
Contract Of The Lords

Ryan, a 19-year old college student was just completing his project with his best friend, when he suddenly gets a call from his girlfriend out of nowhere. His girlfriend calls for to come meet her as soon as possible. Upon realizing the gravity of the situation, he hurries to her house. On his way to her house, he finds a high school girl attempting an awful deed. In his attempt to save her, he losses his life. [Initializing System...] Just what was her girlfriend calling him for? What is the voice that Ryan heard in his final moments? Did he really just die like that?

Aoi_Skye · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Exploring The World

"System, open user's stats" As I called out to the system, the screen changed and popped some new words.


[User's Stats]

 {Level: 1}

 {Strength: 45}

 {Magic: 120}

 {Agility: 50} 

 {Intelligence: 54 ▼}

 {Sense: 60 ▲}

 {Status: Alive}


"Damn, so like, what my overall body can do is shown in the form of numbers?" I exclaimed and was flabbergasted witnessing something as cool as this for the first time. "It's like I am in some game."

Games in my previous world had something like this too. The main character's stats were shown to us and we, the player needed to upgrade and make the character strong to ultimately win the game and complete it.

"Are these the stats of an ordinary human of this world?" this question popped up in my mind. As per this body's memories, the person I have taken over is some sort of genius by birth. So, in my opinion the stats would be that of a genius too.




"Uh…oh ok, then show me the stats of an average person." I needed to compare mine to those of an average human being.


[Here…shown below are stats of an average human]

{Strength: 10 ≤ S ≤ 30}

 {Magic: 10 ≤ M ≤ 80}

 {Agility: 10 ≤ A ≤ 30} 

 {Intelligence: 10 ≤ I ≤ 35}

 {Sense: 10 ≤ S ≤ 20}

 {Status: Alive/Dead}

[Note: On comparison, the user is on par with any stat of a normal human. Please, proceed with your goal keeping the above information in mind.]


"You mean I was born with so much difference in stats? Damn" Seeing those stats made me feel the fire of pride and ego that had been extinguished in my previous life. I was just a worthless loser back then.

"Anyways, moving on let's check the other functions."

Moving back to the list function, I once again remembered that everything except the user's stat and inventory was locked so without getting much of a choice, I went ahead and opened the inventory.

"System, open inventory" I commanded.



 {1. Lord's contract (Sealed)}

 {2. Crimson Blade (Sealed)}

 {3. EMPTY}

 {4. EMPTY}


[Note: To use an item or to pull out an item, just touch on the icon of the item.]


"These are two items in the inventory?" I noticed the items that popped in my inventory. "Lord's contract…wait is this related to the Lords that the system was talking about?"

I clicked on the icon of the item named Lord's contract on the screen floating in front of me.


[Opening Lord's Contract…]


[Trying once again…]


[Reporting Error…]


[Error found…]

[User's current level does not suffice the needs of the item in question.]

[User is not given the permission to look through the item.]


"Huh? What does it mean I don't have the permission?" I got up and sat on the bed thinking about the current situation. "So, like I need to raise my level before I am able to see this contract thing?"




"I see" I sighed.

"Nothing is as simple as it seems."

I clicked on the next item that was in my inventory. "Anyways, I shall check out the next one if this doesn't open."


[Summoning Crimson Blade]


[User's current level does not suffice]


"Ahh! The fuck!?" I was annoyed by those repeated error messages. "Why is it in my inventory if I can't open it? Just trash them already!"

"This system is just too annoying and irritating"

I closed the screen and lied on the bed covering myself with the blanket. I forced my sleep to end this annoying night and run away from this system shit.

"Wake up, young lord" the butler gave me a morning call "It's morning already." He goes and unveils the windows by setting those curtains aside to let the natural sunlight in. The room started to glow from the light falling inside.

I woke up yawning and drank a cup of warm water to make my digestion go smoothly. Getting off from the bed, I stood beside the window noticing how wonderful this morning was.

After I was done with my daily routine which was mostly just freshening up and morning mathematics classes, I went and had my breakfast with my lovely family. My mother, the most beautiful woman in the world was as usual happy to see me all energetic and smiling all the time.

