
Chapter 6 King Of Destruction Ye Yuan

"Gildarts, are you sure! You should know what that means!" Makarov's face became extremely solemn for the first time. He looked at Gildarts in front of him and asked repeatedly.

"Well, President, of course I understand what it means. In fact, I wanted to go five years ago, but at that time I really couldn't trust the guild. Now..." Gildarts said and looked at the door of the guild. No. Know what to wait for.

At the same time, Makarov also looked at the guild door, but with a look of helplessness on his face.


An explosion announced the end of the gate's mission.

"I knew he was back!" Gildarts looked at the figure standing at the gate with a smile.

"Ye Yuan! Didn't I say not to destroy the guild's things!" Makarov roared at Ye Yuan.

"It's OK, it's OK, you'll get used to it." Ye Yuan didn't care at all about Makarov's roar, and walked slowly to the counter as usual.

"President, you didn't expect that he could grow to this point five years ago." Gildarts looked at Ye Yuan, who was going his own way, and Makarov, who was extremely annoyed, and suddenly said.

"No, his potential is more than that!" Unexpectedly, Makarov shook his head after hearing Gildarts' words, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I guess so, Ye Yuan may be able to reach the height of the Four Heavenly Kings." Even though the Gildarts today are far more powerful than they were five years ago, they still feel that there is a huge gap between them and the Four Heavenly Kings in the Holy Ten.


"That guy's potential is more than just the Four Heavenly Kings!" Makarov shook his head slightly. As the president of Fairy Tail, Makarov deeply understands how terrifying Ye Yuan's potential is. It's not just what Gildarts said. It's like the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Not just the Four Heavenly Kings!" Gildarts was shocked by Makarov's words. He thought he knew enough about Ye Yuan's potential and guessed high enough, but he still guessed low.

"Yes, that guy has a talent that is not inferior to that of Zeref, no! It even exceeds Zeref's!" Makarov frowned. Because of this, Makarov was worried that Ye Yuan would go astray.

"Beyond Zeref's talent!" Gildarts was completely shocked by Makarov's comment.

Who is Zeref? That is a legendary existence in the magic world, the only one who is the strongest in the history of magic, whose name is almost called the Forbidden Words by future generations, the existence of the ancestor of the black magicians!

And what Gildarts heard was that "Ye Yuan has a talent beyond Zeref". If this sentence was known to others, Gildarts would definitely believe that Ye Yuan, who has not yet grown up, would definitely be secretly plotted by those in the dark guild and the council. solve.

"President, isn't this a bit exaggerated?" Gildarts looked at Ye Yuan in disbelief, turned his head and looked at Makarov with an incredible expression.

"It's not an exaggeration at all, Gildarts, you don't know how terrifying Ye Yuan's talent is yet. In a few years, when you reach my level, you will understand how terrifying Ye Yuan's talent is!" Macaro The husband said as he walked downstairs.

"Have you reached the level of president!" Gildarts clenched his fists, his eyes full of confidence, and then followed Makarov down the second floor.

"Old man, uncle, you are down, I thought you wouldn't come down today." Ye Yuan looked at Makarov and Gildarts with a smile on his face, holding a subjugation order in his hand.

"Ye Yuan, are you going to conquer the dark guild again?" Makarov just glanced at the conquering list in Ye Yuan's hand and didn't care at all which dark guild it was.


"Well, it's the A-level dark guild - Fire Rock Ghost." Ye Yuan nodded and placed the subjugation sheet in his hand on the counter.

In the magic world, the three levels of guilds, wizards, and magicians are basically the same, ranging from F level to A level, with the top being S level.

"Oh my god, did I hear it right? A-level dark guild!"

"Isn't it incredible that one person can conquer the entire Dark Guild!"

"The important thing is that Ye Yuan is only 11 years old this year! He has such strength at the age of 11. How strong will he be when he becomes an adult!"

"Fire Rock Ghosts! If I remember correctly, they belong to the guild affiliated with Grimoire Heart." Gildarts took the subjugation order and looked at it carefully, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"Indeed, it took me a lot of effort, but I solved the last ball." Ye Yuan said extremely relaxedly, especially the last sentence, which caused the entire guild to fall into silence.

"Ye Yuan! Didn't you say that you should never use that move unless you have to? It's not like you don't know how destructive that move is! Five years ago, you were a D-class mage and you were able to defeat him with that move. Gildarts is injured, now as an S-class mage, you use that move again..." Makarov exploded when he heard that Ye Yuan used the same move five years ago. He could completely imagine the fire rock ghost. What the guild has become.

"It's settled, it's settled, I didn't use all my strength to fuse an element, and it just made a hole in the fire rock ghost guild's radius of more than ten kilometers." Ye Yuan said completely nonchalantly.

"Ye Yuan!" Makarov became completely angry when he heard Ye Yuan's words, and he directly turned into a giant and punched Ye Yuan.



After a while, Ye Yuan had big bumps on his head and looked at Makarov with a resentful look on his face.

"Old man, you said I developed a magic, but you said it can't be used. You can't let me fight in close combat with a magician." Ye Yuan looked at Makarov pitifully. Regarding what Makarov just said, The attack was completely unrequited.

"You also said that the magic you developed is more terrifying than the last. Look at how many forbidden magics our guild has now!" Makarov became even more angry after hearing Ye Yuan's words and took out a book. The book crashed on the counter.

"Well, this, this, I don't want to, but who knows that even if I use an ordinary fireball magic, it will actually absorb the fire element and grow independently after leaving my control, and its power will increase geometrically." Ye Yuan looked helpless, which he only discovered after becoming an S-class mage.

"From now on, if you can't solve this problem, don't give me any tasks or use any magic!" Makarov gave Ye Yuan an ultimatum and left the guild directly.

"No, President!" Ye Yuan's first reaction when he heard Makarov was to object, but Makarov disappeared before he could speak.

"Haha, work hard, our King of Destruction Ye Yuan." Gildarts laughed and patted Ye Yuan on the shoulder, gloating about his misfortune and preparing to leave.

"Damn it! Don't let me know who gave me this title! Let me know that I have to kill him!" When Ye Yuan heard Gildarts' gloating words, he lost his temper for a moment. Ye Yuan was so confused about this title. pole.

"Didn't I just destroy a few towns and mountains during the mission without hurting anyone? Why did you give me this title? I should give me a more domineering title, such as the God of Destruction or something like that. , What kind of title is the King of Destruction, do I look like that muscular man!" Ye Yuan left the guild angrily and walked to his home, ready to solve the problem Makarov mentioned.