
Consuming Darkness: The Awakening

Consuming Darkness Trilogy: THE AWAKENING The Seven Kingdoms, The Therondia and The One:Asterine all live harmoniously together for the past 500 years since the end of The Dark Chaos hoping not to witness such again. .... But darkness brews... Away from the world... Hidden... Yet visible to those who recognize it.... The darkness.... Has begun.....to seep...seep, seep... It does.... The five WARLOCKS are awakening, each unaware of their purpose, with no knowledge of who they truly are. Will darkness take over the kingdoms? Will it continue to seep until it consumes the kingdoms? Will the KRAGTÏG SILÑY be fully awaken?

Mojisola_Adetunji · Fantasía
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2 Chs


The wind whipped through my hair, gently caressing my skin as I stood near the few rows of the juicy carrots planted next to the hedge. I arched my neck letting the breeze cool my neck.

It felt so good....

I breathed in the air, savoring the freshness.It was bliss... But...

I just couldn't...

I could not ignore that underlying feeling of nostalgia in me...

I feel as if something bad is going to happen...

Will it happen soon?....

Turning slightly to the left, I stared at the woods reliving moments from the past. I remembered running into the woods years ago.

I must have been upset, I ran blindly through the woods stopping when I came across two boys.They looked my age.....

It was the Prince Kiaran and Leander, his guard and friend. I didn't know at that time that Kiaran was a prince.

They comforted me and we played together till sunset.

I've been visiting the woods to this day to meet up secretly with them.

It was our secret...

A smile graced my face as I went through the wonderful moments we've had together.

They were loving moments filled with adventures. We'd go deep into the forest to hunt, to the nearest river to fish. We always had something to do. Sometimes, we'd read books brought by Kiaran together from the palace athenaeum.

Leander taught me how to use the sword and I sometimes spar with them.

I sighed with the smile still plastered on my face....

I brushed absentmindedly at the front of my breeches looking down to stare at my boots.

Yes... I dress differently to other girls in Demesne. Mother made sure to remind me every morning.

I just don't feel comfortable in those frilly dresses. They look silly to me.

I couldn't climb trees, spar and run through the woods in those.

Besides, breeches and shirts were the closest thing to our native Phisan attire. So...

.... In a moment, I will be making my way through the woods.....

'Athy', mother yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Yes, mother', I yelled back, turning and heading towards the doorway.

'I need you to get something from the market', mother said appearing at the doorway.

'Oh, mother, I whined.

'You know I would be going to the woods to see Kiaran soon'.

'A little walk to the market won't hurt, Athy' my mother replied.

'You know baba and mama are visiting tomorrow ', she added.

Oh, yes. I'd forgotten

My maternal grandparents were visiting. We received a letter of their visit a few weeks ago. I've been anticipating their visit, thinking about the exciting stuffs they would bring for me.

Mama brought books on every visit. She brought me the books I enjoyed reading, my best one being History of the Seven Kingdoms.

I guess the journey to the woods can wait a little bit.

' Okay, mother', I replied moving to standing in front of her.

' I need you to get some ingredients and also stop by Danny Brocks and Frocks to get your brother's clothing ', she said brushing off at my hair and eyeing my dressing curiously.

I moved past her mentally checking off the ingredients as I made my way to the kitchen to get a basket.

'Athy', mother yelled, moving quickly towards me as I stood at the hedge.

She dropped some coins in my palms and kissed me swiftly on my left cheek. I smiled turning to the right on the path that led to the market.

* * * * * *

'Three silver coins? ', I yelled at the man in the stall, ' for broccoli this small? '.

' Ye shoulda had a broccoli farm then', the burly man hissed back at me.

Slowly, very slowly I packed the broccoli into my half filled basket. Flinging a silver coin at the man I bolted out of his shop quickly weaving my way through the market.

' Come back' ere, ye stupid girl', he yelled after me, letting out a string of curses.

Such vile man. I thought ,moving quickly through the throng of people in the market.I stopped briefly to ensure I had bought all the ingredients. Nodding slightly in affirmation, I made my way to Danny Brocks and Frocks.

Such a weird name for a shop that tailors men and women's clothing. I moved on, humming gently beneath my breath. I turned to the left on the path leading to the shome'bumping into a slightly hunched man carrying some heavy bag.

'Watch ya way, girl', he snarled, baring his teeth at me.

'I'd say the same for you too', I yelled back, walking quickly past him.

Up ahead, I saw that familiar red head that I'd recognize anywhere.The only one in the entire kingdom.

Gwenore Trushe, the daughter of our next door family. They moved in four years when I was a blossoming girl of fifteen. She was gentle and seldom speak much, moving about her business as quietly as she could.

She didn't talk to me for days. I felt invincible, I thought I'd finally seen some friend considering we are both girls. I remembered following her everywhere she went, bringing up silly conversations. She'd stare at me like I had suddenly grown a separate head then reply as politely as could.

My lips curved into a smile as I remembered such moments.

We are good friends now. And I realised she talks a lot more than I do. She was only quiet because she wasn't familiar with me. Now she is.

We do a lot of things together, we carry out chores and run errands together. We'd sit for long talking about our dream future in a cozy little village with our strong knights.

Hmmn.... Such naughty thoughts we had. Sometimes, she went with me to the woods.

'Gwenore ', I yelled, calling out to her

She couldn't hear me.

'Gwen', I called again, walking quickly to catch up with her.

She didn't turn around. I yelled a few more times starting to get frustrated.

'Gwen', I yelled louder this time, moving closer to her.

'Oh, shut up. Loud mouth',the fat woman passing beside me hissed.

'Have you gone deaf, Gwen?', I said softly, coming to walk beside her seeing that she had noticed me.

'Oh, Clemencia ', she said looking quite stricken.

She was the only one who called me Clemencia, she never called me Athalia or Athy like others do. I once questioned this, but she simply stated that she liked the name and thought it suits me better.

'I called out, you wouldn't answer me', I said sounding a little bit hurt.

'My apologies, Gwen', she replied sincerely, grabbing my free arm and pulling us to a walk.

'Your apologies shall be considered, my lady ', I said, curtseying mid walk.

'Oh, shut up', she chided, laughing softly.

'Where are you headed, I could use some companion '.

'I'm off to Danny's, I've been tasked with picking up Vyrian's clothing ', I replied as we walked, moving closer to the clothing store.

'Oh my, we crossed at the right path. We are meant for each other', she said in a dramatic way.

I snickered.

'I'm heading that way too and how's that brother of yours? ', she continued in her normal manner.

'Oh, he's up and kicking ', I said dramatically, laughing when I saw the look she gave me.

We made our way to Danny's ,bickering loudly earning a few angry stares from passersby which were lost to us as we completely ignored them.