
Conqueror Otsutsuki

A mob hit man dies and gains three wishes; follow his story as he goes to different worlds gaining as much powers as possible. current world Game of Thrones This is going to be pure wish fulfillment with some plot. MC will be traveling to anime and T-V worlds. Trigger warning the mc is going to be super evil there will be rape, slavery, etc. so if your sensitive just dont read it.

Stevemeh · TV
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8 Chs

Young God

Chapter Six

Landing on the low hills with no city in sight surrounded by trees I watch as Sommer's bats and Kali land next to me Sommer's bat quickly swarming forming into her body and Kali's black wings folding along her back. 

"King Damon, we passed the city hours ago, what are we doing in this deserted area?" Sommer asks, looking around the thick forest the morning sun blocked by the trees. We've traveled non stop through the day Kali using some of her light magic to put a simple illusion on us to make us look like a cloud.

"I don't want to cause a disturbance by landing in a city right now. Sommer for now we are just observing and when the time is right we will spill enough blood to cause the God Tree's growth to speed up by five hundred years. I will expect when the time is right you two will each be leading by my side, can I expect this of you two?" I ask, watching as both the sisters' eyes widen Kali quickly kneeling as her sister follows after her.

"You honor us my King when the time is right you will be able to lean upon both of us as if we were your crutches to support your body." Kali says loyally her gaze staring at the ground. 

"As you know my King, Kali has always been better at expressing herself through words but I can assure when the time comes and you expect us to lead your troops into battle I will spread as much bloodshed as I can." Sommer says staring at the ground like her sister. 

"Good because here is where we will begin; in the coming month we will destroy the Free City of Pentos. We will kill every man woman and child in the city, the God tree does not discriminate the blood that it gets and we shall not discriminate the blood that we give it." I have no qualm with decimating a city. These tiny humans should be bowing at my feet thanking me that they are having the opportunity to be killed by one of my soldiers. I am merely giving them the opportunity to meet their god early. 

"Does that mean I can drink blood from these humans soon?!" Sommer asks excitedly looking up from her kneeling position a smile upon her face exposing her top and bottom fangs making me smile.

"Yes, you both can drink as much as you like from whomever you'd like no one will stop you and if someone tries you have permission to kill them even if they are our own soldiers."

"Your kindness knows no bounds my King," Sommer says between a fit of giggles visibly struggling to hold in her full blown laughter. "We will kill as many humans as you'd like." Sommer continues her already red eyes, gaining a glow to them.

"Whatever you wish us to do we will do without question." Kali says while looking up with a serious expression. "You said that in the coming month we will destroy the city. What will we be doing with the time before that?" 

"I will be sending an ambassador to Pentos and once he returns whether we are welcomed or declined an invitation will decide what our next move is. If we are declined we will storm the walls and begin our invasion if we are welcomed we will spend time within the walls before we slaughter the city." I say while Sommer's face gets even more excited as she springs from her sitting position.

"Oh I hope they decline us. I've been waiting so long for this!" She shouts while swinging her sheathed katana the mere wind cleanly slicing through three trees a distance away that topple over with a loud bang all the nearby birds flying away as Kali sends her sister a glare. As Sommer goes to swing her katana again Kali disappears in a flash of golden light catching Sommer's sheathed sword causing a loud bang as a small crater forms beneath her feet as she glares daggers at her sister.

"Calm down," she growls. "You making a fool of yourself while we are alone I can stand but you making a fool of yourself in front of our King is something I will not tolerate." Feeling the pressure begin to rise as the crater beneath Kali doubles in size my enjoyment in watching the sisters bicker quickly disappears. 

"Calm down!" I shout whatever pressure in the air quickly disappears as Sommer lowers her katana clipping it back onto her kimono giving me and Kali a smile. 

"My apologies my King, sister, it seems I lost control of my emotions. I will try to keep them in check next time." Sommer says while dusting herself off Kali doing the same.

"Now then it's time to begin." Tapping into my powers of creation I think of the appearance of the ambassador I wish to make. I don't just want to make an ambassador I wish to make a trusted advisor in war tactics and politics that I can learn from. Kali and Sommer both have immense war knowledge but they are not teachers.

Finishing creating my creations appearance and past I quickly put him in existence. Opening my eyes I see an older man with wizened black eyes wearing a nice all black tuxedo with no wrinkles or fuzz to be seen even if you used a microscope and two all black gloves that he quickly places behind his back as he kneels.

"I am yours to command my King." He says softly yet as soft as his voice is it travels through the forest. 

