
Conquest of Another Universe

Styrm(name after getting isekai'd), was the leader of a country who also happened to conquer 45% of the world. However, an unknown god teleports(more like "forcefully nabs") him to a parallel universe. He gets a message system(part time gps system, and part time level up system, and isekai cliche obsessed) and an unknown superpower. You shan't know about the superpower, unless you read the story(hehe, this will get some views).{Marketing strategies inspired by : drama series ads }. Dear viewers, please give me some cover page. The current cover page is trash.

Just_A_Cartoon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

How I got teleported(more like kidnapped)

I was roaming through the newly built parliament of my country. It was supposed to compose members from diverse cultures and religions in my country.

Suddenly, I slipped on wet floor and fall right on my nose. Then I got up again and bribed the worker who saw me fall to not tell anyone anything. He went laughing off on his way.

After that I entered the "Garden of Might", which composed most of the fauna from my country(Don't call it lame, I named it).

All was going good(except for the falling part), but I suddenly blacked out and found myself in the presence of the one and only god(or so it called itself),

"Ehh? What the hell happened, I am being kidnapped right? How much you wan-", Those were my first words to the one and only god.

I thought it was a kidnapper at first.

"I am not a kidnapper you insolent fool, I AM THE ONE AND ONLY GOD.", it cut me off before I could bribe it.

"Hmm, turns out my kidnapper has a god complex.", I laughed at him/it/her/whatever the hell it was.

"I AM THE ONE AND ONLY GOD, the all knowing being."

"But I am an atheist.", I replied to him.

He remained quiet for some time and thought for a good comeback but could not find any.

"Do you not sense your surroundings?", it said.

"Why the hell can't I feel anything and then also I can feel a cluster of living beings ahead of me", at that time I realised I could not see my kidnapper not because my eyes were blinded but because I did not have a physical form.

To put it in words, it felt like you can not sense anything around you except for living things.(it is kinda hard to understand and explain)

"This is because I called upon your livetrons, now I will cut to the chase and ban you from this universe."

"Why are you banning me from the universe?", at this point I was calm and I totally ignored the livetrons part.

"Oh, says the one, who is the biggest threat to all living beings in the universe."

"What could I do to make myself a threat to the universe?", I averted my eyes(To be noted: I did not have my eyes).

"Says the one who almost conquered the whole earth. Enough with the wasting of time, I will now banish you to another universe."

Before I could speak another word, I blacked out. I then awakened and thought that it was a weird dream of some sort, only to find myself in another physical body in the middle of a forest.

So it really was not joking about teleporting me to another world.

"What the hell, so it was really a god."

"Hmph, insolent fool.", a reply came from an unknown thing.

"Where are you?", I asked frightened.

"I am in front of you, you insolent fool.", replied a message system. On first look, it looked like an alexa, but from it's tongue I don't think it's like alexa.

"I will ignore this weirdo for now and my first goal right now should be -", I was again cut off while I was saying something

"Your first goal should be to find an adventurer's guild and register there and then slay a monster."


Continuing where I left off, first I should actually examine that does this world follow the laws of physics of our world or is set like a typical isekai breaking the laws of physics.

I picked up a stone and threw it, as expected it did follow it's trajectory.

"Can I ask you questions?", I asked the message system.

"Ofcourse, I am the friendly message system, you insolent fool."

It would have been better if it could cut the "insolent fool" part.

"My first question, is this like an isekai, and are there any human settlements nearby?"

"Yes, this is an isekai, just that it follows the laws of physics of your universe, and yes there are human settlements about 1.5 kilometers from here."

"Guide me to the settlements."

"Ok, take a right 450 m ahead."

The message system turned into a modern GPS system, with the way the things were going, I was not the least bit surprised about this.

"Can I use magic too?", I asked continuing to empty my pile questions.

"Ofcourse, you insolent moron.", replied the messaging system. It just added one more degree of insult to "insolent fool" part.

"What type of magic can I use."

"You can use any magic you can imagine."

"Can I use something like mind control?"

"Yes, but your brain will burn out from the load of computing other person's brain. It takes a lot of load on your brain to compute other person's brain's signals."

"Can I use necromancy?"

"You can create puppets and use livetron to fill it."

"What are these livetrons, you and that 'one and only god' talk about?"

"In basic words, what humans call as soul, livetrons is the basis of every life, every living organism has it. It is like the basic quantum particles - photons and gravitons."

"I don't get it, it does not fit in the definition of quantum particles we know."

