
Conjurer of The Dark Lord

After the renowned Hero party has defeated the Infamous Dark Lord, a corruptive disease spread across the world causing an apocalyptic cataclysm. Anyone who has an essence for magic that are infected by it will lose control over themselves. Years after the Apocalypse, Noctris, a member of the sub-division of the Adventurer’s Guild known as the Night Guild, came across an abnormal assignment which led to an unwanted revelation that caused him to be haunted by dreams of the Dark Lord, an ancient villain. However, the Dark Lord's revelations turn the world's heroes into villains, exposing their treacherous past. This newfound divulgence opened up a potential solution to the cataclysm as well as the biggest conspiracy against the heroes who ‘saved’ the world. Betrayals, battles, and moral dilemmas unfold as Noctris confront individuals of their roles in a deceptive world. "Conjurer of The Dark Lord" is a spellbinding journey through a realm of magic, mystery, and shifting alliances, where heroism and villainy blur in the face of redemption.

MOONiE_ · Fantasía
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3 Chs

[ Predestined Nightmare ]

Our determined hero ventured deeper into Kruos Ruins, he couldn't help but marvel at the eerie beauty of the icy cavern. The glistening walls and frozen formations created a surreal, otherworldly landscape. Surprisingly, despite being surrounded by ice, the temperature inside the ruins was milder than the biting cold of the mountains. It struck him as a strangely hospitable environment, at least in terms of temperature.

For a fleeting moment, he considered the possibility of making a home within these icy depths. The idea of living amid such enchanting scenery held a certain allure. But then, like a dark cloud shrouding his thoughts, the memory of that blood-curdling scream resurfaced in his mind. The chilling cry had cut through the silence, a stark reminder that danger and darkness lurked here.

"No, I can't stay," Noctris murmured to himself, his voice echoing softly against the icy walls. The temptation of such a unique and strangely welcoming place had to be set aside. He couldn't ignore the ominous specter of what had occurred in these ruins, and he had a quest to complete. With newfound resolve, he pressed forward, his curiosity mingling with unease.

Noctris proceeded further into the ruins, eventually arriving on a vast, icy expanse with intricately structured architecture surrounding it. The scale and design of this space left him in awe, "how did this even happen inside an abandoned cave?"

Amidst the beauty and grandeur, a sudden and unexpected sight drew his attention. There, sprawled on the cold floor, lay an unconscious figure. As Noctris approached, he quickly realized it was an elf. Concern flooded him, and without a second thought, he rushed to her side.

Kneeling beside the fallen elf, Noctris gently placed a hand on her shoulder and attempted to rouse her. "Hey," he said with a touch of urgency, "are you alright?" His voice resonated in the frigid silence of the ruins.

The elf's eyelids fluttered, and she slowly regained consciousness. Her gaze was dazed, her breath shallow as she attempted to sit up. The realization that she was in a place as strange and foreboding as Kruos Ruins washed over her, and her eyes widened with a mixture of fear and confusion

She backed away cautiously, and Noctris understood her fear. Slowly and gently, he reassured her that he meant no harm. He extended a comforting hand, offering a genuine smile. It took some time, but eventually, her anxiety subsided.

As the elf calmed down, Noctris's eyes fell upon her attire—a sand-colored coat. The name "Dr. Loux Hyacinth" from the job post resurfaced in his memory, and he couldn't help but connect the dots. He decided to confirm his suspicion.

"Are you Dr. Loux Hyacinth?" Noctris asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Loux's expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and suspicion crossing her features. She glanced at Noctris with uncertainty and, with a shaky hand, pointed a glowing wand in his direction. Noctris raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture and said, "I'm here for an escort job."

Loux hesitated, her wand lowering as she assessed the situation. Her gaze fell upon Noctris's Night Guild badge, now visible as his coat had been pushed up when he raised his arms. "Are you... Gorden?" she asked cautiously, her voice tinged with wariness.

Noctris shook his head, explaining, "something happened and we ended up switching the contract, My name is Noctris."

