
Contracted Hearts: Evelyn's last wish

"Why didn’t you tell me, Evelyn?" he demands, his voice cracking with emotion. Evelyn, blinks rapidly to prevent tears from falling, managing a smile "It wasn’t your burden to bear, Aiden. This marriage was a business deal. No emotions, no attachments—just like we agreed." Aiden is unable to contain his frustration, dragging a a hand furiously through his hair "You thought I wouldn’t care? That I’d just stand by while you—" He stops, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Why did you marry me if you knew you were going to leave me in six months?" Evelyn closes her eyes, feeling tears streaming down her cheeks. "Because I love you, Aiden. I’ve always loved you". She watches his eyes widen at her confession and looks away. "But I knew you didn’t feel the same. I just wanted to know what it would be like to be with you even if it was for a limited time. I am content because I will be dying as your wife". Evelyn Lawson is the epitome of beauty, power, and success. As the brilliant CEO of Lawson Conglomerates, she has spent her life building an empire, earning accolades, and commanding respect from everyone around her. Her life is perfect and flawless. Her world comes to an abrupt halt when she is diagnosed with a terminal illness and has six months to live. Determined to experience the one thing she’s always longed for before her time runs out—love—Evelyn makes a bold decision. She proposes a marriage contract to her long-time friend and secret crush, Aiden Stuart, the CEO of Stuart Automobiles. The cold business like arrangement leaves no room for emotions and attachments and grants Aiden all her assets after six months of marriage while she wants nothing in return. As everything is set in motion, Evelyn desperately hopes for Aiden to fall in love with her but can she succeed before her time is up especially when Aiden's heart longs for someone else? And not just anyone but her best friend?

Nerdy_Writes · Ciudad
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12 Chs

Blurred memories

"I never make empty promises, Mr. Arnold," Evelyn stated confidently, sliding a document across the table to him. "We guarantee a fourteen percent boost in sales within two months, as Lawson Conglomerates excels in marketing strategies. We'll enhance your publicity, and should any issues arise, our legal team is always on standby".

Mr. Arnold cleared his throat, scrutinizing the contract details. "This clause indicates we need to invest five hundred million for equipment and taxes. That seems excessive."

With a knowing smile, Evelyn crossed her legs. "My research shows that Hope stores is a rising star in the design industry. A fourteen percent sales increase could potentially triple your revenue. What does five hundred million mean if you're looking at tripling your profits?".

He pondered for a moment. "That's quite an appealing proposition. May I take some time to think it over?"

Evelyn nodded graciously. "Absolutely, Mr. Arnold. Feel free to discuss it with your lawyer, and we can modify any terms that don't sit well with you. I assure you, collaborating with us will yield great benefits."

As Mr. Arnold rose from his chair, Evelyn mirrored his movement, and they exchanged a firm handshake. "Thank you, Miss Lawson. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

"I sincerely hope you'll consider our partnership," she replied, watching him smile as he exited, her assistant guiding him out.

Evelyn sank back into her chair, exhaling deeply, her eyelids fluttering shut as exhaustion enveloped her. The sudden shrill of her phone jolted her upright, and she rolled her eyes before answering.

"Did I do something wrong?" Aiden's voice sounded from the other line

She blinked, confused "What do you mean?"

"You promised you'd be free tonight. I made a reservation, and you didn't show up," he said, frustration evident in his tone.

"But Aiden, it's still morning," she replied, puzzled.

"Morning?" His voice rose in irritation, and she glanced outside, realizing the dark sky signaled it was night. How had she lost track of time?

"Are you really going to use that as an excuse?" Aiden interrupted her thoughts, and she swallowed hard. "I'm so sorry, Aiden. I completely lost track of time. I didn't intend to be a no show."

He sighed, his tone softening. "It's alright. Are you home now?"1. She shook her head, saying, "No. I'm still at the office."

"I'll be there in ten," he replied before ending the call.

Evelyn glanced around her workspace, her gaze landing on the wall clock. It read half past ten. The last thing she recalled was the meeting with Mr. Arnold, and then everything went blank.

"Did I really sleep for almost seven hours?" she murmured, frowning as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Why didn't April wake me?"

Gathering her bag and laptop, she made her way to the elevator, dialing her assistant's number.

"Good day, Miss Lawson," April answered, her voice thick with sleep.

"What happened after my meeting with Mr. Arnold?" Evelyn asked, tapping her foot anxiously as the elevator doors began to close.

There was a rustling sound on the other end before April replied, "You had a board meeting, followed by an appointment with Miss Alice."

"Did I say anything about going out with Aiden?" she probed.

April hummed thoughtfully. "Yes, Miss Lawson. It was around eight, and you asked me to let him know you'd be free then."

