
Conquering The Novel

Ares wakes up in a body that's not his own, in a world he thought was only fictional! But when he realizes that he's actually inside a novel that he read before his death, everything changes. Follow Ares as he sets out to uncover the truth about his death and the mysteries of this new reality. With action, suspense, and a touch of romance, this captivating novel will keep you hooked until the very end. ------------‐------------------------ ADDITIONAL TAGS: •#Yandere •#Overpowered mc •#Smart mc •#Ruthless mc •#Cunning mc

Enigma0 · Fantasía
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307 Chs

Becoming An Adventurer (1)

It's been over a month since I became Mika Amami's disciple, and I only have a month till I start at the academy.

'Becoming Mika Amami's disciple wasn't such a bad idea,' I reflected as I checked my status screen.




AGE: 15



SKILLS: 1. FELL CRESCENT (Mastery 92%) (Beginner Level)

(Info: A high-class sword charge-type sword skill that delivers a downward.)

2. SNAKE MOVEMENTS (Mastery 97% ) (Beginner Level)

(Info: A technique helps the users movement akin to a snake.)

3. ELECTRICITY MANIPULATION (Mastery 57%) (Beginner Level)

(Info: Allow user to manipulate the electricity near his body)


(Info: Allow the user to recall an image or information with high precision after seeing it only once)

2. ....?????....


"My skill mastery has improved dramatically, and I am now practically at the intermediate level.

I believe I can advance to an intermediate level of mastery before enrolling in the Academy." I muttered to myself.

After assessing my status, I reflected on the instruction I had with Mika.

Though brutal, it was extremely effective.

According to Mika, my foundation was a mess; it was as if I didn't know how to use a sword, but my body knew how to react to it, and occasionally it just moved on instinct.

I thought to myself after hearing her explanation that she had hit the nail on the head.

Because the previous Ares was the one who practiced the sword, even if I inherited his memories, the fact that I never used the sword before never altered, and I can't fight forever purely on instincts.

I greatly strengthened my foundation over the last month, and I no longer need to rely solely on instincts during fights.

And the thing that frightened me the most was Mika Amami's obsessive character.

But after a month with her, I don't think it's that horrible, and I believe it's nice to have someone worry about you and take care of you, even if she goes beyond at times.


But the best part about her is that she is an outstanding teacher; she pointed out every tiny mistake I made without being disappointed.

Even after witnessing my awkward and rogue stance.

— Ring— Ring

My phone rang to jolt me out of my daze, and when I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was Mika.

"Ares, get ready, I'll meet you outside, I have somewhere to take you," Mika stated before hanging up the phone.

She instructed me to dress myself because she wanted to take me somewhere but didn't make it clear where we were going.


After hanging up the phone with Mika, I dressed in the clothing she had brought for me.

She bought me clothing that filled the entire room, including outfits for everyday use, workouts, outings, parties, etc.

Even just looking at those clothes made me imagine a young master who was being spoiled by his wealthy mother.

By the way, I've spent the last month staying at Mika Amami's estate.

Her mansion is quite large and equipped with everything one could possibly need, including a gym, training room, swimming pools, etc.

Mika will remain on the third floor, and I will occupy the entire second floor by myself.


As I stepped out of the mansion, I found Mika waiting for me, leaning casually against her sleek sports car. It was a surprise to see her in different attire than her usual adventurer gear.

She was clad in a black shirt, tight black jeans, and black boots. Her shirt was half-tucked in, and her usually long hair was left to cascade freely down her back. Two katanas hung on her left side, and I couldn't help but admire how stunning she looked.

I noticed our clothing matched, as I too was dressed in all-black attire. We would have looked like a couple wearing matching outfits, except for the obvious height difference, as Mika stood significantly taller than the average individual.

As I approached the car, Mika leaned over and opened the door for me.


"Good morning, Master," Ares said as he climbed into the car.

Mika's eyes glimmered with amusement at Ares' formality. "No need to be so formal, My disciple. You can call me Mika," she replied, her voice smooth and alluring. 

Though she made it clear that he could use her first name, she continued to address him as 'my disciple.'


As they got inside the car, Mika turned to Ares and said, "We're going to the Adventurer guild to register you as an Adventurer."

Ares was surprised. "Me? An Adventurer?"

Mika chuckled. "Yes, you. With me as your sponsor, it won't be difficult for you to become one."

Ares furrowed his brows. "But don't I have to go through some sort of examination?"

Mika shook her head. "No need. As an SS-Rank Adventurer, I have the authority to sponsor someone to become an Adventurer without you taking the exams."

Ares was impressed. "That's amazing. But how will they determine my rank?"

Mika grinned. "You just have to duel with a trainer. Your performance in the duel will determine your rank."

Ares nodded, feeling a little nervous about the prospect of dueling with a trainer. "I'll do my best."

Mika put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. You're a quick learner. You'll do just fine."

As they arrived at the Adventurer guild in no time, Mika parked her car and turned to Ares.

"Now, let's get you registered," she said with a smile, opening her car door and stepping out.

Everyone paved way for Mika and Ares as they made their way to the entrance of the hall, and as soon as the receptionist saw Mika, she sprinted over to her and led them to the VIP area.

Ares was observing the expressions of the people present in the hall, and in which most were fear and respect.

He was again reminded that how powerful of a figure Mika Amami was.

She was one of the few SS-RANK Adventurers with the title of "SWORD EMPRESS".

And how she was respected and feared by the whole continent.


As they arrived in the VIP lounge, soon the Guild master of the branch came running inside the lounge with his sweating forehead.

The Guild Master was a brown-haired guy with a well-built body, huge and his height seems to be around 195 cm.

"Good morning, Miss Mika I—"

Even before he began to introduce himself he was shut down and interrupted by Mika and she directly told him the purpose of her visit.

"We're here for my disciple to become an Adventurer. I hope you can assist us with the necessary arrangements for his duel." Mika spoke with a commanding tone.

The Guild master could only smile Awkwardly as he couldn't even introduce himself properly but he soon ordered the receptionist to get the preparations ready for the duel with a gesture.

And after waiting for a few minutes the receptionist came back to inform them that everything was ready.

Ares and Mika went to the prepared training hall while following the Guild master and the receptionist.

As they arrived at the training hall they were met by a black-haired guy with a scar on his left eye and a well-toned body, he seemed to be a trainer to determine the adventurer's rank.

And soon after they all greeted each other, Mika and Guild's master went to the corner of the training hall leaving Ares and the black-haired guy at the center.

They both were given wooden swords by the receptionist for a duel.

Usually, real swords would have been used in this type of duel but Mika forced them to use wooden swords against Ares.

It's not that she didn't believe in him but she just doesn't want to see him in any danger or see him getting hurt badly.

'what if he got badly wounded "Accidentally"?' Mika thought.

Ares could only smile awkwardly at seeing how Mika was treating him.

Even the Guild master, trainer, and receptionist were shocked to see Mika's behavior toward Ares.

However, Leaving his shocked expression behind soon the trainer took his sword stance indicating Ares to get ready.

Seeing the trainer, Ares too took his sword stance, while the Guild master and Mika also started focusing their attention on both of them.

Soon the receptionist blew a whistle indicating the start of the duel.

