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Helohhhhhhhh · Cómic
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What the hell are you doing here Mark

Mark Grayson was just an ordinary high school student living with his mother, a single parent. He had a normal life, going to school, hanging out with friends, and playing video games. But when he was sixteen, his life changed forever.

One day, Mark was walking home from school when he noticed a strange light in the sky. He looked up in awe and noticed a large alien ship hovering above him. Suddenly, a beam of energy shot down from the ship and struck him, covering his body in a strange green glow.

When the light faded, Mark felt different. He felt stronger and faster than ever before. He quickly realized that he had been granted incredible powers.

He soon discovered that he had superhuman strength and durability, the ability to fly, and a host of other amazing abilities. He also found that he had a special connection to the alien ship, which he could use to call for help in times of need.

With his newfound powers, Mark decided to use them for good. He adopted the superhero identity of "Invincible" and began to protect the people of his city from harm.

As time went on, Mark's fame and reputation grew. He became a member of the Avengers and the Justice League, and he even had his own comic book series. He was a hero to many and a symbol of hope for those in need.

Mark's life as a superhero was far from easy, however. He had to deal with many powerful enemies, including the evil alien conqueror, Viltrumite. He also had to face his own inner demons, as he struggled to come to terms with his newfound powers.

But despite the challenges, Mark Grayson continued to be a beacon of hope and justice. He inspired others to do good and to stand up for what is right. He was a symbol of courage and a reminder that no matter how difficult the odds may seem, anyone can become a hero.