
Chapter 3


Interesting, He's different than I envisioned, that's kinda funny… to bad, there's so much more of a hell than what he's gone through. Rin Siqeul get ready to drown into a pit of overwhelming and completely life changing despair, your feet are only dipping their toes into that pool of misery.


I walk into the pitiful hallway of school. Two kids Fighting, 9 feet down the hall behind me. It's about a girl. Truly what a common topic… I guess today won't be that interesting, to bad too. I reach the closed off extra curricular room dreading futures pity on my life. I sigh opening the door, and of course they are. Standing right behind the drying rack for painting. A facility member stands in the classroom. I never was able to determine "their" gender, nor its intentions, but I come to sketch it er... "Them". It's face is blank, with a flat expression, yet it's paler than an albinos hair. But it's hair reaches the floor a red color, seeming thinner than mechanical pencil led. "Uh hi, I came to draw you again… hope you don't mind…" I go to the least broken desk and sit in a half burnt and quite barren desk. I begin to search for an occupied page attempting not to spill the contents of my extra doodles onto the floor. I then look back at it. It's expression, has changed? It opened its eyes more, they're emptied out to the core, veins visibly drawn around the eyes, its expression is a smile. Then it's shape begins to change… into a woman? It's features haven't changed just the outfit they, no she was wearing before shifted into a more motherly dress. It then begins to sing…

Mommy's clock

Tik tok, the sound of the clock, if you scream the clock will stop. That's what mother said to me, But who really cares what happens to me. Tik Tok the clock has slowed, I can hear The clack of sisters bones, I could have saved but it's too late, Don't scream she said but what has come of her fate. Tik tok, brothers head, is plastered on the Blue round bed, His guts spill out, without a doubt, he disobeyed what mother said, oh joy to me, I wonder who it will prey next. Tik tok clock has slowed, Daddy screamed, as it seems, looking at brother right next to me, oh joy what fun, he was shot in the head glad with a glot . Tik tok mommy's clock, Little timmy has joined the lot, he came to play, to his dismay, a bam in the head, with tiny little toy truck. Mommy said, if someone screams, To listen for me, Acids pain, Beheading by me, aim just right, and don't forget, To do it all with a smile :).