"Of course not, you humans don't even know the most basic concepts of universe, all you know are the theories you come up with to explain the universe, which are not entirely wrong but need so many corrections."

"So are these livetrons filled with information on a living being?"

"Yes, but at the same time you can't really call it "filled with information", every livetron is unique and is uniquely connected to the one and only god."

"Now that I am in this universe, is it still connected to the one and only god?"

"Good question, even I can't answer it. Even the one and only god had to bet on the chance that you will be alive in this world, if some mistake happened or if he was wrong in the method of transferring you here, you would have been erased from existence. He came up with a very complex way to transfer you to this world while making me here to guide you in this world."

"You mean, that due to one mistake of his, it could have cost me my life?"



"He gave you that handsome body in compensation"

Now that he mentioned it, it was really a good looking body.

"Oh really~ wait there are no abs! My hard earned abs!", I said surprised by the fact that my abs had disappeared.(I went to the gym daily to maintain those rock hard abs!)

"Why do you care about such trivial things? Next question"

"Is there a way I can go back to my universe?", I continued with my next question.

"I dunno, I am just doing my job"

"What kind of a message system can't answer its user's question?"

"What kind of a person does not go to an adventurer's guild when they go to another world?"

"What kind of a message system has such weird answers to an user? Enough of it already."

I walked silently

"Take a left in 300 meters."

"I have another questions, do I have a special skill that people get generally when they are transferred to another world?"

"Yes there is, you can drink a hot drink in one sip."

"What kind of a joke is that?"

"You have another skill,-"

"Be serious this time", I cut the message system before it could speak in a threatening tone.

"Your another special skill is you can summon any 5 people from your universe into this universe."

"Well I want to summon my advisor,-"

"Sorry, the skill will be active after the 3 month period."


"Uhm, I guess this will be useful in the future." I continued after calming down.

"Your destination is right ahead.", the message system deactivated its GPS system.

In front of me, was a village, it was a very small village with around 100-200 houses and a small population in terms of the cities I have seen in my life, I mean my former life.

I went inside the village, a guard nearby stopped me and asked me to verify. I lied that I was a refugee from a nearby settlement who came here to live. He did not ask for details and let me in, after walking some distance I asked the doubts that came to my mind.

"How was I able to understand his language and he able to understand mine, I am pretty sure there is a different language here."

"Yes you are correct, currently you can understand any human language as I am converting them into English for you. You better be grateful, you ungrateful fool."

"How is that possible?"

"First of all, I can understand what information a pair of livetrons are trying to convey, I read their brain and know what they are telling, then convert it to signals that your brain can understand."

"So by chance, can you read other people's mind?"

"Yes I can."

"Can I use that as a skill?"

"Yes you can, that is if you are able to compute other's thoughts."

"Try it."

The message system turned on the skill that allowed me to read other's brains, however it is not as simple as listening, you have to decode the message in the other person's brain going as electric impulses in neutrons.

My mind went through immense heating, and I hurriedly told the system to turn off the skill. It was mental torture, The neutrons have to do to work so much that they take in too much blood causing blood haemorrhage.

From the inside, it was a quiet village. Some farmers worked here or there.

"Let's go to the adventurer's guild!", the messenger system said.


"Then let's hide and you can become one of those shadow lords who operate from shadows."

"Not interested."

"Then what are you interested in, you insolent fool."

"To start off, I am interested in money, knowledge and power in this world."

"Rest assured, for money you can go to the adventurer's guild-"

"NO MORE ADVENTURER THINGY, And does this world even have an adventurer's guild?"

"Yes it does, should I guide you?"

"No thanks, but can I get a job?"

"For the job, you can become a magician and-", I thought it was about to say 'become a magician and then register as an adventurer.'

"became an adventurer? seriously that again?", I tried to guess what it was going to say.

"No, use earth magic to make a bowl, and then beg for money.", it said in a smug tone.

"Any other better options?"

"Yes, you can ask the farmers and work for them as a labourer or you could become a cowboy?"

"What's wrong with you?"


"Give me a job."

"Just ask a farmer for it, I am too bored to do that."

To summarize the boring part ahead, I meet a farmer, beg him for a job, he takes a job interview(Don't ask me why they need job interviews for that) and get a job.

Now I am working as a labourer, I get 10 minth coins a week as a salary, a place to sleep and food. According to the information I acquired from the farmers, this village - Nozo settlement, is a part of the Mojo country of the Osuen continent.

Also I got a new name for me - Styr(please don't call it lame).

These chapters may be hard to digest right now, but soon you will get to the rewarding part, just wait for it.

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