
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

Chapter 14


Hinata drove for hours. She just kept going until she could breathe again. Someone tried to call her multiple times, but she didn't bother getting her phone out of the bag and let it go to voicemail.

'I'll be sent away like Hanabi. I won't get to see anyone anymore. At least I'll graduate in the Spring.'

Once the tears stopped flowing, Hinata was exhausted. When she looked around, she had no idea what part of town she was in or if it was still Konoha at all. Rather than turn around and find her way home, she simply searched for a place to stay the night. It was sunset, and she didn't trust herself not to fall asleep at the wheel.

Being in a not-so-safe neighborhood made her nervous, but she had no choice but to rent a room at the rundown motel she came across just as the sun fell below the horizon, taking the light of day with it.

After closing and locking the door to her room behind her, she sighed and looked around. There was a bed taking up most of the space with surprisingly nice sheets and pillows. A door on its other side led to a bathroom. A TV sat on the dresser against the wall near the foot of the bed, just enough room left between them to walk through.

'Father's going to be so angry that I haven't told him where I am, but I don't care anymore. If he takes anything else away, it'll negatively affect him, too.'

Hinata washed her face in the bathroom, inspected the bed to ensure it was clean, and promptly fell asleep when she discovered it was.

Sometime in the middle of the night, she was awoken by a loud knocking on the door.

Half-asleep, she got up and dragged her feet over. Rubbing her eyes, she opened it, "What is it?" A squeak passed her lips when Hidan's enraged face met her gaze.

He shoved her into the room, coming inside and slamming the door behind him, "Why would you open the damn door without checking who it is first?"

Hinata sat on the edge of the bed with a red face, glaring at the ground as he continued to criticize her.

"Why are you even here? You're lucky the damn manager here knows who you are, or else-" "Did my dad send you?" She cut him off, too tired to bother with politeness.

Hidan's mouth closed briefly, his eyes alight with irritation, before he pointed at her with a look that would kill her if possible, "Don't piss me off, Hinata."

In the back of her mind, the girl realized he was genuinely agitated because he used her real name, but this time she wouldn't back off just because he warned her. She stood up to her father and wasn't about to be submissive to the silver-haired man, either.

"Answer the question. Why are you here?"

His voice rose slightly, "Because you're stupid enough to get yourself killed in a place like this, that's why."

Hinata got to her feet, a hint of the earlier emotions fueling her glare, "You know that's not what I'm asking."

She knew it was stupid to make him angry knowingly, but she deserved some explanation since they all dropped her like it was nothing. The part of her that felt guilty when ire brewed in the man's eyes wasn't all that big.

"You're really fuckin'-" Hidan stood right before her, grabbing her jaw to make her meet his gaze, only for his eyes to stray from hers and his words to trail off as though something distracted him. Magenta eyes widened slightly, his grip on her jaw becoming gentler as he turned her face with grit teeth.

The Hyuuga girl wasn't sure what he was looking for but tore away and stepped back, "If the only reason you're here is that my dad told you to find me, then get out." He tried to touch her face again, but she smacked his hand away, "Stop it, Hidan!"

She was angry again, like earlier in the day. Shoving against his chest, she hissed, "You don't get to show up out of nowhere after not talking to me for over a week and expect me to act like things are normal!"

Hidan looked stunned instead of enraged for once. He watched silently as the girl before him clenched her fists at her sides and closed her eyes, turning to the side so he couldn't see her face.

"I don't need you coming here to tell me I'm an idiot or just a spoiled rich girl having a tantrum. I've had enough."

"Hinata, shut the hell up," Hidan finally snapped out of it, and he wasn't happy.

She turned to meet his glare, facing him fully a moment later. 'That's it. I am so done with him walking all over me!' Betrayal and rage dripped from her voice, "I'm serious. Get out of here. You're only here because your fucking paycheck is at risk!"

