
Chapter 35 The Sealed Ye Yuan

"Damn it!" Akunololia crawled out of the pit again, looking at Ye Yuan with a look of disdain, his anger almost reaching the sky, but he didn't dare to make the slightest move.

After Ye Yuan's lessons, Akunololia has deeply understood that the gap between his own strength and Ye Yuan's strength is as wide as a chasm, boundless as far as the eye can see, without the slightest hope.

"Oh, have you calmed down? It seems that you know how big the strength gap between us is." Ye Yuan looked at Akunololia with a smile.

Seeing Ye Yuan's smiling expression, Akunololia wanted to tear him to pieces with his dragon claws. Unfortunately, this was destined to be a fantasy, an impossible dream.

Looking at Akunololia who was silent, Ye Yuan suddenly felt extremely bored and even more disappointed with Akunololia's strength.

"I thought you could at least force out more than half of my strength. I'm so disappointed. Get out now and don't appear in front of me in the future, otherwise..." Ye Yuan snorted coldly, and his figure instantly appeared in Aku The words above Norolia's head were full of threats.

"Asshole, don't underestimate me!" Akunololia seemed to feel insulted when he heard Ye Yuan's words, and became extremely angry, completely forgetting the huge gap in strength.


"Oh, it seems that you still have a trump card. I just don't know what your so-called trump card is, but it actually gives you such confidence." Ye Yuan teleported to Acunololia and touched his chin , and there was speculation in his heart about Akunololia who suddenly became confident again.

"You'll see it soon, I'm looking forward to your expression, haha!" Akunololia flew directly into the air, laughing wildly, extremely confident in his trump card.

"So much nonsense!" Ye Yuan was confident that Akunololia's trump card was of no use to him, but he didn't want to wait around for Akunololia's trump card, and he had no masochistic tendencies.


There was another loud noise, and Ye Yuan didn't know how many times he kicked Akunololia away. Even though Akunololia was not annoying, Ye Yuan was already annoyed. If the magicians from the mainland knew, The so-called end of the era, the black dragon Akunololia, is powerless in Ye Yuan's hands, and his expression will definitely be very interesting.

Thinking of this, Ye Yuan's expression became strange. Looking at Akunololia, he suddenly found that the hideous and terrifying figure became too cute.

"You, you, what do you want to do!" Akunololia suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Especially when he saw Ye Yuan's strange expression, the premonition became a little stronger. Even his trump card All forgotten.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about what would happen if you were seen by the magicians from the mainland like you are now." Ye Yuan shrugged and told Akunololia the truth directly. Walking slowly towards Akunololia.

"Asshole, you..." Before Akunololia could finish his words, he was kicked into the pit again by Ye Yuan.


"What else can you say other than this." Ye Yuan stepped on Akunololia with a bored expression on his face. He was extremely disappointed with Akunololia's strength and felt completely dissatisfied. Impatient.

"Haha, don't be too proud. My magic has been completed. You can just live in the darkness!" Akunololia, who was stepped into the pit by Ye Yuan, did not show any anger this time. , some just laughed excitedly.

That is to say, as soon as Akunololia's words came to light, the entire desert island was suddenly surrounded by a huge magic circle, filled with strong magic power.

"Is this your trump card?" He didn't show any panic at all. He just looked at Akunololia calmly and calmly.

Looking at the extremely calm Ye Yuan, Akunololia didn't know how to answer at all. Although he was extremely confident in his trump cards, thinking about Ye Yuan's mystery, he suddenly became unconfident about his trump cards.

"There is absolutely no way you can break this magic. This magic is the magic that can seal God!" Akunololia became confident again when he thought about the origin of this magic.

While Akunololia was worrying about gains and losses and thinking wildly, Ye Yuan's brain was running wildly, using all the knowledge he had learned to analyze this magic and restore the origin of this magic.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that Akunololia would have this kind of magic. It actually contains a trace of the origin of this world!" When Ye Yuan restored the origin of this magic, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

This is something Ye Yuan never expected. He never expected that he would find the original breath of the world in a magic. As long as it contains the original breath of the world, it can be determined to be a god, no matter how much it contains.


The results of it? As a result, Ye Yuan discovered the origin of the world in a magic circle, which Ye Yuan couldn't figure out.

"Haha, I said you can never break this magic. This magic can seal the existence of God. How can you break it?" Akunololia saw Ye Yuan's expression and knew that Ye Yuan had broken it. He couldn't use this magic, because the anger he had been violently tortured by Ye Yuan burst out at this moment.

"Hmph, even if you want to seal me, you can't even think about it!" Ye Yuan knew that he couldn't escape the seal of this magic circle, but he couldn't even think about sealing it permanently. At most, he could completely break it, and in this Before, what Ye Yuan had to do was to give Akunololia a hard blow, so that when Akunololia saw him in the future, his first reaction would be: run as far away as possible!

As a result, under Akunololia's gaze, Ye Yuan's hands directly formed two magic balls flashing with colored light, and then rushed towards him at a speed that Akunololia could not react at all. before.

"Akunololia, try my signature magic, compressed elemental balls!" Ye Yuan grinned in front of Akunololia and directly smashed the two elemental balls in his hand at Akunololia On Lolia's body.


With a loud noise, the ground where Akunololia was originally located completely collapsed, and Akunololia's figure was completely invisible, as if Akunololia was attacked by Ye Yuan's two magic balls. It's like being wiped out directly!

At the same time, the magic circle flashed with dazzling light, which was a sign of activation.

"Everyone, wait for me to come back!" Ye Yuan only had time to glance in the distance, and the next moment he disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the deserted island disappeared, as if it had never existed.