the elf world today and suddenly made a decision.



There was a loud noise, and the five elves thought something serious had happened. They looked at Ye Yuan in panic, only to find that after the loud noise, the elves world was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The earth, mountains/peaks, oceans, forests, sky, etc., all appeared in the new elven world after the loud noise. The elven world was still desolate a moment ago.

In an instant, it becomes no different from the human world.

"That's all I've done. Now you have to complete it yourself. What the elves need is their own civilization, which is not the same as human civilization. Otherwise, you might as well just stay in the human world." Ye Yuan spread his voice in the elf world. There are countless light spots under the sky, and the light spots contain the breath of life, but if you want to grow into an elf, you still need powerful magic power.

That is to say, after the light spot fell to the ground, the magic power in the entire elven world suddenly became thicker. This was the last gift Ye Yuan gave them.

"Go, this is the last step I will take for you. These elves will arrive in a few days." After Ye Yuan said these last words to the five elves, his figure gradually disappeared in front of them.

"Creator, thank you very much!" As the Elf King, Igabela was very grateful for Ye Yuan's last step. He really couldn't imagine how long it would take him and four high-level elves to conceive without the newborn elves. There are new elves, and I don't know how long it will take for them to develop a civilization that belongs only to their elves.

With these new elves, this time will be greatly reduced, making Igabella full of confidence in the future of the elven world.

Ye Yuan, who left the Elf World, appears outside the Elf World at this moment, which is where the alien space is.

"I didn't expect that the attraction between spaces is so strong. Even with my magic circle, it can still merge at such a speed." Ye Yuan frowned tightly as he watched the crystal in front of him move in a certain direction at a speed visible to the naked eye. He frowned.

"Am I still too weak? Even with the help of space crystals, I can't open up a pseudo-world." Ye Yuan looked at the space crystals with great reluctance. This blow was really too big for Ye Yuan.


"In that case, I will integrate the space crystal into my body!" Ye Yuan looked at the space crystal and a crazy idea came to his mind.

Just do it as he thought, Ye Yuan instantly took the space crystal in his hand and sat in the different space, completely ignoring the storm in the different space.

"It can be said that the elf world has been barely developed now. The five of you need to develop it yourself. With my current strength, I can maintain the 100:1 time ratio for a month at most. Let me see you in 3000 years. How can the elf world be developed?" Ye Yuan looked at the space barrier, looking forward to the elf world in a month and looking forward to what level the elf ghosts could reach in 3000 years.

"Now that it has been developed, I will never allow the elf world to be destroyed." Ye Yuan took the space crystal and used his absolute control over the space to try to control the space crystal.

As expected by Ye Yuan, he successfully controlled the space crystal. The next step was to integrate the space crystal into his own body. From now on, it would be like a world of its own within his own body.

Looking at the space crystal in his hand, Ye Yuan had a headache. Ye Yuan had never tried fusion before, and the information he had had no information on this aspect. He had to explore everything by himself.

"Let's try using magic power first. My magic power is different from that of ordinary magicians. Coupled with the ability of absolute control, I might be able to succeed in one go." Ye Yuan thought about his ability to absolutely control what he was going to do next. I suddenly felt confident.

…Please give me flowers…

Later, Ye Yuan used his magic power that had been compressed countless times to completely wrap the space crystal, and at the same time used his absolute control ability.


Suddenly, something unexpected happened to Ye Yuan. The space crystal shattered. Ye Yuan was so frightened that he quickly wanted to stop his movements, but found that he could not actively cut off the transmission of magic power!


Ye Yuan is not worried at all about whether his magic power will be exhausted. What he is worried about is whether there will be any problems in the elven world within the crystal.

As time passed, the space barrier became more and more fragmented, slowly reaching a limit and falling into pieces in an instant.

Then, from the space crystal, a white light rushed straight into Ye Yuan's body, leaving Ye Yuan with no time to react.

"What was that thing just now?" Ye Yuan was very curious about it without any worry.

Then Ye Yuan carefully searched for the ray of light in his body. He wanted to know what the light was, why it rushed into his body, what became of the spirit world in the space crystallization, and a series of questions. These are what Ye Yuan wants to know most urgently.

It didn't take long for Ye Yuan to discover that ray of light in the place where the magic power was stored in his body, and that ray of light was absorbing his own history at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing the magic power in his body decreasing rapidly, Ye Yuan did not feel the magic power in his body decrease at all. Instead, it increased somewhat, which made Ye Yuan a little confused.

"It's really strange. What's going on with this light?" Ye Yuan, who couldn't figure it out, put the reason for all this on the light and began to understand the information of the light in depth.

"So that's it. I didn't expect that the Elf World could be integrated into my body so easily. Moreover, since the overall strength of the Elf World is strong, my strength will naturally become stronger. On the contrary, even if the Elf World is destroyed, my strength will not be affected at all. "After learning more about the light, Ye Yuan showed an excited expression on his face.

"Then it's over. It's time to go back. I don't know if Mavis has woken up." After knowing the information about the light, Ye Yuan stopped thinking about it and directly left the different space and returned to Tianrou Island, heading towards where Mavis was. Walk to the location.

I really don't know how to write about this kind of plot. I will never write about this type of plot again. Please forgive me. .