
Connecting worlds, the age of magical revolution is here!

A young man was living his life, when suddenly he was brought to another world because he absorb a wandering celestial body, now armed with magic and world crossing ability, he have one goal, to revolutionize the world with magic! this fanfiction include worlds such as saving 80.000 gold for my retirement Fate stay Night

FemboyMaker · Cómic
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6 Chs

How strong am i?

"for now, my main priority is for handgun, something that i can carry wherever i went, a small assault weapon, knifes, hand grenade, revolver, those kind of weapons along with the holster" Mitsuha list of her demand for service as the buffed man look at her paper

"After that you want to know how to use machine gun, rocket launcher, tanks, JUST WHICH COMPOUND ARE YOU TRYING TO RAID YOUNG LADY!" The buffed man freaked out at her after he read all of her demand

"Oh no, it's all just for my personal protection that's all,

Oh, and for my brother as well" she said as she point at the young man standing next to her

Side by side, it is clear that the young man and the little lady are not related, from height to body structure and face structure, there is no similiarity whatsoever

Except for the fact that they both have black hairs,

The buffed man look at the tall young man and they stare at each other for a few second

"You know this kind of things aren't cheap, you sure you got the money for it?" The buff men slumped back to the couch and smoke his cigarette

"Of course, do you want me to pay infront first? Is it okay if i payed with yen?" Mitsuha said

"Sure, it's quite easy to convert yen to dollar, but there will be a fee for that"

"Of course" Mitsuha nodded at the buff men


"What a weird bunch" after the negotiation is over, the buff military captain are sitting on the lounge while looking at the report

"Captain!" A man suddenly barge into the room completely sweating and panting heavily

"You are back? That's quite fast" the captain said as he look back to his men

"No, i lost them captain"

"What?!" The captain sprunged back up and look at his men with wide eyes

'They broke his tail?'

"After they let the camp, they take right turns in the corner, but when i got there they have dissapeard"

"What do you mean dissapeard!? There is only a straight line for over 200 meters on there!" He yelled at his spy but realise that this is not his fault,

He slumped back in and think about the two guests

The buff man took the paper about the two guests and read it

'A-cup huh?'

"That was nerve wracking!" A girl jumped into a bed on her room

"It sure is, i never thought i will meet a real mercernary in my life" A young man said as he look around the room

The room looks normal, deffinately different from his expectation of a girl room, the lacks of Pink color are quite obvious

'well atleast i got the plushies right' he look at her bed that was filled with plushies

"Why am i here again? And also is this your bedroom?" Tatsuya said as he observe the girl rolling around her bed

Mitsuha look at boy and sit back up

"Why? Is this your first time entering a girl room? Are you shy?" Mitsuha grinned and decide to tease the young man while poking his side

"No, But you really should stop bringing boys to your room, you are a middle schooler, you are no longer a kid" Tatsuya said with a straight face as he dismiss the teasing of Mitsuha

Mitsuha meanwhile stopped on her track like she has been frozen in place

"What did you just say?" She asked the boy, her eyes are covered by her hair and her body shake slightly

"? That you should take care of yourself better?"

"No after that"

"You can't let boys enter your room anymore?"

"After that"

"You are middle schooler?"

"That! What was that?! I am not a middle schooler!" She sprunged back into action immedietly point and poke at His chest repeatedly

"What? Are you a six grader? You are quite tall for one" Tatsuya still have no idea where he did wrong but try his best to get out of the problems

The veins on Mitsuha's forehead popped again and she snapped at him

"I am 18! 18! I have graduated from highschool and are a completely Legal adult! Remember that or i'll shove you up to mars!" She slam her fist cutely into his chest which does no damage whatsoever

"Damn it, just because i am short and have no curves you think i am a child? You are the child one! Your whole family id a child!" She grumbled at herself while gritting her teeth in rage

"Really? Do you have like a..... Disorder or something?" She once again snapped at him as she glare at him in rage

"I am just a late bloomer! That's it! I am sure i'll be tall and curvy in a few years" the girl yelled Tatsuya trying to convince herself that she is just a late bloomer, realise that she is lying to herself and fall into despair

Tatsuya look at the girl slumping up on her bed while muttering "i am just a late bloomer" quitely to herself in a sad tone

"So uh... Are you sure you are gonna pay for my combat training? That would cost a lot you know?" Tatsuya tried to change the subject to stop the girl from falling more into despair