Relief washed over Loux as she comprehended the situation. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "I see," she murmured, her tension slowly dissipating. "I must have fallen asleep while I was working on my research. I completely forgot about the post and ended up coming here by myself this morning."

Noctris nodded, understanding how such a mistake could happen. With the tension defused, they could now focus on the strange and captivating surroundings of Kruos Ruins.

Noctris couldn't help but inquire about the horrifying scream that had reached his ears earlier. Loux's traumatized expression gave him all the answer he needed, "did something happen?" She nodded in response, her eyes filled with fear. Her gaze shifted to the end of the room, and she pointed towards a mysterious, glowing black ice structure, its surface adorned with an intricate and unfamiliar magic rune.

Noctris examined the strange symbol, his curiosity piqued. "Do you have any idea what the rune means?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Loux shook her head, her brow furrowing in frustration. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice trembling. "I thought it might be some kind of magic rune, but it doesn't align with any of the magic affinities we're familiar with. It's... different."

Noctris couldn't deny the unease that filled the room. They were standing in a place filled with mysteries, and it was becoming increasingly evident that this escort mission was far more complex than he had initially anticipated.

He knew that magic in Aetheryx was deeply connected to elemental affinities, and that each affinity was tied to the magic elements represented by elemental runes. It was through a person's magical essence that they could activate the corresponding elemental magic runes. For example, someone with a fire magic affinity would possess a foundation of fire elemental magic runes that they could harness through their essence, thus materializing it. This fundamental understanding of magic was a part of everyday life in Aetheryx.

Dr. Loux cautiously watched as Noctris examined the mysterious rune. "While I examined the structures, my fingers touched and it rejected my essence… Hence my, scream." The incident had left her with broken glasses and an unshakable sense of dread.

"Please be careful," she warned, her voice laced with concern. "I don't know what that rune is, but it's unlike anything I've ever encountered."

Noctris nodded in response, his eyes never leaving the markings. The more he studied it, the more he felt a strange connection. Some of the characters seemed to form words, and he could recognize a few. His fingers traced the runes lightly, and he pointed at one word he thought he knew.

"Look," Noctris said, his voice tinged with wonder. "I think I can recognize some of these characters. This word here, it means 'transfer' in rune letters."

As he pointed at the word and recited it, the magic rune reacted unexpectedly. It began to glow with an eerie light, and before either of them could react, the rune transferred itself onto Noctris's right arm. The sensation was strange, like a subtle but significant change in his magical essence.

The moment the magic rune transferred onto Noctris's arm, a surge of overwhelming sensations overtook him. In an instant, he was thrust into a nightmarish realm of darkness and despair. Gruesome images assaulted his mind: a tortured figure, their body marked with twisted and unrecognizable magic runes; a desolate landscape brimming with dark energy; a chilling confrontation between four sorcerers, their faces bearing the damning word 'liars' written in magic rune letters; and a sinister, tall figure that laughed maniacally, repeatedly screaming, "You are the one! You are the one! You are the one!"

Noctris's abrupt awakening had left him drenched in sweat and in a state of panic. His racing heart gradually slowed, and he took in his unfamiliar surroundings. He lay on a bed in what appeared to be an office of some sort, disoriented by the change of scenery. He glanced around and spotted his fur coat and armor neatly placed on a nearby sofa.

As he touched his body and limbs to ensure they were intact, a growing sense of unease overcame him. It was then that he noticed the intricate magic runes still adorning his right arm. "What the-" They weren't merely etched on his skin; they wrapped around his arm like a war paint that refused to be removed.

Noctris's thoughts whirled as he grappled with the implications of this unexpected development. He couldn't help but question what had transpired in the icy cavern and how these strange runes had become a part of him.

The office door swung open with a creak, revealing the elegant figure of Dr. Loux Hyacinth. She balanced a tray of food in her hands and appeared visibly surprised that Noctris had finally awoken. His gaze couldn't help but wander to her changed attire, which accentuated her graceful features and the tall, delicate beauty that marked her as an elven lady.

