
Chapter 10: Tarantula Hawk

It was midnight, and an outpost lay near the shore. One soldier of the Private Executioners was guarding the port where the boats were docked. The night was very dark and eerily silent, save for the incessant chirping of crickets. While the soldier stood alone, and others worked on supplies and weapons, a sudden gunshot rang out, riddling the soldier with bullets. The outpost was thrown into chaos as the soldiers quickly grabbed their guns to fight back. As they prepared to return fire, they saw soldiers clad in black and orange armor, fully equipped and advancing. The bullets from the Private Executioners had no effect on their attackers due to their superior armor. The attacking soldiers swiftly overpowered and killed all the Private Executioners in the outpost.

They shot everyone, burned their supplies, weapons, and ammunition, and helicopters bombed the area, setting the flag ablaze. One surviving Private Executioner soldier begged for mercy, "Please! Don't shoot! Don't shoot—" but was shot in the head by an assault rifle. After the battle, numerous helicopters and ships arrived, carrying trucks, small vehicles, and more soldiers. They landed in Region 28 and eliminated all the Private Executioners at the outpost.

Their flag was orange and black, emblazoned with a wasp logo. This private army was known as The Tarantula Hawk. Their forces were far stronger than the Private Executioner Army, boasting an arsenal of ammunition, guns, helicopters, missiles, trucks, and tanks. They had three battleships. Unlike the cruel Private Executioner Army, The Tarantula Hawk was a backup force sent to exterminate the Private Executioners.

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While Hunter was in jail, Durk, in the opposite cell, whispered, "Psst… Hunter!" But Hunter didn't hear him. Durk picked up a small object and threw it at the bars of Hunter's cell, catching his attention. "What is it?" asked Hunter.

"The army is here. They're liberating all the outposts and bombing their resources to weaken Grimlock's force," answered Durk.

Hunter wondered what army he was talking about and asked for more details. Durk replied, "It's The Tarantula Hawk. I'm one of them. It's a private army… don't worry, it's nothing like Grimlock's." Hunter asked about the leader of the army, and Durk replied, "County. He's the leader of The Tarantula Hawk. This is your chance to take down Grimlock."

Hunter saw a glimmer of hope. With County's help, he could finally take on Grimlock once the Private Executioners were weakened.

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Amidst the battle, The Tarantula Hawk had already conquered half of the island's outposts. The Private Executioners had no escape as they were cornered by The Tarantula Hawk. Outside the burning outpost, a truck arrived, and twenty soldiers of The Tarantula Hawk emerged, County among them. He picked up his AR500 assault rifle and ordered his soldiers, "Find Durk and the others. We'll come later." The soldiers agreed and set out on their mission.

County sent fifty soldiers to find Durk and the others. Durk had sent the location, and now The Tarantula Hawk knew where to go—the compound where Draven and Moore were.

While Hunter waited for the army to arrive, he heard gunshots and explosions outside. The compound's lights went out, and Hunter looked at Durk. "They're here. Just a little more time, and we'll be out of here," said Durk. Outside, the Private Executioners were being systematically exterminated. As more Private Executioners emerged, five helicopters and tanks from The Tarantula Hawk arrived, decimating the soldiers and high-ranking commanders in the compound.

Draven and Moore hid under a table with five remaining soldiers. Moore ordered one of them to check how many Tarantula Hawk soldiers were outside. As the soldier peeked through the window, he was shot in the head. The soldiers outside fired at the windows and threw grenades inside. Draven and Moore fled, knowing they were about to be cornered. "Let's go! We have to move!" said Moore to Draven.

As they tried to escape the compound, they saw numerous helicopters bombing every region. Moore called for his few remaining soldiers to pick them up. When the truck arrived, only ten soldiers were left. They boarded and fled.

