
Chapter 101 Commission From The Freshman Council

"Ah, it's so boring!" Ye Yuan lay helplessly on the counter, looking at the busy magicians in the guild, but he was so bored that he was so bored. It was a torture.

"Hehe, Ye Yuan, who told you to complete the commission so quickly? If you were not restricted from accepting commission tasks, everyone in the guild would have no commissions to do." Mira smiled and brought a glass of juice to Ye Yuan, and then Feeding Ye Yuan personally with great gentleness.

This scene immediately dealt up to 99,999 points of critical damage to the singles in the guild. If it weren't for the difference in strength, Ye Yuan would have been turned around so many times.

"But it's still so boring. Herrick, Aquith, Gray Lin, Merkel and Igabella are currently working hard to develop the elf world and are very busy. Ye Yuan finished drinking the juice and lay down lazily Mira's snow-white and soft long legs once again attracted the jealous and crazy eyes of the single wizards of the guild.

"I'm really looking forward to the Elf World in a month. I don't know which one will be more powerful, the Elf Mage or the Celestial Spirit Mage." As Ye Yuan's girlfriend, it is completely normal to know about the existence of the Elf World.

"And Mavis, she fell into a deep sleep again yesterday and has been sent back to Tianlang Island. I'm so envious that Mavis can sleep for such a long time." Ye Yuan now feels extremely envious of Mavis's deep sleep. From this, we can know what Ye Yuan really is. How boring.

Mira did not answer Ye Yuan's words, but with a gentle smile on her face, she gently massaged Ye Yuan so that Ye Yuan could relax better.


"The old man of the Celestial Spirit King and Leo are busy dealing with the contract between the Celestial Spirits. They are equally busy, wishing that one of them could be used as two people." When Ye Yuan said this, he did not show any envious expression. The result was extremely satisfying.

"Honey, you did the right thing this time. I didn't know there were so many Damn it Celestial Spirit magicians in the magic world. If it weren't for Leo's thing, I would have thought Karen was an outstanding Celestial Spirit magician. Mentor, Lucy admired Karen even when she was a child. After knowing the truth, she felt depressed for a long time." Mira's cheek suddenly pressed tightly against Ye Yuan's face, and she took the initiative to kiss Ye Yuan, making Ye Yuan Yuan suddenly became extremely excited.

"This is a reward for you, husband, don't think about it." Mira whispered in Ye Yuan's ear, making Ye Yuan's original excitement suddenly turn into disappointment.

"And the old man actually went to attend the meeting of the Freshmen Council. He asked me to take a good look at the guild and didn't let me take on any tasks. It's so damn bad!" Ye Yuan said, feeling very angry. The mouth/mouth was raised high, like a child.

Mira looked at Ye Yuan's performance and smiled helplessly. She knew that Ye Yuan would only show this expression in front of them. This made them happy for a long time. Doesn't this just illustrate their status in Ye Yuan's heart?

"The most damning thing is Erza and the others. They all went out to work and haven't come back yet. Even Ulu was taken away by me. If it weren't for Mira, you..." Ye Yuan hasn't said anything yet. After finishing, Mira just covered her mouth with her hand.

And Mira's pretty face became extremely blushing, and her eyes looking at Ye Yuan were filled with a trace of murderous intent, which made Ye Yuan tremble violently, thinking of a very tragic scene.

In this way, Ye Yuan's boring to death life was maintained day by day, and he complained to Mira repeatedly every day. Mira was not impatient at all. Instead, she always stayed by Ye Yuan's side gently, and she felt even more at ease in her heart. I was a little secretly happy until one day a week later...

"Fairy Tail, we are back!"


On this day, the Erza girls returned to the guild from carrying out the commission. Also returning were the team composed of Natsu, Gray, Gajeel and Elfman. What made everyone in the guild even more incredible was that Laxus, Gildarts and Mystogan also returned on this day. Back to the guild!

At this point, all the high-end combat power of Fairy Tail, since the last war with the Council, has once again gathered into the guild, making all the magicians and guilds in the kingdom focus on Magnolia Town and Fairy Tail. Go up and let the magicians of the guild feel a storm coming!

But thinking about the powerful lineup of Fairy Tail now, and then thinking about the existence of Ye Yuan and Makarov in the guild, everyone immediately felt relieved. However, the magicians who entered the high-end standing of the guild did not dare to relax at all. Every day is spent in intense exercise to prepare for any unexpected situation.

On the third day after all the top combat power of the guild returned, Makarov returned to Fairy Tail from the Freshman Council, bringing with him a commission from the Freshman Council...

"It seems that everyone is here. I didn't expect that Fairy Tail would gather so frequently this year." Makarov looked at the magician in front of him with an extremely pleased expression on his face.

No one in front of him now is lower than an A/level magician. Even an A/level magician, if they really fight, their strength is not inferior to that of an S-level magician.

"President, what happened? It shouldn't be that the Freshmen Council wants to take action against our guild. With the lessons learned from the original Council, and the personal relationship between Ye Yuan and the Kingdom's Jade Princess, the Freshman Council will never dare to take action against our guild." It's up to us to take action." Erza looked at Makarov very confidently. Of course, it would be better if the strong jealousy in his words was eliminated.

"Ahem, Erza is right. The Freshman Council will never take action against us. What I'm talking about is another matter, a major matter related to the safety of the magic world!" Makarov's analysis of Erza was complete. There was no rebuttal, and Makarov felt comfortable when he thought of how respectful the members were to him when he went to the freshman council.

When Makarov glanced at the scroll in his hand, his expression became extremely serious, making all the magicians present feel heavy unconsciously.


"The New 923 Student Council has issued a task to us, and the task level this time may reach the level of a century-old task!" Makarov took the scroll in his hand.

Tian Fen said seriously.


After hearing Makarov's words, everyone present looked at Ye Yuan behind Makarov. Only Ye Yuan survived the century-old mission five years ago, although he was sealed for five years.

Ye Yuan saw everyone's gaze. Ye Yuan looked extremely helpless. He was sealed by the black dragon Akunololia five years ago. This was a stain that Ye Yuan would never forget. He stood up and walked to Makarov's side. Take the scroll directly in Makarov's hand.

"The hundred-year mission is indeed very difficult. Unless you confirm that your strength can reach my strength five years ago, it will definitely be impossible to complete it. Looking at the expressions of everyone below except his own woman who are eager to try, Ye Yuan said directly With these words, everyone fell silent.

Even if it was Ye Yuan's strength five years ago, no one present could dare to say that he could achieve it.

"So, I will be with you in this mission, and in the same way, you will all participate in this mission!" After Ye Yuan said this, he opened the scroll in an instant, letting everyone who saw the information on the scroll , all showed disbelief in their eyes!