
Chapter 95 Elf World (Part 1)

"It's almost time and it's time to start. Ye Yuan lay on the grass and looked up at the sky. Unknowingly, the day had passed and night came again.

And Mavis, at this moment, was lying next to Ye Yuan, sleeping very soundly, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she seemed very happy.

"It's time to go, why do I always meet girls every time I go out? Oh, life!" Ye Yuan shook his head helplessly and placed a barrier around Mavis to prevent what would happen later and put Mavis to death. Wake up.

"Everyone, come out!" Ye Yuan's figure teleported to the other side of Tianlang Island and summoned four magic circles in front of him.

"High Elf, Flame Herrick, obey the call of the creator!" Now Herrick is no longer the same as before. He listened to Ye Yuan's words and has turned into a human form.

But he still retains his characteristic, that is, his whole body is burning with fire!

"High-level elf, Ice Shadow Aquith, obey the call of the creator!" Like Herrick, Aquith is also in human form. The difference is that there is a blue halo under Aquith's feet, which will attract Aquith. Only the water element was left around Ques, and 240 no other elements.


"High-level elf, Aurora Gray Lin, obey the call of the creator!" In comparison, Gray Lin's human form seems unconventional, with his hair standing completely upright, crackling thunder and lightning sounds, and his body shape is even larger than that of He Rui. Ke is even stronger and can compete with Elfman!

"High-level Elf, the undead Merkel, obey the call of the creator!" Merkel's human form, holding the scythe in the elf form, exudes a strong mixture of darkness, undead, death, etc. The negative atmosphere makes Merkel look extremely gloomy.

"Elf King, Igabella, obey the call of the creator!" The fifth Igabella came out of the magic circle, with a crown shining with colorful light on his head, a sword in his hand, and There was a mysterious mark printed on his back, and he stood in front of Ye Yuan with great respect.

"Herrick, Aquith, Gray Lin, Merkel and Igabella, I will open up your own Elf World for you soon. From now on, you must stay in the Elf World and maintain the Elf World with peace of mind. Develop and grow." Ye Yuan only created five elves, looked at the five elves in front of him, and said to them very seriously.

"Yes, creator!" After hearing Ye Yuan's words, the five elves replied extremely solemnly, their words full of excitement.

As elves, they are destined to be unable to completely harmonize with the human world. Now that they hear that there is a world of elves dedicated to them, how can they not be surprised?

"Then it's time to start!" Ye Yuan nodded to them, looking straight ahead of him, and the magic power in his body spurted out instantly.

The powerful magic power changed the original trajectory of Tianrou Island in an instant, causing all the sea water around Tianlang Island to separate, and a huge whirlpool formed in the sky.

At this moment, Tianlang Island became an absolutely forbidden place. Any magician who came here would definitely die!


"Have we started?" When the changes occurred on Tianrou Island, Makarov sensed it instantly, and his figure suddenly appeared on the top of the guild and looked up at the square where Tianrou Island was located.

"President, if I remember correctly, it is the holy land of the guild, where Tenrou Island is located. What happened there?" Gildarts had just completed the commission and returned to the guild, when he noticed the huge changes that had taken place on Tenrou Island. He hurriedly followed Makarov.

"Don't worry, this is Ye Yuan taking action." Makarov only said this to Gildarts, and then his eyes were fixed on the location of Tianrou Island again.

"That guy Ye Yuan, has he already started to create the world?" Hearing Makarov's words, Gildarts had no doubts at all. He also looked at the location of Tianlang Island with high concentration, feeling the energy emanating from Tianlang Island at this time. magic.

Ye Yuan on Tianrou Island, the magic power of his whole body was completely released. Because of Ye Yuan's magic power, the five elves were completely unable to stand up, and they all fell to the ground. Even so, the pressure they received did not weaken at all.

"Isolate it!" Ye Yuan's hand grabbed the space in front of him, and the stable space became fragmented in an instant, and the position where Ye Yuan grabbed it formed a black hole in space.

You can clearly see the aura of destruction emanating from the black hole in space. Even the Four Heavenly Kings will definitely die in the face of this black hole in space!

"Want to recover? Ask me first if I agree!" Ye Yuan looked at the rapidly recovering space black hole, sneered disdainfully, stretched out his hand again, completely ignoring the existence of the space black hole, reached into the space black hole with his bare hands, and hardened the space black hole. It expanded a bit again.

Even as a life created by Ye Yuan, the five elves felt extremely incredible when they looked at Ye Yuan's movements. They could not even guess the depth of Ye Yuan's strength.


"Come out!" Ye Yuan expanded the black hole in space several times, and then took out a transparent crystal directly from the black hole in space.

The attraction from the black hole in space, the five elves already felt like they were beyond their capabilities. The moment Ye Yuan took out the crystal, the attraction from the black hole in space suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only ten spaces that were not worthy of the name. black hole.

"That's it, let's get down to business." Ye Yuan looked at the crystal in his hand, smiled with satisfaction, and then casually closed the black hole in space, as if it had never appeared.

"Gudong!" Looking at Ye Yuan's movements, the five elves collectively widened their eyes and looked at the place where the black hole in space used to be in disbelief.

"The next step is to put this thing in a different space, let it break away from the space and form an independent space on its own." Ye Yuan looked at the inconspicuous transparent crystal in his hand. Even now Ye Yuan still feels uncertain about the next step. Quite tricky.

After a while, under the confused eyes of the five elves, Ye Yuan threw the transparent crystal in his hand to a certain position.


The crystal that was originally ordinary in Ye Yuan's hands exploded directly after leaving Ye Yuan's control, but the explosion was not in this space, but in another space.

"Now that thing is in another space, it's time to go inside." Before the five elves could react, Ye Yuan led them out of this space instantly and came to the space where the crystal was. .