
Conqueror's Journey from Naruto (+ DxD)

https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nonameavailable Nawaki Senju aka Mad Bomber, Might Dai and Might Guy aka Two Men Destroyer, Minato Namikaze aka The Yellow Flash, Kakashi Hatake aka The White Fang, Obito Uchiha aka The Phantom Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha aka The Dark Crow, Shisui Uchiha aka Shusui of the Flowing Water, and hte Three Sanin. Konoha became too strong for any one village to defeat. The Four Great Villages to form an Alliance Under the Leadership of Guren, who opened the door to another world for them (DxD Universe). Now with the Sacred Gear and Technology from Another World, they must defeat the man holding Konoha togehter. The Fourth Hokage. But are things really that simple? Volume 1 Focuses on Decimo and DxD Universe isn't introduced till the Start of Volume 2 which focuses on Decimo (After Time Skip) and Guren (DxD Universe). [Author’s Note – A Quick Reminder. This story has contents like Netorase. But it is not a full smut. Basically, if the Introduction Arc has 30000 words, then 20,000 words worth of smut. By Netorase, it means that the relationships will be open. It won’t be like she is betraying him, cheating on him or things like those. Since most women that he would be sleeping with won’t be his girlfriend or wife, but sex friends, who are girlfriends and wives of other people. Since there would be scenes of them having sex with their lovers, the Netorase tag is here to warn you.] [PS – The story also has Mystery Genre. So please don’t ask me to explain what is going on. There The Story Revolves around Decimo (Protagonist) and Guren (Antagonist) and Only Original Characters Copyright belong to me.

NetoraseTales · Cómic
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28 Chs

Chapter 18 – Santai no Hitomi (End of Volume 1 Part 1 – 3/3)

Minato stood in the middle of the room. His thoughts were on what drove him to this meeting, and he couldn't help take a deep breath. If that scroll wasn't in front of his eyes, then he would have thought he was charmed like others, maybe Dech was lying, but the hope of peace was right there. All he asked for was to be the messenger to achieve that. That's why, he bowed his head, "I know you have no reason to. But can you please believe in me and give me that scroll?"

"Oh, by any chance, are you thinking about going out and telling Third Hokage, along with Danzo that we have no intention to revolt? And they should hear us out?"

"Sensei! Minato wouldn't do that," Kushina abruptly jumped to her feet, defending her boyfriend. She shot a look towards Minato, "Minato tell him…you didn't…?"

"Sorry, Kushina," Minato's eyes trembled in shock, looking at the constant smile on Decimo's lips as if he had already known that he was spying, "I thought this was something else. But we can still—"

"Sir, Danzo has already made his move…and you were right. The first one he stabbed…was Third Hokage," Hiashi had been keeping an eye on things outside, that is why he was caught off guards. He was told to go with everything that was going on, and he was fine, until Danzo stabbed Third Hokage. Decimo told them that might happen, but they still thought he was joking.

"No! Why would he!" Minato jerked his head up, looking at Hiashi in disbelief, seeing the similar look on the Hyuga man's face, he rushed towards the door, when the door was slammed open, and smokes rushed inside. Minato faltered for a moment, disappointed, mad, sad, angry, and so much more in that one moment, realising the Root Anbu pouring in when a held grabbed him and pulled him back, "That's why I said!! We should set bombs on the door!"

Minato's body hurled through the air, hearing the bombs go off right in front of his face, and Kushina caught him and Hiashi stepped in front of him, "Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!"

Minato's ear buzzed, seeing the room in front of his razed, along with the house, and he had fallen in rubble. He slowly blinked, hearing the silence ring in his ear until red hairs swayed in front of his eyes, and Kushina's worried face was all he could see, "Minato! Minato!"

"I am fine," Minato stood up, staring at the smoke from where Nawaki threw him, his eyes shivering. He calmed himself in moments, and his blue eyes narrowed, his voice became steady, "Kushina. I will apologise later. For now, I am going to make sure that no one else gets hurt."

"Get hurt? By chance, are you talking about Lord Nawaki," Nonou stopped him from jumping in the fray when the smoke cleared, and among the bodies of blasted Anbu was the Senju, who didn't have a speck of injury or burn.

"How?" Kushina was just as surprised as her lover, "He was right there, in the centre?"

"Risou Iyashi."