"Yeah, think of it as an investment, the stronger you are the better you will be at protecting me" she said as she started to regain her energy

"As i said i am not going to be your bodyguard" Mitsuha look at Tatsuya with a raised eyebrow as she observe his face

"Why? Why don't you want to be my bodyguard? I am going to pay you better than whatever your job is paying you" Mitsuha said

"It's not about payment, i don't even have a job" Mitsuha is now getting even more and more curious as to why is he so against the idea of being her bodyguard,

'if he don't have a job then why won't he take it?' Mitsuha ponder

"Then why? If you don't have a job sooner or later you are going to starve you know?" She said

"I am 15, i still live with my mom, well not WITH my mom, it's complicated, anyway money is not a problem for me

And if it ever will be a problem then i can just enter some underground arena and beat the shit out of everyone, i am 100% sure even Mike tyson can't punch a hole in a tree like me

Really the hardest part will be me making sure i hold back enough to not punch my way through their chest" Tatsuya sit down to the chair on her table and leaned back

"That's rather arrogant of you, it's true that you are stronger than most people but they have better experience, better skills"

"And i can punch a hole through a tree Mitsuha, do you realise how big of a power you need to punch a hole through a tree?" Mitsuha look at Tatsuya with curiousity but her face remain neutral

She have no idea how much force is needed to punch a hole through a tree, but in her mind can't be that hard

"How much?"

"If that tree is an Acacia tree, according to janka hardness test, it will require 1.100lb of force to chip off 756,8Mm³ from that tree

Just so you know, the highest record of a human punch is around 1.800lb of force, i don't know the detail but that's about it" Tatsuya explained

"Well that doesn't seem so hard" Mitsuha said as she listen to the explanations,

But Tatsuya is not finished explaining

"Yeah you thought, but That's for MILI meters cubic Mitsuha, That hole is around 1.680 CENTI meters cubic

Meaning that the hole, is 1.680.000 MILI METERS CUBIC!" Tatsuya's voice become more and more frantic as he start to freak himself out

"So i need roughtly, 2.5! Million pounds of force! to punch a hole through that tree, not including the fact that my punch will make the tree more dense as i go,

The russian's T-14 Tank weight around 160 Thousands Pound

so my punch, is the equivelant of getting Hit, with a Tank, going 20 Meters/s at your face!

For comparrison The speed of a normal boxer's punch is around 15-18M/s with only a mass of around 8Lb

if they use their whole body weight to the punch, and i am being generous here, If they are a heavy weight boxer, it will be 200Lb pound of mass × 20M/s of acelerations

That's only 4000LB of mass! And that is more than enough to knock somebody's out, Imagine what 2.500.000LB of mass can do to a human!

If i punch someone's face full force, i am 100% sure their head's is going to get obliterated" As Tatsuya finished explaining, he Left Mitsuha jaws dropped as she listen to the whole explanations

"Aren't you exagerating too much? There is no way you can generate as much force as a tank" Mitsuha said, her voice wavering at the impossiblity of Tatsuya being as strong as a tank

"Yeah, but it depend on what kind of wood the tree is, i don't know what kind of tree is that so my calculations can be wrong

The softest tree we have here on earth need only 70lb of force to chip 756,8Mm³ of them, but the hardest one need 5000lb of force

I choose Acacia because it's the closest to 1000, it makes it easier to calculate" Tatsuya said as he drink a glass of water after he finished explaining

"How do you know all this? Where did you learn such a thing?" Mitsuha asked as her voice filled with curiousity

"Game theory, more accurately the one talking about a minecraft character punching a tree, go look it up" Tatsuya answerd her question swiftly

"Well, anyway my offer still stand, if you want to be my bodyguard you only need to ask, i am sure i can use that power of yours somewhere" Mitsuha said as he lay back to her bed, closing her eyes as she process all of the new information she just learned,

'He is that strong?! Does he even need the Combat training then?!' it would be a lie to say that she is not a little bit afraid of him,

Who's not going to be afraid of someone that can hit you as strong as a tank

"But there is still something that are bugging me though" Tatsuya said as he begin to think again


"How? How do i manage to generate that much force with a punch?

