
Contract Marriage: Love At Last

Ruby is trapped in a contract marriage, all because she needed money for her mother's treatment. All hope was lost for her. She got separated from the one who truly loves her to settle with a cruel billionaire's son because of his money. But the truth is that her marriage is a ploy by a family member to get back at her because of an accident in the past. Now she has to settle down with a man who doesn't love her and navigate the stormy waters of marriage with him. Aidan is stuck with a woman he has no interest in, all just to get access to his inheritance. Knowing she married him for his wealth made things easier because the both of them knew their boundaries. But then what if this wife of his is so much more than he thought? Would his view about her change? Was there even a chance for love to grow between them? Or would the challenges from the outside kill their love before it even began? Well, read to find out! _______ "So you are my new puppet?” he asked as he studied my body from the top of my hair to my toe.

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135 Chs

Stay away from Aidan

Ruby trembled as she continued shivering in her position and watched Hailey coming closer.

She gripped her gown as she pressed it against her thighs fearfully. Her heart was speedily pounding inside her chest as if it would cut off.

She swallowed hard and shut her eyes as Hailey came closer. Indeed, she feared Hailey, no doubt about that. But then, who doesn't fear her in this house? Absolutely no one. If Aidan feared Hailey, then who wouldn't fear?

As her eyes were still shut and waiting to hear Hailey's voice echoing, the unexpected happened.

Hailey lightly tapped her on the shoulder, which made Ruby tremble more. What is Hailey up to?

"Huh?" Ruby gasped as she slowly opened her eyes, hesitantly and fearfully. 

Immediately she raised her head, what she saw shocked her to her spine. Hailey was smiling at her? Impossible!