"That's Sensei's Justu?" Kushina repeated the words when Minato spoke them again, "Ideal Healing…? Risou Iyashi? Could it be?"

"Yes. When Lord Nawaki was 12, and went for his first battle. He stepped on an enemy's trap and nearly died. That was when Lord Decimo, who saw his best friend nearly died awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan, and this Justu. Ideal Healing. Once healed by this Jutsu, you gain immunity to the way you were injured. Since then, Lord Nawaki can't be hurt by Paper Bombs, and that is what led to his unique fighting style. Why he is called Mad Bomber. Although…ever since Lord Decimo used Risou Iyashi on his daughter…some people have questions if that is how the Jutsu works. However, it works, this is the result," Nonou turned her eyes towards Decimo, who smiled at his friend.

"You talk like you didn't put bombs on the entrance."

"Do I?" Nawaki grinned, catching the scroll that Hayami brought from inside and threw at him. It was the size of his torso, and he opened it, summoning tens of weapons covered in Paper Bombs. He picked up the two swords, looking at the hundred of Ninja from Root Army in front of him, "Nonou, the Orphanage?"

"They were evacuated long ago."

"Fugaku, the Uchiha," he tilted his head towards Fugaku, who bowed out of respect, "All clear."

"Heh, good," Nawaki narrowed his eyes, "I hoped that it wouldn't come to this. But's for the sake of Konoha's future. I am going to cut this darkness with my own hands."

He raised his weapon, pointing at the Root, shouting, "I am Nawaki Senju! Grandson of First and Second Hokage!! Brother of Tsunade Senju! And the Future Right-Hand Man of Greatest Hokage Ever!!"

Danzo walked through the crowd of Root Ninja, who gave him way, and he scowlingly looked at them, "Attack!"

Nawaki lunged forward when a Kunai passed him. He only saw a yellow flash before the Root Ninja was kicked down. His eyes went towards Minato, who grabbed the Kunai, "Let me make up and help you!"

"Just make sure you are far enough!"

He was about to clash with the Ninja in front of him when golden chains tied up the Root Ninja, slamming his down on the ground, "I am sorry for him too! Minato was tricked by that guy!"

"Hey! Stop stealing my enemies and everything is forgiven!" Nawaki shouted in embarrassment, thinking about the declaration he gave, and if they kept stealing his enemies, then it would be embarrassing.

He swung his sword with more power when Hiashi Hyuga appeared, "Eight Trigrams Two Palms! Four Palms! Eight Palms! Sixteen Palms!!!"

He slammed the two fingers, and the man got hurled back, and Hiashi awkwardly apologised at Nawaki's glaring eyes, "I was already in motion?"

Nawaki grit his teeth looking back to point at Hizashi who was hurrying towards them, "You want to steal my opponent too!"

Hizashi came to an abrupt stop, getting a scare, "I'll stay here?"

"Good!" Nawaki huffed and puffed, passing through them when his eyes met with Danzo, looking at the Sharingan in his eyes, and his hands weaving sign, "Wind Style: Great Vacuum Sphere!!"

He fired off a massive sphere that not only passed through his men, but also struck all five of them. Kushina used the chains to protect herself and Hyuga Brothers, and Minato appeared behind her, along with Nawaki, who had to let go of his swords. The paper bombs lit up, blasting, adding the flames to the fire, "that's not normal!"

Minato wasn't the only one who was caught off guard from the sheer power of this Jutsu, it was nothing like how others used it, but right now, others were worried about the blast which lit other papers bombs on the weapon, and caused an even bigger blast.

"Sensei!" Kushina couldn't help but worry when a red, massive arm swiped away the smoke and destruction, letting them see the red-coloured giant made of solidified chakra that Fugaku was at the centre of, protecting everyone. Though it disappeared, and Fugaku fell down on his feet, backing away to Mikoto, who held him with care.

"You ragtag group of newbies. You think that you can defeat me with petty tricks," Danzo confidently walked over the bodies of Root Ninja he killed. His eyes turned towards Nonou, who betrayed him, and since he controlled her seal, "I will give you the chance. Kill them and you can return to my side."

Nonou ignored him, looking at him like she was looking at a dead man. She did take the chance to bow and thank him, "thank you for everything. Because of you, I can finally live my life in peace, protecting the children I wish to protect."

