
Chapter 3

Alexa’s P.O.V

Not even thirty minutes after I’d left the building did I receive a call from Hixon & Co that I’d gotten the job. Perplexed, I slumped back in my stool in the café I was currently at, having a sip of tea and a croissant. That was so freaking fast and I’m quite sure I’m not even fully qualified for this job since I had not experience as P.A none whatsoever. I thought this big time CEOs needed someone who was born with the skill set; I had just gone to the interview to humour Araminta and now it seems I’d actually have to show up for work tomorrow, right in the middle of the week too!

I quickly dialled Araminta’s number and told her the news; she was thrilled to say the least but since she was at work, we couldn’t discuss much so we reserved for later when she’d come back come. Next, I phoned Deja because I had told her about this interview.

“Wow, I’m so happy for you sis but I must say I’m surprised you got the job so quickly. Maybe he got dazzled by your good looks,” she teased mercilessly and I rolled my eyes. Please, he didn’t even look at me for more than a minute.

“I miss you Lexi, so do mum and dad. When will you come and visit?” she whined into the phone, no doubt pouting like some lost puppy.

I took another sip of the scrumptious ginger tea with honey. “I miss you guys too, so very much. I’m sure I’ll come to visit not too far from now. I just got a job so I must focus on that for now,” I added cheerily and she sighed on the other end. We chatted for ten more minutes about her studies and how things were back home and then I ended the call.

Something then dawned on me.

I had no freaking clue what was expected of a personal assistant. Sure, I’d read romance novels and the like about this office romances but I’m sure seducing my boss wasn’t part of the job. Quickly tapping the Goggle icon in my Samsung phone, I searched it up and spent the next hour or so reading about it, more about Hixon & Co as well as the Adonis heading it. Apparently, he was the last born of the famous Indian actress Anya Satiro and renowned hotelier billionaire Maddox Hixon. He had an older sister called Kaitlyn Hixon, who was the heir apparent to the Hixon throne and from what I’d seen, her looks easily beat those of a model. Just so surreal!

His family was all over the internet but he was mentioned here and there. I’m honestly surprised, given how he practically exudes an arrogant aura when I was around him for less than 10 minutes. There must be a reason for this, I decided but it was definitely none of my business. He was now my boss and his personal life wasn’t for me to pry upon.

After paying the bill, I stood up and then made my way out of the café in order to hail a tai back home. One of these days I’d buy a car. I really missed the white Porsche of mine I left back in New York. Sure, I had a bank account piling with millions upon millions of dollars thanks to mum and dad, but I really didn’t want to use it. I want to know what it feels like to be ordinary.

Just this once.


“Okay, how do I look?” I asked Araminta as soon as I stepped out of my room. I did a little spin and she gave me a thumbs up in approval.

“I love it. And I’m sure Adonis will love it too!” she chirped, passing me her award-winning grin.

I rolled my eyes at her comment and then proceeded to the fridge to pour myself a glass of orange juice. I wasn’t wearing anything too spectacular; just black jeans, a navy-blue blouse tucked into them and a pair of teal Manolo Blahnik heels. My mocha-coloured hair was up in a half up, half down do. My face held the bare minimum of make-up; nude lipstick, mascara, blush and blue eyeshadow. Also, I had a black Chanel bag with me as well with my essentials in it.

“Please, I do not by any means want to entice him anyhow. He’s cold, indifferent and not to mention rude. I’m not even sure if I’ll survive a week in his presence,” I countered with a snort.

She then finished her bowl of cheerio’s before she grabbed her own purse, my hand and dragged me out to her car, a mint condition Red Jeep Cherokee she had somehow kept well maintained for almost a year now. You see, Araminta is a banker at some big-time bank, called CashFlux and has been for about 3 years now. She was quite successful but liked to live a humble life and I admired her for it.

It wasn’t long before she had arrived at the curb right in front of the 25 storeyed shiny silver building that is Hixon & Co. Wishing me luck, she sped off since she had less than thirty minutes to get to her workplace before she would be deemed late. I entered the reception area, passed a smile at the guard and receptionist on my way to the elevator. I pressed the button that led to the top floor and the elevator door opened. Nobody was in there initially but as I ascended to the top, many people jumped in and out between floors. Finally, I reached the top. When I made it there, executives with their pristine suits and expensive colognes were bustling about but compared to the other floors, this one wasn’t as busy.

Once I neared the boss’s office, his secretary greeted me. His name, I found out, is Abel and just like me he is black. He was quite handsome in a dorkish way. I found myself being comfortable around him so we chatted a bit, waiting for the CEO to come. When the clock struck exactly 8.00 the elevator at the other side of the hall opened up and he strode out of it. He was looking no doubt dashing in a navy-blue three-piece suit, a briefcase in one hand and a no-nonsense look resting on his beautiful face. His beard was slowly coming in and it suited him. The people that were still around made way for him, afraid to even breathe in his direction.

When he neared us, he gave me a quick once over and then directed his arctic glare towards Abel, who suddenly froze in his overbearing presence. “Mr. Mangham, back to work now. No time for chit chat,” he sliced coldly and Abel nodded furiously before going back to his desk by the side. “Miss Winston, follow me,” he said, with so much authority that I almost saluted him. What a domineering jerk!

Opening the door to his office, he marched in and left it open for me. Stepping inside, I shut the door behind me before turning back to him. He was standing by his large window overlooking Malibu, staring down at the scenery like he owned it or something. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t…who knew?

“Have a seat, Miss Winston.” He said, his tone indecipherable.

Here goes nothing.