With a warm and welcoming smile, Dr. Loux set the tray of food on a nearby coffee table. She approached Noctris, her voice tinged with concern as she asked, "Are you feeling alright now?"

Noctris nodded in response. "I think so. But, I'm lost. What happened?"

Loux took a seat beside him, her delicate hands gently clasped in her lap. She began to explain, "After the runes glowed, you fell unconscious, and the cavern started to, collapse. I did my best to get you out of there as quickly as possible."

Noctris's gaze shifted to her glasses, noticing the tape that held them together. He muttered softly, "You fixed your glasses." To which she responded with a nodded smile.

Noctris continued to look out of the grand window, gazing upon the Craghelm tavern and the Adventurer's Guild. He was attempting to reassure himself about his location when Loux gently finished his sentence by stating, "We're in the Craghelm citadel, inside my office." Her expression turned into a mix of worry and hesitation, and Noctris couldn't help but noticed, "Are you alright?"

Loux leaned back in her chair, her eyes filled with a deep concern. "You see, Noctris, for years, I've been researching the apocalyptic disease that's been spreading throughout our world. It's a deadly affliction, one that's taken countless lives. My research is an attempt to understand its origins, patterns, and ultimately, a way to stop it."

She paused, her gaze drifting back to the rune on Noctris's arm. "I've studied numerous magical runes related to the corrupted essence. But what we found in that cave, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. It feels... ominous. Dark. It doesn't align with any of the known magic affinities, and I fear that this rune may be connected to something far more dangerous."

Noctris furrowed his brow, absorbing the weight of her words. "So, you're saying that this rune on my arm is somehow related to the corrupted essence and the apocalyptic disease?"

Loux's eyes were fixed on the mysterious runes that adorned Noctris's arm. She leaned closer, her tone filled with both curiosity and concern. "Noctris, I have to know. How do you recognize these letters?"

Noctris hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much he should reveal. Yet, the earnest look in Loux's eyes urged him to speak the truth. "It's conjuration magic," he confessed.

Loux's expression softened with understanding. "I had a hunch that's what you'd say," she replied, her eyes shifting back to the runes. She sighed, the weight of her words bearing down on her. "But I needed confirmation from you."

She went on to explain the severity of the situation, "These runes are forbidden, even for a researcher like me who's approved by the Pillars. We're not allowed to acknowledge their existence, let alone learn about them." The rules of Aetheryx were clear; certain magical knowledge was off-limits, deemed too dangerous and unpredictable for even the most knowledgeable mages.

As for the Pillars, the esteemed guardians of Aetheryx, owe their existence to none other than the four renowned Sorcerer Lords who, nearly five decades ago, saved the world from an all-consuming malevolence known as The Dark Lord. These Sorcerer Lords, revered for their exceptional prowess, crafted the pillars of governance that stand to this day.

They deliberately chose their successors, thus ensuring the perpetuation of their heroic legacy and maintaining the intricate balance that safeguarded Aetheryx. Each of these Sorcerer Lords personified one of the four unique magic affinities, and their intricate bond with these magical elements defined their influence.

Noctris opened up to Dr. Loux, sharing his unconventional journey into the world of magic. "I used to spend my days surrounded by grimoires in the libraries of my hometown," he explained, a distant look in his eyes. "There was no one to mentor me, no one to guide me in the proper use of magic. So, I buried myself in books and learned on my own."

Loux listened intently, absorbing every word. She was intrigued by Noctris's background, her curiosity piqued. "Elandria, right?" she ventured, her voice carrying a hint of longing. "It's always been a dream of mine to study magic there. Unfortunately, the corrupted essence around the Riftlands makes it nearly impossible to access. It's right across from Elandria, but it might as well be a world away."

Noctris shared his perspective on Elandria. "Trust me, Elandria is full of people obsessed with their magic books," he reassured her. "But the knowledge inside those pages doesn't always translate to practical benefits for anyone else. It's a place of endless studies and debates, and sometimes it's hard to see the real world outside of those libraries."