"Is there an issue, Miss Lawson?"

Evelyn sighed, shaking her head as she walked toward the lobby. "No, April. Thank you," she said before hanging up.

Her hands twisted nervously when she spotted Aiden leaning against his car, waving at her. She raised her hand in response and quickened her pace.

"I'm sorry," she said as she approached.

He shook his head, pulling her into a warm embrace. "I'm not upset, Evie. I could never be mad at you."

"You sounded upset. You were shouting," she pointed out, and he let out a soft chuckle.

"I wasn't angry... just a bit worried," he admitted with a shrug.

"Why were you worried?" she inquired, slightly pouting "I'm absolutely fine."

He playfully flicked her forehead, and she let out a small whine, rubbing the spot. "I thought I did something wrong."

Evelyn tilted her head, puzzled. "Why did you think that?"

Aiden shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not sure. Ever since the wedding, it seems like you've been keeping your distance." She raised an eyebrow, and he quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I tried calling, but your assistant always said you were busy."

She rubbed her temples, trying to piece together her thoughts, but her mind felt foggy, and a headache was creeping in.

"I'm sorry; I've genuinely been busy, Aiden" she admitted. He smiled warmly. "No worries, Evie. How about grabbing something to eat?"

Evelyn shook her head. "No, I think I'll just head home." She glanced around. "Where's Matthew?"

"I sent him home," Aiden replied, opening the car door for her. "Next time you decide to stay late, remember your poor driver."

She hummed as she slid into her seat. "I'll just give you a call instead."

He chuckled, making his way to the driver's seat. "I'm always at your beck and call." He fastened his seatbelt and gestured for her to do the same.

She huffed in response, prompting another laugh from him. "Such a stickler for the rules. You should have been a cop."

"Don't tell me Miss Lawson is a rebel?" he teased. "I'd get a promotion for nabbing a high-profile criminal."

"You can try," Evelyn replied, turning her gaze to the window as the building shrank in the distance.

"So, how's work?" Aiden asked, and she shrugged. "Nothing much. I've been trying to land a contract for weeks now."

He gave a nod and said, "I truly wish you the best with that."

Her lips curved into a smile. "And what about you?"

"We're launching a new brand of cars," he replied, his grin widening. "The board has given us the approval, and everything is moving ahead smoothly."

"I'm happy for you, Aiden."

The remainder of their journey was enveloped in a comfortable silence, both of them humming to the lively tune oozing from the speakers.

As they arrived at her home, she turned to him and said, "Thank you, Aiden." He chuckled in response, "No problem at all, Evie. It was great to spend time with you again."

"Likewise," she beamed, relishing his attention. "Make sure to say hi to the old man for me."

"He'll have a fit if he hears you call him that."

"I know," he replied with a smirk. "That's why I say it when he's not around. You're not a snitch, are you?" he teased, and she shot him a playful glare, prompting a laugh from him.

"Good night," she said, making a point to slam the car door as she stepped out.

"Goodnight," Aiden called after her, still chuckling as he drove away.

Entering the mansion, she spotted her grandfather in his rocking chair, reading a newspaper with his glasses resting on his nose.

"Who reads the news at this hour?" Evelyn asked, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Me, you little brat" he replied, setting the paper aside to focus on her. "You had me worried today, Eve."

She let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to, Grandfather. I got caught up with work."

"You could have just called to let me know you wouldn't make it for dinner. You promised you'd come early."

"Did I?" She frowned, and he nodded. "We talked on the phone, and you assured me you'd be here, but then you didn't answer when I called. When Matthew came home without you, I started to worry."

Evelyn knelt beside him, taking his hand in hers. "I'm really sorry for making you worry, Grandfather. My phone must have died," she explained.

"So, how did you get home?" he inquired.

"Aiden sent Matthew home ," she replied. "He brought me here himself."

"That little rascal," Senior Lawson muttered. "He couldn't even stop to say hello?"

She shook her head. "It's late, Grandfather. But he did send his regards."

"I don't know how I put up with both of you," he grumbled. "You're both such troublemakers, always stressing me out."

Evelyn gasped, placing a hand dramatically on her chest. "But I thought I was your favorite!"

"I take that back," he said.

"Grandfather!" Her eyes widened in shock. He shook his head and rose from his seat. "Go warm up the food. I know you're hungry and have not eaten".

She stood up, curious. "How did you know that?"

He shrugged as he made his way to the stairs. "You take after me; we both forget about food when we're busy."

"I had breakfast this morning!" she called after him, pouting slightly.

"A sandwich and coffee hardly count as a meal," he shot back dryly, and she huffed in annoyance.

"I'm going to fire April!"

"I hired her, Miss Lawson," he replied, halfway up the stairs.