
connected bloods

in a world that revolves around secrets, dangers and lies. After findings out about his true form,jace tried to keep the balance of his world safe for the people he loves he encounters dangers and finds out secrets he never thought existed,funny enough to him it did with his friends he embark on a journey thats takes deep to places he couldn't come out easily "the door,we must go through the door"jace said hurrily "nevermind am going first "kcee replied with annoyance "vampires only exist in history ,they are not real" jace laughs. what happens when he finds out that he has been lied to all this while and is the head of a secret cult group created by his own mother

DaoistEKJvYW · Fantasía
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22 Chs


Jace walks into the classroom lost in his thoughts,he sits on his desk thinking about what he over heard this morning when his dad was talking to his Jake. jace didn't leave immediately that morning,he was so curious to know what had happened to his brother and that's when he over heard them and was shocked when he hears that Vampires were actually real....* how can that be?* he said to himself

cassie see Jace lost in his thoughts " Hey what's wrong? are you okay?" she asked worried that he might have lost his mind, jace stares at her and he immediately stands up and leave frightening cassie "what's wrong with him" she follows him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Jace enters the computer Lab and quickly searches on Vampires, cassie who follows him inside is shocked to see him searching for such creature " Jace why are you looking for that?" she asks but he ignores her "Jace?" she calls him again after seeing the reaction on his face,she knew something was definitely wrong "what's wrong?". He stares at the screen and let's out a small laugh and frowns again" Cassie do you believe Vampires are real?" he asks her to make sure he was not going mad and hearing things, " ummm..... No" she answered nervously

"So what is dad talking about, why would he say he thinks jake is a vampire?" as he said that Max walks in " who is a what?" he is stunned to hear Jace calling his brother a vampire, " I don't understand Jace, what vampire are you talking about..... those doesn't exit" he replies and looks at him with pity * the poor now believes some fairy tale his dad told him* he signs and pats Jace's shoulder

" Look men, am deadly serious I saw my dad reaction and he has never been this serious about something. Am sure he meant it and jake was equally surprised", " Then why don't you ask him about" Max suggest "you think he will easily tell me about it if I ask all of a sudden, bro this is serious and jake had this bit on his arm this morning before he fainted..... I don't think my dad was bluffing about this. I saw the bite and it looked infected or something like that" he said while pushing his hair up from his face.

" Fine , let's check about the side effects of this bite your talking about maybe we would see something about it", Max takes control of the search and when he tries to go further, suddenly a rune pops out on the screen and the kids stares at each other" ummm..... this is not it" max says when trying to remove the sign but it won't go out " why isn't this going out" he says angrily.

After trying for sometime, max gives up and turns to look at jace who has been quiet and not saying a word, he notice that he was too engrossed with the rune as if he was hypnotized or something, " hello... Jace?" he snaps his figures at him and jace comes out of his imagination. " Are you okay?" he asks and jace nods " yeah.... I thi k I have seen that somewhere" he said pointing to the sign on the screen "but I just can't remember where" he finished his statement leaving his friends slightly scared now, " what do you mean you have seen this before.... this is creepy bro, don't scare us like that" max says and just then the bells rings" okay your freaking me out first is this vampire thingy now is this creepy sign, this is stupid am off to class" she walks away before it gets any more scary.

" Dude am beginning to think you need rest,don't worry I will cover up for you so just go home and sleep you need it" he pats his back and walks out.

Meanwhile, Leo summons the council and he tells them what had happened to Jake and they were all shocked to know that the time they have been waiting for is finally here. " so, it is finally time" said one of the council members. Among all council members Leo was the leader, not only that the other members were also parents to his son's friends.

It wasn't a conisidence that all council members children were friends, it was only a matter of time before all of them will realize that they were fated to protect each other's back, Mr folly bridge's father was the eldest and he made decisions in any matter brought to the council. The kids didn't know that they parents was watching all their moves and what was about to befall them, " the full moon is fast approaching Leo, what are suggesting we do to the boy?"Mrs cassie asks leo knowing how much it would hurt him to bring his son into this whole mess,but what other choice do they have. What has to be done, must be done in order to stop the danger that is coming ahead. "Now we can't hide the truth anymore,I s only a matter of days before the children finds out".

Ooh... Leo knew that fact,he was pretty sure that once the full moon arrives there will be chaos and something has to be done to prevent it." I will bring him here, to be kept under protection until the full moon..... As of now I have to deal with Jace". Leo wasn't that stupid to bring up a conversation about vampires if he didn't want his other son to know about it, he knew jace overheard everything and that was because he wanted jace to find out more about it. He knew between his sons,Jace was the smartest and nothing escapes the eyes of that boy.

Leo knew it would be dangerous but that's what they are going face even more In the future so this was

nothing plus he knew jace would eventually find out and that's exactly what he wanted for jace to find out about his true form and purpose. The boy was born a leader and the council knew it from the beginning that he was the one they have been waiting for. " just like mother.... that boy will do well in protecting his team".

Hey guyz

am sorry if u didn't update the book yesterday was sick so I had to rest. so ummm.... what do you think of the book, please I need your comments about the book and you can ask questions too am all ears.

so as you can see it seems like jace is actually the male lead in this story, yes... his character is very strong.

what do you think wi happen to jace if he finds out about his true form, he doesn't believe in vampires but what if he is one??

plss leave your comments and likes

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