Noctris delved further into his past, explaining his familiarity with conjuration magic's runes but his lack of practical experience. "I never really delved into conjuration magic, except for understanding the runes," he admitted. "I wasn't taught how to use it, and I never had the opportunity to develop those skills. Besides, back in Elandria, people had a more neutral view of all magic types. Conjuration magic was never explicitly forbidden, but it's true that I never saw anyone actively practicing it."

Loux smiled warmly, relieved that Noctris understood the need for her initial questions. "I apologize for the sudden interrogation," she admitted. "Prohibited magic, when wielded by the wrong hands, poses a serious threat to our society. It's not something taken lightly."

Her sincerity was evident, and Noctris appreciated her honesty. "I understand," he said, reassuring her. "You were just doing your job."

Loux then turned her attention to the tray of food she had brought earlier, offering Noctris breakfast. He graciously accepted, appreciating her hospitality. As she attempted to pour him some tea, they both noticed that it had grown cold. Loux began to apologize and offer to prepare a fresh cup, but Noctris stopped her, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"It's alright," he said with a grin. "I can handle it." With a flick of his fingers, a small flame danced to life above his palm, and he held it beneath the teacup to warm its contents. Loux watched in awe as the tea gradually regained its warmth, an unintended demonstration of Noctris's magical skills.

Noctris couldn't help but smile as he saw the delight in Dr. Loux's eyes when she sipped the perfectly warmed tea. Her compliment made him feel a sense of pride. "There aren't many fire affinity mages left these days," he agreed. "But I guess that makes those who can still wield it a bit more special."

After finishing his meal, Noctris couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about the puzzling rune now inked on his arm. He turned to Dr. Loux, who was still focused on examining the runes. Her gentle touch was oddly soothing, and he found himself momentarily captivated by her gorgeousness.

Dr. Loux explained her idea to Noctris. "I might know a colleague who can help us understand these runes better," she said. She reached for a small, hand-sized crystal that floated on the corner of her desk, its multifaceted surface glimmering in a subtle light. With a gentle touch, she activated it, and the crystal emitted a soft, soothing glow. Noctris observed in amazement as her skilled fingers danced over the enchanted object.

A voice emerged from the crystal, a faint yet distinct presence. Dr. Loux greeted the voice warmly, referring to them as Elara. She proceeded to explain their situation and asked if Elara could come to Craghelm.

Elara's voice replied from the magical crystal. "I'm about to visit Craghelm actually," They said, their tone carrying a hint of curiosity. "I have a short assignment in Irides, I should be arriving at the citadel in a few days."

Dr. Loux's face lit up with delight at the serendipitous news. "Perfect!" She replied. "When you arrive in Craghelm in three days, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Elara agreed to the meeting and said she would be departing from Marinthia, assuring Dr. Loux that they would arrive in Craghelm as planned. With their conversation concluded, Dr. Loux deactivated the crystal, and it ceased its gentle, radiant glow.

Noctris couldn't hide his fascination with the mysterious crystal Dr. Loux had used to communicate with her colleague, Elara. He leaned in, his eyes fixed on the radiant artifact, and asked, "What is that, if you don't mind me asking Doc?"

Dr. Loux smiled, clearly eager to share her knowledge. She held the crystal in her hand, displaying it proudly. "This is the latest technology developed by the University in Irides," she explained. "It's a marvel of transmission magic. This crystal allows us to communicate with people who have similar devices across Aetheryx! It's a breakthrough in magical communication technology."

Noctris's eyes widened in awe. "That's incredible," he said. "I couldn't expect any lesser from Aetheryx's Sky City!"

The two of them continued to discuss their shared fascination with the technology from Irides, bonding over their love for magical innovation. They talked about the possibilities and applications of such a device, losing themselves in the world of magic and technology.

A sudden knock on the office door caught their attention, and they turned to see a citadel secretary enter. The secretary inquired, "Dr. Loux, will you be writing a report about your visit to Kruos Ruins yesterday?"