"Die," Danzo used the seal to kill her, but she didn't even react. He clenched his fist, glaring at Decimo, "Risou-Iyashi! That accursed Jutsu!"

He thought about something and let out a calm breath, "No problem. That eye of yours will soon belong to me. Along with that scroll."

"Oh, you mean this," Decimo picked up the scroll from the table. The little space around him was the only one that wasn't destroyed, and he opened the scroll, throwing it to Danzo, who grabbed it, thinking it was a distraction. He saw the empty scroll, "What is…this?"

"Do you think we don't know you are watching us? It wasn't just you waiting for Minato to come back. So was I. The moment I knew he was coming," Decimo took the tea from Hayami, taking a sip, "I sent Nawaki, and told him to make a show of it. I bet you thought it would be months before you got anything of worth, but I even spelled it out, knowing you were watching. And the best thing? I knew what would make you crazy. You finally got power from some unknown source, you were confident, you were planning, but what if there would exist an even greater power that would make it so that you could never raise your head again?"

"Like hell you would let it happen," Decimo slightly tilted his head, and a glow appeared in his scarlet eyes, causing the air to become heavier. Even those who knew him for so long felt their heart slow down.

"You are not here of your own will. You are here because I wanted to you here. You attacked Hiruzen because I knew what would drive you to attack him, and with that, Danzo. All your retreats are closed," he leaned forward, putting the cup down on the table, causing that clack sound to echo in the silence of the night, broken only by his husky voice, "Welcome to your Grave."

Danzo crushed the scroll, feeling the veins pop on his forehead, sizzling with anger, "it doesn't matter!! Only Victors Write History! Tomorrow this will be the History! And I will be the one Writing it!"

"Hah," Decimo let out a breath, and this time, for a different reason, everyone came to a sudden halt. They looked at him close his eyes, hearing the cracking sound and the bright light in this sky. Minato wasn't sure, but he heard the epic music being played in the background, making his glance towards Hayami who was playing the violin.

He would have laughed if the night sky weren't cracking and falling like a broken mirror, revealing the darkness on the other side, "what…is that?"

No one could answer him. Not Kushina or Nawaki, the Hyuga Brothers, Nonou, Danzo or Mikoto. The only one who had seen it before was Fugaku, being the only that made him agree to bring his pregnant wife to this war, because he knew, "There is no one who can even touch him."

As if to answer their impeding question, Decimo's voice rang out in their ear, "Santai no Hitomi."

"Takamimusubi no me - Daiichijigen no kami," Decimo slowly opened his eyes, and in the darkness inside the crack opened the same blue eyes. The night turned darker, the stars and moon lost their light, and all anyone could was hold their breaths, looking at the two eyes in the sky, opening fully. The two crystal blue eyes glowing in the night, stars and galaxies spun in its iris, the winds blew, the trees bent acknowledging its presence. People who came out of their houses fell to their knees in reverence.

"Impossible…this is…a lie…a genjutsu!! I know! This is a genjutsu!' Danzo put his hands together, shouting, "Release!! Release!!!"

Decimo let out a sigh, watching him with pity, and the same pity could be seen in the eyes above, "Crush."


One after the others, the sound of bones crunching, the hands and feet breaking kept ringing out in front of him. The hands and legs of Ninja bending in the direction that they shouldn't be. Even Danzo wasn't saved. His fingers started breaking one after the other, then his arms, his foot and legs before his body plopped forward. Decimo gestured Nonou to go over, and she snapped out of her daze, hiding her emotions to walk over, along with her medical instruments to take out the Sharingan Eyes from Danzo.

"No!! These are my eyes—"

"Stop," Decimo lightly spoke, and Danzo froze, his expression, his thoughts, his body, his chakra, everything came to a stop, sending shivers down the spine of those who watched him. Nonou hesitated for a moment before she took out Danzo's eyes, a jar before she walked over to Decimo, kneeling in front of him, offering him the jar.

Decimo picked it up, watching the eyes when Minato gathered all the courage in the world to speak, "So…this was the plan? To take care of Danzo? Those Techniques were a lie? But with your strength we can finally stop the wars."

He was filled with complicated emotions that he couldn't put a finger on when Decimo glanced towards him, nearly making his heart stop, "No. Those techniques Exist. But they are not what I need…"

He closed his one eye to keep Danzo frozen, "Kushina. Seal him for a while."

