
Chapter 47 Curse To Kill Ye Yuan

The dust caused by the explosion had not completely dissipated, and Natsu plummeted vertically towards the ground, with horrific wounds all over his body.

"Kid, it's all over!" Erigor followed closely and flew above Natsu. There was no wind armor around his body. He held a scythe in both hands. Erigor showed a cruel smile. He was about to use the scythe to kill Natsu. Cut off the head instead of using magic.

"Natsu, be careful, get out of the way!" Happy, who had just woken up, saw Erigor's movements and shouted at Natsu. However, due to the battle just now, Natsu's magic power had been completely used up, and his body was finally damaged. It was a blessing that Erigor didn't die on the spot due to Erigor's magic attack.

"Kid, this is the huge gap between me as you and me as an S-class mage. It's all over. Go to hell!" Erigor sneered and raised his huge scythe, looking at Natsu who was right in front of him. Smiling, he swung the sickle down fiercely.

"No, Natsu!" Happy yelled in fear when he saw Erigor's actions. He wanted to fly up to save Natsu, but because he was hit by Erigor's magic before, his body was too seriously injured and he couldn't fly at all. He could only watch helplessly. Erigor's scythe was swung towards Natsu's head.


There was no sound as expected, but instead the sound of steel colliding, a crisp sound.

"Huh, it's okay, I almost didn't feel it." Elfman looked at Natsu who had been rescued by him, and heaved a sigh of relief.


After he and Gray eliminated Eisenwald's magicians, he did not dare to stay for even a moment, released all his magic power, and took Gray all the way. When he arrived, he saw Erigor swinging his scythe, and Elfman completed the reception in an instant. , transformed into the strongest Beast King state, but it was still a step too slow.

"Master is indeed right. There is a power hidden in Natsu's body. It will only appear when Natsu is in danger. Otherwise, Erigor's scythe would not have paused inexplicably just now." Elfman in the beast king state , completely ignoring Erigor beside him, looking at Natsu in his hand, thinking of what Ye Yuan told him, and fell into deep thought.

"Damn it, what happened just now? How come I suddenly can't swing the scythe!" When Erigor saw Elfman, he flew high into the air at high speed, looked at the scythe in his hand, then looked at Elfman and Natsu, and his expression turned pale. Extremely ugly.

"Gray, Natsu and Happy will be taken care of by you first. I'll take care of Erigor first." Elfman threw Natsu in his hand directly to Gray who reached Happy. He looked at Erigor in the sky without paying attention to him at all. inside.

Gray caught Natsu steadily and found that Natsu's wounds had basically healed, and his admiration for Elfman deepened.

During the battle with Eisenwald, the strength displayed by Elfman completely conquered Gray. Although Gray had long known that Elfman was extremely powerful, he had never seen it with his own eyes. After seeing it with his own eyes, he truly understood Elfman's strength. How powerful is it?

Just when he thought that was Elfman's full strength, just when Elfman transformed into the Beast King, Gray felt the aura exuded by Elfman, and at that moment he felt like he was facing death!

Only then did he realize how powerful Elfman was, far beyond his imagination.

"You want to assassinate the president, but you still hurt Natsu so badly, Erigor!" Elfman, in the beast king state, appeared in front of Erigor in an instant, and his hand was directly holding the blade of the huge scythe.

Erigor's dead face looked at Elfman with an expression of fear for the first time.

Compared with five years ago, Elfman, who is now in the state of Beast King, has several more mysterious patterns on his golden armor-like skin. The two sharp horns on his head seem to have matured and are shining extremely sharply. of cold light.


Other than that, there is no difference between him and humans. It looks as if Elfman is only wearing a suit of armor. Only Elfman and his enemies know how terrifying he is in the state of the Beast King.

Elfman, who is not in the state of the Beast King, can also defeat Erigor, but definitely not in such an absolutely crushing manner. It can be said that Elfman in the state of the Beast King, even the Four Heavenly Kings, cannot defeat Elfman without paying some price. This is Elfman's trump card is also Elfman's biggest reliance.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence!" Elfman looked at Erigor who didn't say a word. He stopped saying any unnecessary words and directly expressed his attitude towards Erigor with practical actions.


With a crisp sound, the scythe that accompanied Erigor to fame was instantly crushed in half by Elfman's bare hands.

"My scythe! You bastard! I didn't want to use this move, you forced me to do it!" When Erigor heard the sound of his scythe breaking, he instantly recovered from being suppressed by Elfman's breath and used his last With some magic power, he stayed away from Elfman and took out the Magic Flute Larabai without saying a word.

"Don't even think about it!" Although he didn't know what Erigor wanted to do, it was definitely not a good thing. Elfman, who wanted to perfectly complete the task assigned by Ye Yuan, would never allow any accidents to happen.

So when Erigor just took out the magic flute, Elfman rushed towards Erigor's location.


"Haha, your speed is too slow. This is a forbidden technique. I know I can't beat you. In this case, it's better to use my life to use the forbidden technique!" Erigor just took out the magic flute, and then spoke in a kind of way. At an extremely fast speed, he stabbed the magic flute directly into his heart.

"Erigor, what do you want to do!" Looking at Erigor's movements, Elfman stopped moving. He knew that even reaching Erigor's side would not help.


"Originally I didn't want to use this forbidden technique. The price of this forbidden technique is not only life, but also my soul! But you are the one who forced me to do this. I want you to feel complete fear and let you know that I am the God of Death. The terror of Erigor!" After inserting the magic flute into his heart, Erigor showed no sign of death at all, but became more and more alive.

Elfman was watching Erigor's crazy performance not far away, watching the magic flute Larabay gradually and completely sinking into Erigor's heart, feeling Erigor's rapidly increasing strength, and his whole body tensed up.

"Haha, let me show you my forbidden technique. I will make you feel complete despair! Demon Lalabhai, I am willing to give my life and soul to curse Ye Yuan of Fairy Tail!" Erigor originally wanted to He wanted to curse Makarov to death, but suddenly he remembered Natsu's words and changed his mind in an instant.

"Curse Master?" Elfman had a confused look on his face when he heard Erigor's words. He had no idea that Erigor's forbidden technique was this. As Ye Yuan's apprentice, he had a deep understanding of how powerful Ye Yuan was. I know why Ye Yuan was sealed five years ago.

As a result, he heard something and heard that Erigor wanted to kill Ye Yuan with a demon curse, which made Elfman confused on the spot.

"Human, I, Lalabhai, grant your wish!" Another voice came from Erigor's body. This voice was obviously the so-called demon Lalabhai.

Listening to Lalabhai's voice, Elfman didn't know what to say at all. Should he still say that this demon was too stupid or just too stupid? This is a problem.

"Ah! Just wait for the magicians of Fairy Tail to be destroyed. Lalabhai will definitely let you kill them all!" Erigor suddenly let out a huge scream, and as the scream became smaller and smaller, it also foreshadowed Erigor completely disappeared from this world.

"This human's body is not bad, barely enough for this demon to use. The next step is to deal with the person he talks about. After that, I, Larabai, will be completely free." Larabai felt Erigor's body and showed a satisfied expression. But thinking about Erigor's last words, Lalabhai's face became extremely ferocious. It can be imagined that Erigor's forbidden technique still had a huge impact on Lalabhai.