
LV. Doubtful Morality.

So... A 'system' that encouraged her to become a murderer. What kind of twisted thing was it supposed to be? Even if Vanilla was not the most found of people, actively murdering others to make herself stronger sounded like a little too much. 

She understood the number 19. It was the total lives she had already taken: Jane, Rox, those two horrible vagabonds who tried to rape her, those 13 kids who she burned to death by accident with the Onyx, and those two cultists inside the vault of Sir William Oaths. 

"Vanilla, I don't think you should accept it," Rowie mumbled, wearing a face of vacillation and concern.

"Oh, sweetheart, think about it," The man in pink did a hand gesture. "You'll increase your chances of attack and survival in your next quests and contracts. You are going to need them..."