While Hunter heard the sounds of battle, gunfire, and explosions outside, he also heard helicopters and tanks. Ten Tarantula Hawk soldiers descended to the prison, and Durk shouted for them to let them out. Recognizing him, they unlocked the cells of Durk and Hunter, finally freeing them from Grimlock's prison.

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As Draven and Moore were in the Golden Island, Draven ordered the armory to be prepared as the Tarantula Hawk was approaching to take over the island. "Ready the armory! The Hunchback Island has fallen and it was taken by the Tarantula Hawk! We cannot lose now! Let's protect this island!" All the soldiers raised their guns in preparation and agreement.

"Who is responsible for this? Why the hell is that army here?" Draven demanded from Moore.

"I have no idea, sir," Moore replied.

In the distance, they heard helicopters approaching and the sounds of war from Hunchback Island. "We need more helicopters! Protect the airbase and fight those animals." All the Private Executioners used the helicopters at the airbase, but massive battleships arrived and fired missiles at them. There were three battleships, and they targeted all outposts on the Golden Island with missiles. As the Private Executioners' helicopters attacked the Tarantula Hawk helicopters, trucks equipped with multiple rocket launchers fired and destroyed them. There were over sixty trucks with rocket launchers, wiping out all the Private Executioners' helicopters.

The Tarantula Hawk's helicopters reached the Golden Island and bombed all areas occupied by the Private Executioners. Tanks targeted and shot all the Private Executioners in sight. Many Private Executioners wanted to surrender, but the Tarantula Hawk showed no mercy, knowing the Private Executioners had wiped out people without mercy. Few outposts of the Private Executioners remained on Golden Island, and Draven and Moore hid in the city of Region 62.

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Hunter retrieved his M-700 rifle, but County threw it into the river.

"Hey—" Hunter started, but County shushed him.

"Here's your new rifle," County said, handing Hunter a Barrett M82. "It's all yours."

Hunter hesitated, "Are you sure?"

County simply looked at him, and Hunter picked up the rifle. "Holy shit, this is damn heavy!" he exclaimed. Slinging the rifle over his shoulder, they moved on to find Draven and Moore.

They boarded a helicopter and flew to the second island. As they were in the helicopter, County introduced himself, "My name is County. The president of Tarantula Hawk. What's yours?"

"My name is Hunter. A lone hunter among the jungle," Hunter replied. He was with Durk in the chopper, both suited in Tarantula Hawk armor.

"Durk reported to me that you wanted to kill Draven and his commander Moore," County said.

"Yes, I want so bad."

"Then we're on the way to find him."

"Thanks for your help, County."

"Nah, that's not me. You should thank the one who called us," County said, looking at Durk.

"You did this?" Hunter asked Durk.

"Yeah. When I knew we were going to be captured by those Private Executioners, I already called them to save us," Durk explained. Hunter fist-bumped him and County.

"You're both my brothers. Thank you for your help, guys," Hunter said.

Reaching the Golden Island, they descended to Region 55, which was full of Tarantula Hawk soldiers. As they exited the helicopter, many soldiers were guarding. "Alright, he's in Region 62, the city of Region 62. I put a track on him. Let's go!" They boarded a truck and headed to Region 62, a few kilometers away.

While in the truck, Hunter saw many trucks with rocket launchers following them, guarding the president, County Nowakosky. County Nowakosky was Russian, born in Siberia, and raised there by his mother. He served in the army for ten years, retired, and built his own army, the Tarantula Hawk.

The Tarantula Hawk had two thousand seven hundred soldiers, ten commanders, one hundred twenty helicopters and tanks, two hundred jeeps and trucks, sixty patrol boats, and three massive battleships. Their resources increased daily with the help of the Russian Army. People thought the Tarantula Hawk was as dangerous as the Private Executioners, but they were different. The Tarantula Hawk was not as evil or cruel. They were stronger due to their vast supplies of ammunition, bombs, missiles, and guns, and their large force of soldiers. The Tarantula Hawk was a trusted army in Russia.