
Chapter 26 Elfman’S Talent

"Master, I have completed the task you gave me!" Elfman stood in front of Ye Yuan with sweat on his face. Although his body was extremely exhausted, feeling that his body had become significantly stronger, Elfman suddenly no longer felt tired.

"Yeah." Ye Yuan looked at Elfman who was standing upright, and was extremely satisfied with Elfman's performance, not only because Elfman completed the exercises instructed by Ye Yuan extremely well, but also took the initiative to increase the exercise every time.

"Brother, you are too fast." After a long time, Lisanna panted and ran to Elfman and Ye Yuan, acting dissatisfied with Elfman. This was something Elfman had never encountered before, which made Elfman's heart Very satisfied.

Ye Yuan looked at Elfman who looked proud, and patted his forehead helplessly.

"Elfman, do you remember what I said to you before?" After a while, when Elfman and Lisanna were almost resting, Ye Yuan clasped his hands behind his back, looking inscrutable.


"Of course I remember, Master, you said that the most suitable magic for me is the magic of close combat, and I still use my own fists and feet to fight, because my talent is my physique." When Elfman said this, he was still confident about his talent. I'm a little confused and don't know what kind of talent my body has.

"It seems you haven't discovered where your talent lies yet." Ye Yuan saw Elfman's confusion and shook his head helplessly.

Elfman is good at everything. He is honest, conscientious, and does what he says. The only bad thing is that he reacts too slowly, only looks in one direction when doing things, and likes to go straight. Because of these shortcomings, Ye Yuan is a little worried about Elfman's magic. , which is why Elfman was not taught magic for a week.

"Elfman, let me tell you, you must remember clearly what your physical talent is. This is the cornerstone for you to become stronger in the future!" Ye Yuan used the word cornerstone, which shows that Elfman's talent has a certain impact on him. How important.

"Yes, Master! I will remember it carefully!" Upon hearing this, Elfman's expression became extremely serious, fearing that he would not be able to remember it.

Lisanna looked at Ye Yuan and Elfman. No one paid attention to her, and her little face became extremely aggrieved. Just then, Mira slowly walked over with something. Lisanna snorted and ran in the direction of Mira.

"Elfman, your physical talents can be summed up in two parts: super recovery and super fusion!" Ye Yuan didn't notice Lisanna's grievance. At this time, he was explaining his to Elfman very seriously. talent.

"Super resilience and super fusion power!" Elfman kept repeating these words, fearing he would forget them.


"That's right, you should have discovered your super resilience. No matter how abnormal exercise you do, you will fully recover in a short period of time. This is why I will let you exercise like crazy. If it were someone else, Not to mention persisting, you may not die, so you are the only one who can persist easily without any damage, just a little tired." Ye Yuan looked at Elfman and explained to Elfman in detail one of his talents. .

"So that's it. Why do I feel that exercising is getting easier and easier? Is it because of my physical condition?" Elfman said to himself in a daze as he listened to Ye Yuan's explanation.

"That's right, this is another manifestation of your physical talent, your super fusion ability! As the name suggests, as long as your body becomes stronger, you don't even need to deliberately exercise, your body will be able to perfect the stronger part. When you exert it, you can also perfectly control your body's power! But what's more important is not this, but the magic reflected in it, especially the reception of magic!" As Elfman watched, Ye Yuan put his hands together, and a magic circle appeared. After the magic circle disappeared, Ye Yuan's original human arm turned into a monster's arm, exuding extremely powerful and destructive power.

"Master, what's wrong with your arm..." Elfman looked at Ye Yuan's arm and looked very shocked.

"This is the magic I am going to give you next. Originally, this kind of receiving magic can only allow the user to receive defeated monsters. Sometimes the receiving magic will fail because the monster is too strong, causing the receiving magician to fall into a violent state. , completely losing his mind, like a beast." With a flash of light, Ye Yuan's arm returned to normal again, and then Ye Yuan told Elfman the disadvantages of receiving magic.

"Lost your mind! Like a beast!" When Elfman heard these two words, his first reaction was no, what if he hurt Lisanna and Mira.

"However, after my improvement, this receiving magic has no such disadvantages at all. Coupled with your physical talent, your receiving magic is absolutely unique!" Before Elfman could speak, Ye Yuan spoke to Elfman.

"That's good, otherwise I would rather not learn this kind of magic." After hearing Ye Yuan's words, Elfman breathed a sigh of relief.


"My improved receiving magic, coupled with your physical talent, although you still need to personally defeat the monster to be received, when you use it, your ability to receive the monster will be exerted according to your physical strength, that is It is said that even if the monster you receive is very weak, as long as you use it, the strength can far exceed the monster itself." When Ye Yuan improved the ability to receive magic, he did not expect that such a heaven-defying power would appear in Elfman. Effect.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Elfman does not die, he will definitely become a god-like existence in the future!

"Master, this, this is incredible!" After a week of training, Elfman no longer knew anything about magicians. Because of his understanding, he couldn't believe what Ye Yuan said about receiving magic. .

"What's impossible? Elfman, you have to remember that nothing is impossible in the world. It's just that you are not strong enough or capable enough. Don't have an impossible mentality!" When Ye Yuan said this, his tone Extremely serious. In the various tasks he completed, he heard the three words "impossible" countless times. As a result, all the people who said these three words had expressions of death and death and were completely ignored by Ye Yuan. One is eliminated.

"Yes, Master, I understand." Elfman heard the seriousness in Ye Yuan's tone and immediately answered with assurance.

"Well, as for the receiving magic I entrusted to you, you need to experience the ratio of the monster's strength to your physical strength. After all, each monster's physique is different, and your physique is different. The degree of integration will definitely be different." Ye Yuan nodded, and then directly began to teach Elfman to receive magic.