
Chapter 88 The Mystery Of The Blood Moon

In front of everyone, a monster with a body like a phantom was seen standing on a stone, making weird movements and looking up at the sky.

It was clearly daytime, but everyone couldn't help but tremble when they looked at the monster. When Capricorn saw the monster's movements, his expression changed drastically!

"Princess, is this the monster you are going to deal with?" Capricorn's somewhat urgent voice suddenly resounded in Lucy's mind.

"That's right, Taurus already fought it last time and said it was very weak. What's wrong with Capricorn? Is there any problem?" Lucy said to Capricorn's voice, which rang in her mind, without any surprise at all. , What surprised her was that Capricorn's words were completely different from Taurus' previous performance.

"That's because Taurus is originally a combat-type Celestial Spirit, and coupled with the unique constellation characteristics of Taurus, it is not afraid of the monster in front of it at all, but the true ability of this monster is definitely frightening to everyone. Existence!" Capricorn said 22 Here, even now, he is not willing to face this kind of monster, but if this monster threatens Lucy, that is a different matter.

Lucy heard many words she had never heard in Capricorn's words, but now she had no intention of asking about them. She was only worried about Capricorn's last words.

"Cape, what ability does that monster have? It makes you so nervous?" Lucy looked very curious. Until now, she didn't feel the slightest fear. Not only did she trust her Celestial Spirit, but she also had absolute trust in Erza. , she will never forget the time she saw the destruction caused by Erza using all her strength.


"The truly weird ability of that monster is to expand the darkness deep in a creature's heart without limit, to fully explode the potential of that creature in an instant, and then to possess that creature by itself, to completely control that creature, and even more What's frightening is that if you kill the creature it controls, the monster will completely transfer to your body, then lodge in your body and gradually control you. It can be said that it is a completely unsolvable existence. ." Capricorn's voice was trembling, and you can imagine the shock this monster had on him.

Who in the world dares to say that there is no darkness in his heart? Even if you don't have darkness, as long as you have even a little bit, that monster can maximize the darkness in your heart.

Then the dove takes over the magpie's nest and completely devours everything about you, turning it into its nutrients.

Lucy had obviously thought of this, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly told everyone all the information Capricorn had told her, regardless of alarming the enemy. Everyone's faces changed drastically, and they looked at the monster not far away, showing extreme fear. expression.

And the monster didn't know what it was doing. It seemed that it didn't notice everyone at all and was still doing its weird movements in the same place.

"Then what should we do now? It's impossible for this monster to have no weaknesses. According to this, this monster is invincible!" Gray's face was extremely ugly. Just now he saw Lyon's figure, and he looked obviously already Controlled by that monster.

After hearing Gray's words, everyone except Natsu showed very ugly expressions. It was obvious that everyone felt quite troubled by this situation.

"Capricorn, isn't there any way to deal with this monster?" Lucy looked at Capricorn for help. She could only ask Capricorn for help now, but she couldn't think of any other way.


"There is really no way to fight this monster head-on, but if you find the weakness of this monster, even an ordinary person can easily solve it." Capricorn said this, turning his head to look at the monster that was still motionless, and suddenly felt something in his heart. made a guess,

"Where is the weakness?" Everyone asked Capricorn at the same time. The sound was so loud that it could be heard clearly even from a hundred meters away, but the monster seemed not to hear it at all.

"That monster's ability is quite strange and powerful, and its weakness is also extremely fatal, and its weakness is the blood moon. At the same time, the location of its life and strength is in the blood moon! As long as the blood moon is found, the blood moon will be found. If the moon is destroyed, then this monster will die completely." Capricorn said to everyone with a serious face, while keeping his eyes on the monster's movements.

Sure enough, when Capricorn talked about the blood moon, the monster's movements obviously sped up a bit, and Capricorn immediately confirmed his suspicion.

"Blood moon? Could it be..." Natsu and Gray heard Capricorn's words and immediately thought of the blood moon they saw when they arrived at Galuna Island. They wanted to ask Capricorn about it, but found that Capricorn was missing. At the same time, he also disappeared. There is a figure of Erza.

"It seems I'm not the only one who noticed it." Capricorn's figure appeared next to the monster, looking at Erza beside him with a smile.

"Well, thanks to your information, otherwise we would be in danger." Erza was very grateful to Capricorn. It was hard for her to imagine what would happen if her group directly attacked the monster without knowing the monster's information.

"You're welcome. I can feel that you have the aura of that adult. Even without my reminder, you can deal with this monster." Capricorn said as he took the monster away from the rock with one hand. Come down.


After removing the 197 monster from the rock, a blood moon suddenly appeared in the sky. Even in the daytime, it was extremely conspicuous and could not be hidden at all.

"Is that the fatal part of this monster?" Erza looked at the blood moon above her head, and then at the monster held by Capricorn. Her eyes were quite weird. She couldn't imagine that this monster would use its fatal weakness like this. Clearly revealed.

"Indeed, if this monster hadn't coveted the magic power of the Moon Drop and placed its blood moon in the sky, we wouldn't have been able to catch this monster so easily." Capricorn looked at the ashen monster on his hand and said: No sympathy at all.

"Indeed, greed is the greatest original sin!" Erza said sadly, showing no mercy for this monster.

Just in case something happened unexpectedly, Erza directly changed into a giant armor, and a huge evil-killing gun appeared in her hand.

"This is the end, go ahead, Evil-Breaking Spear!" Now Erza's strength far exceeds that of the original work, and she alone throws the Evil-Breaking Spear high into the sky where the blood moon is.


There was a crisp sound, and the blood moon shattered in response. At the same time, the monster in Capricorn's hand let out a scream and turned into nothingness, disappearing completely, leaving nothing behind.