The mass of my arm is just around 8 pound, let's make it 10 pounds so it's easier to calculate

I did put my hips on that punch, but that mainly only help me with the speed, not the mass

So in order for me to generate 2,5 million pounds of force, i need to punch at the speed of approximately 250.000 Meter/s

That is much faster than the speed of sound at 343 m/s, meaning that my punch should be fast enough to break the sound barrier 50 times over,

That should be resulting in a very strong sonic boom that will be enough to blow everything away including my own arms

But no, nothing happend, no sonic boom, my arm is not ripped of, nothing

And even you can still see it, You can still see my punch even if it's fast but it is still visible to the naked eye

Soo... What? Did my mass increase? Because if my arm suddenly got an increase in mass and turn from 10pound into 10.000 pound, i only need to punch at 250M/s to achieve that,

But is it really that? Can mana increase mass? But i am not using my mana when i punch the tree,

and if my arm suddenly got that munch increase in mass, i am sure this chair would break the moment i sit on it" Tatsuya begin to mumble to himself as he thinks about the logic on his new strength

Mitsuha look at the young man mumbling to himself like a mad man for over 30 minutes thinking about how is that even possible

"Aren't you thinking about it too much? It's magic, just leave it at that" Mitsuha said

"Yeah, if i am just planning to use this magic and that's it then i am not gonna think about it too much

But i want to invent magics, i want to use it for day to day life, creating something that will be beneficial to humanity

And In order for me to do that i need to know the ins and outs of this magic and i need to experiment with this further to know what i am doing" Tatsuya explained to the small girl but she just dismiss him and call him a nerd

"So is that it? You are not gonna yap around anymore?" Mitsuha asked the young man and he rolled his eyes

"Yeah, i think i am gonna go back home for now" Tatsuya stand up and are about to teleport back home

"Wait!" But before that Mitsuha stopped him


"Are you free tommorow?"

"It's summer break, i am free all summer"

"Perfect, tommorow evening, please come here as i am going to need you to be my bodyguard again" Tatsuya grumbled at the small girl and open his mouth

"I am not-"

"Yeah yeah i know, can you please just come here tommorow?" Mitsuha cut him off before he can reject her request

Tatsuya look at Mitsuha and sigh at the girl stubborness

"Why? Why do you need me tommorow evening?" He asked

"Remember the nobles i talk about yesterday? I am planning to aproach them tommorow evening and ask them for a ride to the capital,

don't worry i already prepared all kind of precautions if something were to go south, but i need you to be my 'Brother' again to make sure that i will be safe,

As they say There no such a thing as too many precautions, so plan all you can until you can't plan anymore"

Tatsuya look at the girl once again trying to approach stranger that she don't know of,

'This girl really have no sense of danger, yes she can teleport around with her ability but what if she was drugged? Or if she got sneak attacked? She need to activate her magic manually so it will take a few seconds for her to use them'

Tatsuya sighed at the girl's innocence, this is also the reason why he agree to acompany her to the mercenary's base because who knew what could happend there

"Fine, i'll go with you, but after you got your gun i am not gonna be your body guard anymore" Tatsuya said before he teleported away

Mitsuhe look at the spot Tatsuya was in and smile to herself

'For someone that act tough, he really is a push over, that's cute' She giggled at him and went back to sleep on her bed


Tatsuya walk around the street, it has become a customary for him to walk back with his own feet rather than teleporting

The beauty of a journey is not the destination, but rather the journey itself, is what he believe

Therefor he walked from The nearest station, seeing that Mitsuha's house is rather far from his so he decide to cut some of the time and teleport to the nearest station from his house

But even as he walk, he keep on circulating his mana around his body as if he was meditating,

He is trying to achieve something, he is trying to find a way to passively circulate his mana around his body rather than let it just sit on his stomach doing nothing

But for now, he need to actively keep doing it and if he stop, then the mana would just come back to his stomach again

But why? Why would he do that?

It's to prepare him for anything, if his mana stay clumped together on his stomach then it will take a few seconds for it to reach some part of his body, let's say his fist for example

That few seconds can be crucial in a fight so he need to stay ready for anything that may happend

'ahh who am i kidding, the worst that could happend here is a robber and i am pretty sure i can beat anyone even if they have guns

Would be awkward if someone see it though, a person getting shot but stay alive? Yeah that is creepy' he chuckled to himself while keep walking on the street

Unbeknown to him, a girl with twintails are looking at him from the nearby alley

~~~~~~~~~ to be continued ~~~~~~~~~

Jeng jeng! Who is it? From which anime is she from? Find out in the next episode of dr- yeah i am not doing that joke,