Then the girl's back hit the bed, Hidan on top of her with a hand around her throat tightly enough to stun her into silence. Her hands clutched at his shirt, but she kept the glare on her face, refusing to show him fear.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Hinata. You don't know what the hell you're talking about," he hissed, searching her face barely more than an inch away, "Do you really see me taking orders from a cunt who hits you?"

Hinata's anger dissipated, her grip on his shirt loosening slightly.

The man continued, "I'd be an idiot to turn down getting paid for what I was already gonna do. So, yes, I told your stupid ass dad that I'd keep an eye on you for him. If that pisses you off so much, then just fuckin' hit me and get over it."

"I-I don't want to get over it!"

'Why did I say that? What does that even mean?'

Hinata knew what she meant, and she had a feeling Hidan did, too, because the look on his face went from enraged to a familiar heated expression instead. It was exhilarating how he was glaring at her.

'It's the passion that makes it so attractive, I think,' she mused.

At the same time, Hidan's hand slid from her neck to cup her jaw as he came down to kiss her with the anger bleeding heavily from the rough act, and Hinata ran a hand into his hair, a soft gasp managing to pass her lips before his covered them.

Despite knowing he was likely to tease her if she did something incorrectly, the girl still threw caution to the wind and slid a hand under his shirt, running it slowly up his torso and feeling hotter with each inch. For just a moment, the man pulled away, reached up, and tugged his shirt entirely off to throw it haphazardly away; then, he was kissing her again.

Hinata's hand left his hair, coming down to hold his shoulder while her other one helped itself to feel his bare skin and the muscles that flexed beneath it. When her fingers brushed against the firm one shaped like a "v", a slight sound vibrated her chest, the heat inside her flaring up to the point that it was overwhelming. Her nails slightly grazed his skin.

Hidan made a noise similar to hers, pulling his tongue from her mouth in a way that told her he didn't want to. Magenta eyes were blazing as long fingers danced down to the hem of her shirt, glancing down as he began pulling it up. Hinata aided him, too in the moment to feel bashful. She sat up to move her legs outside his, grabbing his belt loop and pulling him down on top of her again afterward.

The man spoke against her lips between kisses, low and husky, "Do you know what you're getting into?" His lips traveled to her jaw and down to her neck, where his teeth grazed the sensitive skin.

Hinata closed her eyes, her body pressing against his instinctually, "Do you like me?"

He froze, pausing momentarily before pulling back to fix her with a confused look, "What the fuck does that matter?"

The glare on the Hyuuga girl's face returned, her fingers traveling absently up his chest to run them over his neck, eyes following their movement, "Because I like you. If you feel the same way, then I know what I want to get myself into, but if you don't, you should leave before I embarrass myself further."

"What if I lie so you'll let me fuck you?"

Her eyes jumped to his firmly, testing his response even though a blush steadily rose to her face at his blunt manner of speaking, "I don't think you'd do something like that, but I guess that's a risk I'm willing to take."

Hidan narrowed his eyes, looking over her face and upper body before meeting her gaze again, "You should kick me out of here." She remained silent, waiting for him to elaborate. "Being involved with someone like me is…. You're too fuckin' fragile. I'm serious. Tell me to leave right now, and I will."

Heart pounding quickly, the girl smiled, relieved, 'He does like me.'

He groaned, "Damn it, Hinata."

Then they were kissing again, just as eagerly, if not more. After moving in unison to the bed, pulling the blankets over them. Hinata wasn't wholly lying down, her back to the pillows as calloused fingers trailed over the bare skin of her waist, his thumb slipping under the wire of her bra to test the waters. When she didn't panic, he ran his palm down her stomach instead, slipping it beneath the cloth of her leggings to touch the front of her underwear.

Hinata's eyes squeezed more tightly closed, 'Don't panic. You know Hidan won't hurt you.' Though her initial response was to close her legs, she froze before following her instincts instead and parted them further.

The boy moved his fingers slowly, seeming to both give her a chance to object and search for something that'd pull a response. The latter was what he received.

