
Conquest: Origins

A misled hero fights for what he believes is right, comes to a world flipping discovery having him face the biggest decision of his life while also dealing with hidden consequences of a past deal. . Humanity has always been selfish. Once they discovered an entire dimension of beings with magical powers, they adapted as well. The humans gained three sub-human types, techno-human, Mutant-Human, Magi-Human! Through some underhanded deals made by the government and a shady dwarven kingdom, humans are supplied with a new type of currency and various kinds of weapons, armors, and spells so they can compete with the Solarians. Only a select few know the true plans of the president, until a leak breaks the structure at the most critical moment! (Not my pfp found from Pinterest.)

Your_God_Menace · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Nexus People Files

THIS CHAPTER MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!! Feel free to skip this chapter because I will occasionally be updating it (and others like this) with Characters, Items, Races, and other stuff. This means I can be planning ahead for things as well as having a point of reference for you readers.

I will try to separate characters and possibly lore by dates or events. Hopefully it'll give you readers a little more to enjoy while also helping me world build. I hope you'll extend me your patience as this is all a work in progress. Enjoy the story! (Also pay attention to the Authors Notes *Winkwink*)


A soldier hands over a data pad.

"Here are the files on people of interest on Nexus. The government keeps track of any and all records. Please inform an official when you see someone who should be added. You'll be rewarded greatly."

They walk away.

—Nexus Files—

Ego Sting:

Alias: Stingray

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Magi-Human

Star Rank: 0-Star

Magic Ability: Elemental Pop

Last Known Location: Bonnet City

Background: Ego grew up in a simple household, after reaching the age of 18 He decided to move out. Now he lives alone.

THE Magi-Human (Real Name Unknown):

Alias: Limitless

Age: Unknown

Sex: Unknown

Affiliation: Magi-Humans

Star Rank: Three-Star

Magic Ability: Shape-shifting and Ability Manifestation (Assumption)

Last Known Location: Unknown

Background: A person of great power. They are said to be able to be able to shift their body into almost anything one could imagine. Records say they were able to use a multitude of magical abilities. No one knows where they went or why they left.

Jack Jankons:

Alias: Brutus

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Mutant Human

Star Rank: Two-Star

Mutant Ability: "Extra Muscles"

Last Known Location: Bonnet City

Background: In grade school, Jack was a jock with many friends. This is where he met two of his best friends, Dan Yuulki and Heaven Sar. Due to his power of muscle growth he's able to grow extra muscles to amplify his strength allowing him to punch through walls with ease and throw vehicles 70 meters in the air. Any physical confrontation with him is highly ill-advised.

Dan Yuulki:

Alias: Cyber Train

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Techno-Human

Star Rank: Two-Star

Cybernetic Enhancements: Merge-Tech and Cyber-Flight

Last Known Location: Bonnet City

Background: Dan was always a shy kid. Growing up, his love for video games and technology research shaped the rest of his social life, which was non-existent. Until he met Heaven and Jake. Upon seeing their cool abilities he tried to replicate them but had no luck. With no affinity for magic nor the mutant gene, there was only one option left. After visiting a Gene specialist, Dan learned that he was eligible for Cybernetic-Enhancements! From there he started with some basic upgrades like robotic arms and legs to enhance his speed and strength. By the age of 16 he became a major contributor of technology on Nexus. Only two years later did he invent a new field of technology: Merge-Tech. It gives the user the ability to merge their cybernetic body parts to create a new object. Due to being a newly developed field, not many people have it, and the government has had their eyes on Dan and his technology for a long time.

Heaven Strong:

Alias: Solar Flare

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Affiliation: Magi-Human

Star Rank: Two-Star

Magic Ability: "Fire Power"

Last Known Location: Bonnet City

Background: Heaven Strong is a beautiful woman who went through a horrible death. Back in grade school after meeting her friends, she had a boyfriend. They were two peas in a pod. Anywhere she was he was too. Although she was the oldest of the three, Heaven was the last one to gain her abilities. One day while strolling through a park with her boyfriend, Dan, and Jack, they were attacked by someone. This was the day her boyfriend died and her attitude towards Jack and Dan changed completely. From then on she studied what little knowledge she could on magic, eventually choosing to specialize in one field. Fire.

Viktor Vancouver:

Alias: Havoc

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Mutant Human

Star Rank: One-Star

Mutant Ability: Acid Star

Last Known Location: Bonnet City

Background: "With this power, the world is mine to control." Viktor began his spree of violence at a young age. His ability gave him the use of acid secretion to melt things. He was recruited by Jack because he "saw so much potential" in Viktor. Having nothing else to do he accepted. Due to the way Jack ran things, Viktor had to stop his misdeeds. Although this was all just a ruse to get closer to Jack. He planned to dethrone him and take his place as top mutant.

《Incoming Nova Government approved transmission》

Nova is [T]he Hero of our [E]ntire [P]lanet. [R]espect them and [E]njoy your [S]tay [I]n one of our [D]elightfully [E]nticing cities. [N]o one is allowed [T]o defy our leader. [IS] th[E]re any [V]alid questions? [I]n that case, good [L]uck everyone!

《End transmission》

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