I was expecting my aunt to at least exchange greetings but as usual, she just holds some pointless grudges against me and my mother. Eldest brother and sister were nowhere to be seen. It seemed like they had something to attend to early in the morning, so they left early. Then there was my youngest brother along with my second elder sister. She was not present the last night during the dinner. According to Sebastian, my butler; she had some urgent meeting to attend to regarding some academy work. She is also enrolled in the same royal academy which I'll be joining soon.

After done with my morning routine and breakfast, I was free for the afternoon. Having nothing to do, I decided to explore this unknown world.

I had Sebastian locate me some nearby dungeons I could explore before I bury myself in books to study for the entrance exam. If I wanted to know more about this world, dungeons are the best thing to look into. I'll just head to library after the evening classes.

Soon after my order, Sebastian came back with some maps and other stuff. He sure works fast, just what you'll expect from a butler.

"Which of these do you think is the hardest dungeon?"

The harder the dungeon, the better the reward; this is the basic concept of every fantasy world. I have read those generic mangas and manhwas about summoning characters to another world and giving them overpowered skills to conquer dungeons.

"This, my lord" he pointed out to one of the points marked in the map. "This is the hardest dungeon currently governed by our estate. As its name speaks, Dragon's Crater, this dungeon is protected by a Tonaredraco."

Tonaredraco is one of the greater dragons that rule some of the hardest dungeons known to mankind. Usually a dungeon protected by a dragon is off limits to anyone not related to the special department working in the government. But since, our household is a Grand Duke household, meaning we have the same power as the prime minister of this empire. Because of all this, we are given the rights to those dungeons which fall under our territory.

Back to the topic, Tonaredraco which in modern language means thunder dragon is an elemental dragon holding the power of the lightning element.

"Lord, you are drooling." He wipes my face with a cloth. "This is unbecoming of you; a lord shouldn't lose his composure in front of his subjects."

"Oops, my bad" I was embarrassed. Guess my battle maniac personality took over me.

"Anyways, we are choosing this one. Let's head there, Sebastian." I was excited to see this strong dungeon for myself.

"But lord, this dungeon…even Sir Leo wasn't to conquer it beyond the 4th floor."

"So what…? Do you doubt my strength…?"

"No, my lord…it's just…nothing. If that's what you want." He immediately readied a wagon to leave.

We parked the wagon at some distance from the dungeon as the route further didn't had enough space for a wagon to move freely inside. So we had to walk our way to the dungeon.

The dungeon was releasing an immense amount of mana, comparable to that of my father but still it was not at his level. It was sealed with magic and a second layer seal was put in place after the magic seal in the form of those barricades.

Sebastian unsealed a pathway that led us directly to the first floor.

Just as we took our first step on the first floor, we knew what we were going to face. The mana was dense here compared to what we felt outside. Truly what you'll from a monster's lair. Though according to the reports from the time my brother tried to conquer the dungeon, this floor only comprises of five rooms each of which has a mini boss level monster. Defeating those mini boss level monsters unlocks the teleportation circle to the 2nd floor.

Without much of a plan, we headed directly towards the first room on this floor. This was my first time exploring a dungeon so it was making me get all excited to fight those monsters and explore around.

{Nitegarden Estate}

Meanwhile in Nitegarden Estate, Leo was back from this work. Just at the same time, through coincidence Linda was back too.

"Oh Linda, you are back early?" Leo noticed Linda heading his way.

"The same goes for you" She at the same time noticed him too and replied with a smirk. "Was the work too easy this time?"

"Well yeah, sort off." He sighed. "The citizens were full of misinformation. It seemed like this spread of misinformation was done intentionally by someone. I just calmed down the citizens but this is just a temporary measure."

"I see…guess we are on the same page."

"You faced with the same problem?"

"Pretty much yeah…" she sighed.

"Moving on…I have something important to talk about" he continued with a serious expression. "It's about Ray"

"Hmm…? What about him?" she looked confused.

"This is not the right place to talk about this. Come to my office later." he left with that note.

"Okay…maybe he is thinking about the same thing as I?"


To be continued…