
Chapter 40 The Strongest Team

"Tsk tsk, it's Ye Yuan as expected. He just came back and caught all the beauties from the guild." While drinking, Macao looked at Ye Yuan in front of the counter, with unspeakable jealousy in his words.

"Haha, Macao is the world of young people now, we are old." Wakaba took a big sip of a glass of wine without looking at Ye Yuan's movements. He was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the blow.

As for the other magicians in the guild, they didn't dare to say a word. They could only look at Ye Yuan with extremely jealous eyes. If looks could kill, Ye Yuan would die countless times right now.

As for Ye Yuan himself, he didn't have the slightest awareness and continued to fall in love with Erza and the others, without any concern about the feelings of the single members of the guild.

And Erza, at this moment, didn't look like a fairy queen at all, she looked exactly like a little woman, her pretty face was always red.

"Ye Yuan, tell me, since you returned to the guild, Erza and the others have not accepted any of the missions. Look at how many missions the guild has now." Makarov loved and hated Ye Yuan, and was full of emotions. Feeling helpless, he stood next to Ye Yuan and pointed at the commission board. There was only one commission board at first, but suddenly it turned into three, and they were all full.

Ye Yuan looked at the three full commission boards and scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to do this. He really couldn't control his body.

Ever since he confirmed his relationship with Erza and the others a few days ago, Ye Yuan has been thinking about home runs these days. As a result, Erza and the others guarded him like thieves, touching any part of his body casually, but they resolutely refused to let Ye Yuan do the last step. Tianrang Ye Yuan was extremely depressed.


Looking at the embarrassed Ye Yuan, Erza and the six girls lowered their heads at the same time, their pretty faces turned pink. After all, they were only focused on being with Ye Yuan these days and completely forgot about the commission, especially Lucy, who had been in the guild for so long. It's been a while, but she hasn't completed a commission yet, which makes her look very embarrassed.

"Okay, old man, let's complete the mission." Ye Yuan didn't know what he thought of, and a malicious smile appeared on his lips, but it was not directed at Makarov, but at the targets of those missions.

As expected, Ye Yuan's next words shocked the entire guild.

"I, Erza, Mira, Korano, Kinana, Cana, Lucy and the lovely Levy will form a team to complete the commissioned task." Ye Yuan blinked at an extremely cute girl next to Lucy, his voice Spread throughout the entire guild.

"Gudong! You're kidding!" Macao's wine glass fell to the ground with a look of disbelief.

"Gudong! Ye Yuan alone is strong enough, plus the others, this is really the strongest team in Fairy Tail, no! It should be said that it is the strongest team in the entire kingdom!" Wakaba said the same. It was a look of disbelief.

silence! Except for silence, the entire guild was completely silent. No one spoke. They were completely stunned by Ye Yuan's words. What Ye Yuan said was really incredible.

"Ye Yuan, are you telling the truth?" Makarov became extremely serious and asked Ye Yuan again and again.

"Of course, old man, we will definitely complete the commissioned task as quickly as possible, don't you think so." Ye Yuan said with great confidence, and finally asked the women beside him.


"Of course!" Erza had already taken out the sword, looking forward to the next mission. Nowadays, Erza rarely wears armor. Most of the time, she just changes weapons.

"Mo Mo can't wait any longer." Mira touched Mo Mo who was resting on his shoulder and looked at Makarov with squinted eyes.

"Destroy all the evil in the world!" Sorono directly transformed into an angel state. The halo on his head flashed with a powerful aura, and three pairs of wings appeared behind him. A pair of wings from five years ago can be compared with an A-class one. The monsters were tied, and Sorano, with three pairs of wings, had no idea how powerful he was.

"Great, Kinana is going to show off her skills." Kinana condensed two elemental balls in her hands and waved her hands without obeying, almost scaring Makarov to death. The guild's magician's heart stopped beating for an instant, as if watching To death.

"Which card are you going to use today?" Dozens of cards suddenly appeared in Cana's hand, causing the magicians in the guild to roll their eyes, and several magicians even fainted from fright.

"Although I only know Celestial Spirit Magic, I will try my best." Lucy took out the Celestial Spirit key and said somewhat unconfidently. Lucy's words immediately made the magicians of the guild breathe a sigh of relief. They were really shocked. The blow was too great, and before the result was over, Ye Yuan's next actions shocked the guild's magicians again.

"I almost forgot to give you this, Lucy, go on! This key is specially prepared for you. I went to the Celestial Spirit world a few days ago and helped the Celestial Spirit world solve a little trouble. Then I asked the Celestial Spirit King for it. With this key, you can use this key to open the door to summon the Celestial Spirit King." Ye Yuan took out a purple-gold key, threw it directly to Lucy, and introduced it to Lucy.

Lucy, who had caught the key, was observing this unique key. When she heard Ye Yuan's introduction, she was so frightened that she almost dropped the key. As a Celestial Spirit mage, she knew very well what the Celestial Spirit King represented. It turned out that this key could summon the Celestial Spirit King, which made Lucy, who had just become an A-level mage, froze in place.

From now on, Makarov has become accustomed to this. Lucy's strength has become stronger, but Makarov's expression has become a little worse, and he looks at Levy at the end with expectant eyes.


"Hehe, my main magic is not for fighting, so I can't help you much. However, Ye Yuan gave me a new magic. I can assist and enhance everyone's magic, and I can also detect the enemy's weaknesses, so I I will try my best to help everyone." Levy smiled lively at the girls, completely ignoring the heartbroken expressions of the two magicians behind him.

"Then I declare that the team is officially established. Now go complete the mission!" Ye Yuan waved his hand and prepared to go to the commission board to find the mission.

When Ye Yuan went to look for a mission, Erza and the other girls started chatting and discussing, focusing on Levy without showing any signs of jealousy.

As for Makarov, he was initially very excited when he heard Levy's explanation, but at the end, it was completely different from what he imagined.

"Well, that's it, let's go!" Ye Yuan chose a commission and took the vast harem with him. Ahem, the team members left the guild.

Makarov didn't react until Ye Yuan left. Looking at the somewhat empty guild, he fell to the ground with a thud and let out a scream.

"It's over, it's over! This team formed by Ye Yuan can easily destroy the existence of a town. If Ye Yuan takes action, there will be no trace of the town's existence left!" Makarov has already anticipated his miserable future. The days were spent in constant repayment.