
Chapter 4

Alastair’s P.O.V

I waited patiently for Miss Winston to take a seat, the sound of her no doubt expensive looking stilettos being muffled by the carpeted floor. When I was sure she was now seated, I turned back from the window and slowly made my way over to her, stopping only when I was right beside. She was so close that I could smell her sweet perfume, Givenchy perhaps.

“Why do you want to work for me, Miss Winston?” I asked bluntly, looking down at her innocent face. She must be no more than 22 judging by her youthful appearance. She gulped softly before looking at me square in the eyes, angling her face…showing no fear whatsoever.

Nobody, beside my family, had ever been this composed in my presence ever. What the hell was so special about this little girl that she seemed to not be intimidated my me at all? What was her darned secret to not faltering at my frigid glare and poker face?

“Well, I needed a job and found this one wide open,” she said just as bluntly, shrugging in the process. The corner of my lips twitched. This girl was definitely something. She cleared her throat before speaking again, “If you don’t mind me asking, why was I hired by the way? I have never had a formal job before yet I was hired so quickly…why?”

Damn, gutsy too. She is exactly what I needed in a P.A. My proximity didn’t seem to affect her, another good sign and she was dressed decently, but by the looks of it her clothes were designer. I could easily tell this girl came from an affluent background, so she definitely wasn’t out to seduce me with the hopes of getting her claws on my money.

I looked away from her hypnotic hazel eyes, and looked straight at the wall behind her. “You’re not typical Miss. Winston. Yes, you have no experience, but at least you didn’t turn into a stuttering mess or flash me flirtatious looks during that interview yesterday. You’re the only one who conducted themself in a respectable manner,” I replied her, making sure to keep all emotion from my voice. She didn’t need to know I was inwardly praising her for it. I saw her smile briefly from my peripheral view, and I felt something tug at my heart.

Wait, what the hell was what?

I better get as far away from her as possible before I have another wayward thought about her. Resigning to my desk, I took a seat and then brought out the laptop I give my assistants to use. Sliding it over to her across the desk, I said, “Here is the laptop you’ll be using. In it are the schematics of my company, how it works and all that jazz. Also, you will find my schedule, emails, contracts and upcoming events. As the days progress you’ll be handling everything for me; telling me where to go and what to do. Now, the office to the right is yours and in it is a landline that will make it easy for you to get to me. I don’t appreciate people who just walk into my office unless it is totally important, even then you notify me that you’re coming in. Understood?” I said in one breath and she nodded immediately.

“Now, I have a meeting at nine in the boardroom on floor 17 with the finance team about my expansion in New York, I need you to go over the notes in that PC and come to fetch me so we can proceed together. I think you understand that wherever I go, you go as well. You’ll fully get the gist of the job as time progresses, but for now just settle into your office. After the meeting, I’ll show you around the building. You may leave now.” With that, she stood up, adjusted her designer purse and went straight for the door. Her step was graceful and sophisticated, and by no means seductive.

Once she was out, I huffed out at myself in annoyance. Why the hell was I intrigued by this girl? Sure, she is undeniably beautiful but I don’t normally react this way to attractive women. I’ve seen my fair share of them but not even one had captured my attention the way this one had.

This could either be a very good thing or a very bad one.

Starting up my PC, I found my finger slowly scrolling over to the browser and typing in Tia and Seth’s names into the search bar. This time the headline made my heart stop for a millisecond. The people’s favourite Malibu couple are getting hitched? I read in contained anger and envy. Apparently, last night the two had been spotted leaving some gourmet restaurant, and a large diamond was perched on her left hand.

“Damn it all to hell!” I cursed out loud just as I had the previous day and my other hand balled into a fist, that my knuckles turned white. I shouldn’t have opened that stupid page. Great! Now my mood had been dampened tremendously and I doubt it was going to improve anytime soon.

I was gradually losing her for good. Now she was probably getting married to that back stabbing bastard and all I could do was sit idly as I allowed it to unfold before me like a freaking telenovela! I needed to do something, and do it fast. But what exactly could I do? She had made it abundantly clear that she was no longer interested in me…so what really could I do? What could I do except pine away day and night for her as she flaunted her new romance so heartlessly in my face?

I hadn’t noticed that almost an hour had passed when a knock came to my door. I grunted a ‘come in’ and Miss Winston was back in my line of vision. She held an iPad in one hand and a notepad in the other. She shot me a blank look. “The meeting starts in ten minutes, sir,” she said courteously. When she noticed my deep frown, a quizzical look came to her face.

Without a word, I logged off my computer and then made for the door. When I was out, she shut the door and continued to follow me to my private elevator. When I pressed for the 17th floor, the doors opened and we both jumped in. The ride was very quiet but I could see her glance at me from my peripheral view every few seconds. As much as I was trying to school my features, I knew she could see right through all my efforts.

“Everything good, sir?” she asked lowly, apprehension lacing her voice.

I nodded curtly before flashing her a glacial smile. “Peachy,” I grumbled through clenched teeth before the elevator opened on the designated floor. I strode out and made my way to my conference room, her heels clicking hurriedly behind me. A few inquisitive glances were thrown our way but I paid no attention to them.

Once I made through the double glass doors, my finance team looked at me expectantly. “Ladies and gentlemen, shall we?”

This was going to be one hell of a meeting!