
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · Cómic
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44 Chs


Having done all the planned things, I decided to attend my transition back to the North Pole. After all, I already began to miss my parents and my sister.

 When I came to the place where I fell out at night, I began to plunge into that incomprehensible space between the worlds. Already there, I started trying to feel the echoes of other places that are "connected" to the people's plan. After some time, I found two such sources, one of them was almost identical to the energy of the south Pole, where the element of water prevailed to a greater extent. Most likely, this is the territory of my tribe, somewhere near the Oasis of Spirits.

 The other one, which gave a very weak response, was more like someone had formed this passage, simply pushing through the barriers on both sides with their considerable strength.

 Probably, this is the Valley of Oblivion, where the Mother of Persons allegedly often visits, who helps fulfill the requests of people who have wandered there to change their face. Sometimes, along with the face, at the request of people, she could take away past memories. I think she created such a breakdown in defense, the ancient spirit can really do it. It is better not to go there without an obvious need, you never know how it differs from its prototype in the comics, it has never harmed people there, but here I have already seen the differences of what was shown on the screen.

So I have an idea how to get to the place I need right away without making any effort. I'll just try the idea in practice tomorrow, right after I say goodbye to the whole tribe normally. Then it will be possible to try to get home with a calm soul.

 The next day, every resident came out to see me off... Many children had wet eyes, none of them wanted to let me go. As soon as I notified Kaya's family of my departure, Katara did not detach herself from me in the morning, I had to carry her in my arms, otherwise she threatened to catch on my leg and walk like this.

 During these few hours, I heard from Katara persuasions with tears, insistent requests for me to stay, persuasions in the form of bidding, where she promised to be very obedient, there were even threats in the form of my ignoring. Honestly, while all this was happening, I often caught myself thinking that "come on, stay a little longer," but I had to drive them away with an incredible effort of will, now I'll stay a little longer, then another, so it can really take a long time. Such tantrums had to be calmed down every time, and each time I promised her I would return soon.

Kaya seems to have become even more beautiful and younger these days, apparently, it's true that when there is a man, well, almost a man, then a woman blossoms. Especially one who gives a sense of security by his actions, when the children are full, shod and happy, then she will feel quite satisfied with life.

 During the time we spent together, I was able to roughly assess her character. I won't pretend to be a psychologist, but I'll just say what I see. Kaya was a fairly calm girl who, in her younger years, already possesses some wisdom, there is a sense of tact. When I could not give a truthful answer to some of her questions, seeing this, she easily discarded the topic of conversation that was inconvenient for me. In addition, she is very attentive, staying with the children for a long time, sometimes we even forgot to eat, then she showed her foresight by setting ready-made food on the table. I think I can list the list for a long time, most likely, all men in love are ready to attribute something that is not even there...

 – Maybe you'll stay for a few more days? – Kaya asked after our morning tea together, when the children were still asleep.

 - I really would like to, but I can't. My family is waiting for me there, – I said with a heavy sigh, – you know, there is a high probability of my return soon, and if I can figure out the mechanism of movement, then I can come to you when I want to.

 - Yes, it's just hard to believe that you can somehow get from one point of the world to another, - although, as for me, it's a bit strange logic, local people live side by side with magic, incomprehensible animals, spirits and still some things seem impossible for local people, - Katara will miss you very much, it seems that today she won't even let you go, – she said with a laugh, – as soon as you woke up yesterday, she spent all her time only with you, even forgot about me, – this was already said with a certain amount of jealousy.

 - I didn't do it on purpose, - I could only say awkwardly, – you've probably already guessed that Katara is a potential conqueror of water? – I finished in a serious tone.

 - Yes, - it was obvious that she was not too happy about it, being born a water magician in this tribe is not a gift, but a curse. – Sometimes I have nightmares where firebenders attack the village to take my girl away, – her body began to shake as she spoke. Sitting closer, I put my arm around her, trying to give her some support. - It seems that only with your appearance, these bad dreams no longer bother me, - without even trying to pull away, but on the contrary, leaning closer to me, she whispered, – promise me to come back as soon as possible, – looking into my eyes, she said.

 Well, how can you not come back when they look at you so pathetically. And seeing her so defenseless, I could only nod in the affirmative.

 So we sat in comfortable silence for another good half hour, until we were interrupted by the sleepy faces of Sokka and Katara.

 I will have to double your efforts to comprehend the secrets of healing, the conquest of water, and the very life energy... I don't really want to let go of Kaya, at the first glance I liked her very much, but I'll be honest, at first it was because of her gorgeous shapes and beautiful face, but getting to know her better, simple sympathy began to flow into something more complex. Even thoughts of this kind began to appear: "In the near future, I want to become someone she can rely on."

 In the evening, at the place of my appearance, I said goodbye to already "alive" people who began to appreciate every moment of their lives. It was very joyful to be involved in such positive changes, yet a person should be able not only to destroy, but also to create.