"Yes, Sensei," Kushina used her chains to wrap around Danzo, burying him into the coffin of chains when Decimo finally closed his other eye, causing the sky to slowly heal. And the tense atmosphere disappear. He opened his scarlet eyes when Nawaki joked, "and I used to think your scarlet eyes were scary. Now I know better."

Decimo let out a laugh, thankfully looking at Nawaki, "that why you are my best friend."

"Hey, anytime," Nawaki winked, bumping fists with him, and Decimo turned his eyes towards Minato, "I know…what kind of reaction my strength would bring. Worship, Fear, Hate, and so much more. Those techniques aren't for me…I don't need them to stop war. I can stop it at anytime I want. I needed the circumstances to arrive at this point, so I could rightfully take over the power and not force my will on others."

"Even though you guided the circumstances," Nawaki muttered under his breath, audible enough for others to hear it when Decimo threw hot tea at his face, and Nawaki barely dodged it, "Hey! I am only saying what's on everyone's mind!"

"Shut up," Decimo shot a look at him, letting out a smile, "those techniques are for you. For him, and others. Although I doubt that you would be able to defeat me if you have them, but maybe you will be a step closer, and that would give you some reassurance. I am strong, but the world won't stop moving forward. I hope there comes a day when there are others who can stand against me. Two of you are just the starting."

"Oh," Minato scratched the back of his head, letting out a relieved breath, when he thought of something, "Wait, Santai no Hitomi…that's The Eye of Three Greats. Wasn't this only the Eye of One Great? Does that mean you have two more Justu of this Level?"

Decimo clapped his hands, "and with that! We should focus on Third Hokage! I will go see him and think of ways I can take away his power become the next Hokage."

He stood up, using quick step to disappear from their questioning eyes and Minato asked his girlfriend, looking at her with a wry smile, "it can't right?"

"Probably not," Kushina wasn't confident at all, gulping. They all silently exchanged looks before Hayami asked, "what are we going to do with them?"

Nawaki shrugged, breaking the silence, "Minato. Why don't you go call the Anbu? And we can all clean up."

"Right away."

One Week Later, Four Kage Summit,

"The Fourth Hokage has taken his post," Third Raikage gave the opening statement.

"That's not why we are here! Get to the point," Third Kazekage spoke in a repressed voice.

"Those Eyes. That's an Uchiha. One that might be on the same level as Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashirama," Third Tsuchikage spoke from his experience, "Why is Konoha blessed with all these talents? I heard if Danzo hadn't launched a surprise attack, then that monster would have never come out."

"It's true," Third Mizukage sat there with his eyes closed, "But now that monster has been forced out of it's cave. We are the one who has to deal with him. If we don't come together, then we can never beat him."

"Even if we come together…we might not beat him," Third Tsuchikage frowned.

"Not today, not tomorrow," Third Mizukage spoke, "But there is someone who can help us. If we combine our resources, then there is one way to defeat that monster. But for that, we need time. We need to fool him with peace talks, to buy us enough time to come up with countermeasures."

"What is this way you are talking about?" Third Raikage narrowed his eyes.

Meanwhile, Hidden Mist Village, Mizukage's Office,

"Ahhh~! I can't stop trembling!! That power!! It was so amazing! Godlike!!! As expected of Conqueror! He never disappoints me!! Don't you think, Zetsu?!"

"It's impossible for a mere Uchiha to have that kind of power!"

"I know, I know! Not even your mother had that, did she?" Guren laughed louder, from sheer joy of remembering the demonstration of power he saw.

"You!! What are you—"

Guren moved his palm towards Black and White Zetsu, his elegant fingers and black nails being the only thing others could discern, and he caught Black Zetsu who was trying to escape, "Oh, reading your mind and memories is an easy task. But don't worry, Kaguya Otsutsuki. Nine Tailed Beasts, and Ten Tails. Madara Uchiha and Rinnegan. It's all wonderful. Another ladder to evolution. I wonder who will be the strongest of all? The Technology that I provide to Four Villages, the Otsutsuki, Mother of All Chakra; The Conqueror or me?! Doesn't that just fill your black heart with joy!!! Hahahahahaha!"

[Volume 1 Part 1 is over, and the Part 2 Introduces DxD World. Which I have already written, and it is up on my page. Buy me a coffee, and you can get the link in the synopsis. I really hope you guys give the story a chance, and get the next part on my page.]