"Good, I have a job for you Walter, travel southwest and you'll come across the city of Pentos, request us invitation say that we are wealthy merchants wishing to sell our goods and take refuge in the city. If they refuse us, kill the people who received you and come back to us as fast as you can." I say while looking at Walter's greyed neatly combed hair with a grey goatee as he looks up with a curious gaze.

"We will take over this city?" He asks as I give him a nod. "I see, might I suggest a gift so it is more likely they will welcome us? Unless you wish for us to decimate this city straight away then I will be sure we get rejected." 

Using my power of creation I create a beautiful open golden chest filled with beautiful gems and diamonds. "Give this to them as a gift, tell them that we have more than they could ever imagine and that we are willing to sell them." I say with a smile.

"A gracious gift my King I will leave now for this city of Pentos if that is all." He says while standing with leather draconian wings sprouting from his back. I made Walter a dragon in a human body, he can shapeshift in whatever human form he wants but transforming into his dragon form will require a great amount of strength. He can use magic as well and as he ages he will become more powerful.

"Take these soldiers with you. It doesn't matter how much power you hold as an ambassador, they may view us as weak without them." Creating ten soldiers all clad in silver armor and eleven horses Walter quickly flies up utop the horse with the golden chest.

"Your greatness is unfathomable even to me my King." He says with a bow on top of his horse while looking back at the ten men. "Come now soldiers it is time we ride!" He calls galloping through the forest the soldiers following behind him.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Sommer asks curiously looking around the forest.

"Now we train." Activating my byakugan I rush forward using seventy five percent of my speed creating a chakra blade. Swinging my blade I watch as the sword goes straight through Sommer's body bursting into mist as I block a blow from behind as she quickly disappears again.

Blocking blows from all around me, the mist completely surrounding me, my byakugan the only reason I'm able to track her I pin point her location in the mist. Giving a thrust of my sword, a scream fills my ears as the mist disappears, Sommer's body forming from the mist, my chakra sword piercing through her shoulder. 

Jumping away from my position as three light spears hit my former location I look behind me, my eyes going wide as I stare up at a flying Kali with thousands of light spears surrounding her.

"You let your guard down my king." She says with a small frown as I feel a broad grin spread across my face as Sommer rips out my chakra sword, her shoulder quickly healing as I mindlessly continue my attack on her controlling my sword from a distance. I made Sommer to be more of an assassin speacializing in speed, stealth, and assassination while Kali is more of an head to head fighter.

"No Kali I did not let my guard down I merely want to see how powerful we really are." I say as the light spears begin to rain down upon me. Releasing all of my power the light spears freeze in mid air as the air seems to ripple around me another ripple sending them all to the ground.

Revealing in the surprise on  Kali's face I take advantage of her surprise using all of my speed to disappear and reappear behind her punching her with all of my strength a sonic boom ringing in my ears as the nearby trees become unrooted Kali crashing into the ground forming a large crater in the ground.  

Watching from above as Sommer unsheathes her katana revealing her all black blade as she begins to clash with my chakra sword holding her own against it as she begins to learn the patterns that I'm using against her. 

As Kali begins to stand she looks up at me, her burned and bruised face quickly healing. Holding up my hand I dispel the chakra sword.

"That is all for now." I say while landing on the ground. "For now we will rest, I have learned what I needed." Walking to the edge of the crater I look down at Kali, her face still healing. "Here this will help you." I say, tossing her a blood bag which she greedily begins to drink.

"Stop, why so soon?! I was just getting warmed up!" Sommer shouts waving her katana cutting the branches on the nearby trees.

"Yes we will stop now I have learned what I need. We will have more time to practice later." Closing my eyes I create a luxurious cabin in the now cleared open field.

"Fine but I expect to be able to go all out next time." Sommer grumbles sheathing her blade.

"Yes you shouldn't have stopped on my account I could've continued." Kali says tossing the bloodbag away her face fully healed. "There is much more magic I wished to use in battle." Spreading her wings she flies out of the crater landing next to her sister and I. 

"I know that's why I did not stop on account of either of you I stopped because I wanted to. It will take Walter many days to get to Pentos we will have time to train while we wait for him." Creating twenty soldiers all with the super serum I walk into the cabin admiring the nice modern look to it that I've missed over the years.

"Choose any room on the left side of the house my room is on the right. Make arrangements for dinner. The fridge should be full with food. I will be in my room, do not disturb me until the food is ready." Going into my room I begin to brainstorm more powers and items that I can create testing the extent of my abilities.

hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review

sorry this one took longer than I thought it would this weekend was super busy for me so I didn't have much time to work on it

Stevemehcreators' thoughts