Now, Hinata's never even masturbated before, as mentioned previously when she accidentally went on a porn discovery binge to figure out what was vanilla and what wasn't, so the girl didn't have the first clue about what would feel good. When Hidan pressed a specific spot, she sucked in a breath, eyes opening to lock onto his before her brow furrowed, and she squeezed them closed again.

Someone else would've likely remained gentle with her because this was her first experience, but that wasn't the silver-haired boy's style. No, as soon as he got that first reaction, he skillfully teased the poor trembling girl.

'It feels really good! What do I do? What if I make a weird noise or do something wrong? He'll make fun of me; I just know it!'

Hidan pulled his lips from hers and sat back on his knees to let his eyes wander from her face down her body and back with a grin, "Can't hold back forever, Princess. If you like it, tell me."

"I'm just nervous, is all," she admitted. Somehow, even in this situation, the boy managed to get under her skin.

He raised a brow, grin widening further, "The fuck is there to be nervous about? You have your very own teacher right here to guide you." Magenta eyes closed for a moment, and he shook his head as though laughing at his own statement.

Hinata's breath hitched, her breathing picking up, "T-Teacher?"

The boy surprised her by removing himself from her completely, sitting back on his knees between her legs with an amused, excited sparkle in his gaze, "I'll tell you what to do."

Though he might've been joking, the Hyuuga girl found herself a little relieved and nodded. Until she's more experienced, being instructed didn't sound all that bad. At least then, she wouldn't make as many mistakes. She suspected the silver-haired boy didn't mind in the slightest, either.

"Good, now don't fuckin' panic."

She was right.

Hidan grabbed her hips and pulled her lower so her head was on the pillows, earning a small yelp of surprise from the girl. Then, he curled his fingers under the band of her leggings, offering a slight warning look before pulling them down her legs and tossing them away.

Feeling as though talking might ease her discomfort, Hinata breathed out as Hidan came over her, holding himself up with one arm while the other took its time exploring her curves, mouth in the crook of her neck, "H-How old were you when you first…?"

A low hum vibrated his chest before he responded, "Touch me," his free hand grabbed one of hers and guided it to his shoulder before releasing it to massage her breast, "And fifteen."

"That young!?"

Hidan snickered against her skin before slowly descending with his lips on her shoulder, then collar bone, to her chest, "Arch your back."

She did, gasping with a humiliated face when he reached beneath her to unhook her bra. Her fingers curled around both of his shoulders. He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and running his tongue over it.

The Hyuuga bit her tongue to prevent a surprised moan from escaping. It was foreign. That was the only reason she froze. Trembling, she ran her fingers through his hair and attempted not to lose her nerve when he touched between her legs again.

"Take 'em off."

When she realized he meant her underwear, she reached down to the hem, the man lifting himself slightly so she could bend her legs and slip them off, losing them under the blankets somewhere.

Hidan trailed lower, away from her breasts, leaving a trail of kisses and nips down her stomach until he was at her hips. Hinata couldn't help it. She panicked, "U-Um! C-Can I, um, can I…you…before you…"

The young man smirked at her, "If you say it properly."

Mortified, Hinata wanted to cover her eyes but knew he'd protest, so she cupped her face and glared, "C-Can you show me how to do it t-to you first?" Something about how he wasn't undressed like her made her feel vulnerable, so she wanted them to be on equal footing.

That's how she ended up where she was, sitting on her knees beside Hidan with a cherry-red face and shifty eyes. Hidan lay with one arm behind his head and an amused smirk, "Touch it."

The organ before her was hard. It wasn't the first penis she'd ever seen; again, she had a night of porn research, but she still wasn't sure where it stood on the size scale. Seeing one in person felt completely different. Hinata swallowed nervously, a hand in a nervous fist at her chest. She could feel his gaze on her, and it wasn't helping her gather the courage.

"Can you stop staring?"


Sighing, she frowned and just made herself do it. It was warm in her hand, almost hot. A small bout of pride swelled in her chest, and she met Hidan's eye while awaiting further instruction. Magenta eyes widened as though he hadn't expected her to take on the role of student so thoroughly, but he quickly smiled amusedly, "Like this." A large, calloused hand encircled him over hers and showed her how much pressure to use and what speed to move.