 After wiping Katara's tears at last and handing her to my mother, who also tried to hide her sad look from me, I entered that very space... with a small polar rodent.

 Why do I need it? I want to see if I can get living creatures through this way. To begin with, small animals that like to eat the tribe's reserves will do.

 Already there I began to realize my idea, as it seems to me there is no such thing as distance here. This place is more like the Wang Shi Tong Library, where you need to recreate your own path with the power of thought and the expenditure of your energy.

 Going in one direction, I began to focus on the energy of the material plane, while focusing on the increased background with the energy of water. As I moved, the energy began to be consumed at a furious pace, while I had to cover the rodent with it, which, at the beginning of walking in this space, began to really dry up.

 It seems to me that not having enough of his energy, such a walk began to drain his vital energy, the amount of which he also could not boast. After walking several hundred meters, according to my estimates, I began to feel my approach to the right place, taking a breath, I began to fall out of this space between the worlds.

 As soon as I blinked, I got the same view of the Oasis of Spirits. Then, paying attention to my empty hands, I was able to notice how the former rodent, turning into a kind of mummy, crumbled into dust in my hands, which was immediately blown away by a small breeze...

 It's good that I didn't immediately take a person with me, especially since the same thing could happen to me if I didn't have a lot of energy. It seems that the first time I tried to get into the Realm of Spirits, I walked right on the blade of a knife, if I didn't have two sources, I would have appeared in the Southern Tribe, being the same dust. Brr, I was already shuddering at such prospects.

 Okay, I need to mark my mistakes and remember them well, but I can't live with them!

 After greeting the spirits of the Moon and Ocean, who did not even pay attention to me, I walked briskly towards the Leader's Palace. And as I approached, the people who caught my eye continued to look at me in a kind of disbelief, anticipating trouble with my seat, I accelerated my pace, almost switching to a light run.

 When I entered our living room, I was greeted by an oppressive atmosphere, they say about it even with a knife. The sullen faces of Arnuk and June only complemented the picture, which was not too joyful for me. But the whole effect created by my parents was spoiled by Yui, who rushed into my arms with moisture in her eyes. The parents, seeing that the whole atmosphere they had created was spoiled, only shook their heads and also went to hug.

 After so many warm greetings, a serious conversation began.

 - Son, mother and I know that you are a very responsible and precocious adult, but everything has its limits, - my father began to speak, to the consonant nods of my mother, - I hope you realize how you made my mother and me worry?

 - Yes, I understand everything, - still, even if I were the most powerful magician in the world, parents are parents, and they will try to take care of you as long as possible, and I created this situation myself.

 - Well, then, as a good son of your parents, are you ready to tell us at least some of your secrets? We have long suspected that you were hiding something from us, but we hoped that over time you would share some secrets with us yourself, - it's inconvenient, as I thought my parents had enough of their own ideas about me, and they would no longer touch on these issues...

 I think it's worth telling them about the portals that connect the two poles, after all, if I want to continue to disappear freely for a while in another place, they need to know where and what I do. How difficult it is, I need to come up with a more or less plausible story of my knowledge about the portals themselves, spirits and everything else that connects it together.

 - Even as a child, knowledge of some things seems to pop up in my head out of nowhere, it may be some places in our world that really exist, different techniques in water magic, and even some events from history, - with a sigh I began my story, where most of it consisted of lies. I promise to tell them most of the truth when I'm ready. - From there, I learned that there are portals to the spirit world, where, practicing your magic for just a day, you achieve the same result that you would get from training for weeks, – of course, if you absorb the residual energy of spirits, – so I got the idea to get to such a place. From the same knowledge, I learned about portals to the spirit world. Another feature of mine is the understanding of the spirits themselves, that day I really talked with Tui and La, who also helped me in conquering the water. By the way, they asked them not to bother them too much, – maybe it would be a good idea to change the subject...

 - Son, we thought that you were much more prudent, seeing so many risks, you still decided to go somewhere unclear, - father and mother looked very unhappy, if not angry at me for my recklessness. At the expense of my revelations about spirits and knowledge, the reaction was not so violent, they themselves thought about something similar.

 Next, I told them in more detail about what I failed to do and how I subsequently got into the Southern Water Tribe.

 At the mention of the current state of the Southern Water Tribe, the parents looked really furious, the father still remembered how his father and his advisers had to make the difficult decision not to interfere in the war of the Southern Tribe with the People of Fire. To spray, so, small forces on two different ends of the world, means to question the existence of the entire nation of water in general.

 Upon learning that I could safely travel back and forth, my father immediately gave the go-ahead for my crossings to my southern brothers and sisters, asked only to be more careful, and if the situation was critical, immediately leave... He is not ready to lose his son on the other side of the earth.

 We finished it only late at night. Baby Yui has already fallen asleep in my arms an hour after my arrival. My parents say that she couldn't find a place for herself, even searched the whole city in my search. I made her worry, after all, I've never left her for such a long time, I need to figure out how to make amends, but all this is tomorrow, now I just want to go to bed.