After a few moments, he pulled his hand away and let her do it by herself. Hinata focused on her task, "That's it?"

"What do you mean "that's it"? I didn't want to have you stick it in your damn mouth right off the bat. You'd probably fuckin' faint!"

Hinata turned her gaze to meet his, both glaring in annoyance. The irritation fueled her, and she asked, "S-So, mouth next?"

He rolled his eyes, nodding, "Don't touch me with your damn teeth, or I'll be pissed."

The Hyuuga woman let her hair fall over her shoulder, acting as a curtain so he couldn't see her face as she cautiously took him into her mouth. As luck would have it, Hidan gathered her hair in his hand and held it out of the way, "Start moving."

She did, feeling completely humiliated. Naturally, she tightened her mouth around him, keeping her teeth away.

"You didn't even need me to fuckin' tell you this time!" Pearl-colored eyes glanced at him, unsure, and he nodded, fingers traveling from the middle of her hair to her scalp, "Keep going."

'Maybe I should just do what feels natural. That seems to be working best.'

So, Hinata trusted her gut. As she continued, the girl made minor adjustments to her technique until, a minute or two later, the silver-haired man hissed, and the hand at the back of her head took over the decision of speed.

"Breathe out your nose, I'm gonna…." he trailed off with a low sound that was cut off by him closing his mouth, gritting his teeth, and letting his head fall back on the pillows. Suddenly, the hand moved her down so his cock pressed against the back of her throat.

She wondered how she wasn't gagging but didn't have the time to sit and think about it. A small squeak left the girl when a hot, salty liquid exploded down her throat. When he slid out of her mouth, he quickly lifted her chin, sitting up.

The pink in his eyes was bright as his face appeared flushed, but his expression was firm, as was his command, "Swallow it." Most of it was automatically swallowed because of how far he'd thrusted in, so she didn't argue and did as she was told. His brows raised before he laughed, releasing her.

Hinata sat there, baffled and embarrassed, "Wh-What?"

Hidan pulled her down to the bed, rolling on top of her and forcing himself between her legs, "You pretend to be so damn innocent, but that was easy as hell for ya, wasn't it?"

She glared at him as he parted her legs slightly more and moved lower but didn't bother arguing because she'd never win. No time was wasted. He dove right into his task, which pulled a startled sound past her lips, "H-H-Hidan!" An amused hum vibrated against her, shutting her up instantly.

Face alight with humiliation, Hinata tried to keep herself quiet and relaxed. Meanwhile, the silver-haired man's tongue built up an unfamiliar tightness in her lower abdomen. Time passed much too slowly but also too quickly at the same time. She wanted him to never stop what he was doing while also wanting him to disappear because the way she was losing control of her own body was terrifying.

Hidan held either of her thighs, coming up slightly so he could meet her eye, "Just let it fucking happen already."

She could only pant for breath, brow furrowed.

He lifted an eyebrow before digging his nails into her thighs just enough that it didn't break the skin. While he did that, he put more pressure against her with his tongue than before. Hinata's head fell back immediately, a breathy moan escaping as she succumbed to the man's actions. She held fists of the sheets, back arching as her legs trembled. The silver-haired boy's eyes warmed, an amused hum rumbling through his chest.

When the intense waves of pleasure finally slowed, Hinata lay there stunned entirely, eyes glazed over on the ceiling as she tried to catch her breath.

'What just happened? How is it possible for the body to feel like that? Is it like that every time?'

Hidan appeared smug as he crawled between her legs to hover over her, one arm holding him up as he held her jaw with the other, "Princess, this is a very honest face."

Hinata's eyes finally refocused, locking onto his and widening in realization. Unbearable heat met her face, and she covered it with both hands, groaning.

The boy snickered, tugging one of her wrists away and pinning it to the bed, "Next time, you'd better let me hear you. I was only fuckin' nice this once, got it?"

'He considers that nice? I'm scared to witness what he considers pushy!'