Dr. Loux considered for a moment before responding, "Y-yes, I'll have it ready by tomorrow. I have other matters to attend to first." She glanced at Noctris, then looked back at the secretary.

The citadel secretary nodded, understanding the situation. "Very well, Dr. Loux. My apologies for the interruption." With that, the secretary left the office.

Noctris, curious about what Dr. Loux had in mind, asked, "What did you mean by other matters?" Dr. Loux met his eyes with determination. "Did you forget that we need to head to the Adventurer's Guild and fulfill our contract? You did accept the escort mission, after all."

The streets of Craghelm seemed to embrace tranquility. Buildings, made of stone and timber, were adorned with colorful banners and intricate carvings that told stories of the city's rich history. The city sat nestled within the protective arms of towering mountains, which were themselves a spectacle to behold. Their majestic crystalline peaks disappeared into the heavens. It was a sight that could steal one's breath.

As Noctris and Dr. Loux walked through the cobbled streets, they couldn't help but notice the welcoming smiles of the city's residents. Shopkeepers cheerfully tended to their storefronts, traders haggled over wares, and children played games in the square. Everything felt harmonious and at ease, a stark contrast to the looming danger they had faced in the Kruos Ruins.

They soon reached the Adventurer's Guild, the bustling hub of Craghelm's adventurers. As they entered, Noctris was taken aback by the warm and teary-eyed greetings from his fellow adventurers.

One of them, Gorden, stepped forward, his tears flowing freely. "We heard about Kruos Ruin's collapse," he said with a shaky voice. "We assumed you didn't make it, and we feared the worst." His dramatic sobbing only intensified, and he continued, "How will I ever survive without the guy who used to pay for my meals?"

Noctris couldn't help but roll his eyes at Gorden's shameless comment. "You should be worried about my well-being, not your next meal," he retorted with a smirk.

Gorden and the other adventurers couldn't help but notice the striking appearance of Dr. Loux. Her tall, elegant figure and captivating features left them momentarily lost for words. Gorden, always the one to speak his mind, decided to share his thoughts.

"Where on earth did you find such a stunning elf, Noctris?" Gorden teased, a playful grin on his face. "I never knew you had a thing for taller women. What a taste!"

Noctris, flustered by Gorden's behavior, tried to maintain his composure. He introduced Dr. Loux to his fellow adventurers, some of whom were raising their eyebrows at Gorden's audacious comments. Gorden, undeterred, continued with his shameless remarks.

"I swear," he added, "I'd have gladly waited a whole week in that icy cavern if I knew the job's publisher was such a beauty."

His comments were met with a mix of disbelief and disapproval from the others, but to everyone's surprise, Dr. Loux merely chuckled. She turned to Noctris with a warm smile and whispered, "You have quite the lively group of friends."

Noctris, feeling slightly embarrassed by Gorden's behavior, couldn't help but agree. The unique blend of his companions, filled with quirks and differing personalities, was part of what made their adventures both challenging and memorable. They were an unlikely family, brought together by the bonds of the guild and their shared pursuit of the unknown.

Daisy, the kind-hearted attendant at the Adventurer's Guild, had been anxiously awaiting Noctris's return. When she spotted him with the others, her eyes welled up with tears. She couldn't contain her relief and rushed over to him, hugging him tightly.

"Noctris, you're safe! I was so worried!" Daisy exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion.

Noctris patted her back and gave her an assuring smile. "I'm okay, Daisy. Really. It was just another day in the life of an adventurer."

Daisy wiped her tears, her eyes glimmering with gratitude. She couldn't help but admire Dr. Loux's appearance. After regaining her composure, she addressed Noctris.

"I'm glad you're safe, Noctris. But, who's this lovely lady you've brought with you?" Daisy inquired, offering a warm smile to Dr. Loux.

Noctris introduced Dr. Loux, and Daisy nodded in greeting. They walked together to the main counter before Daisy requested the job post and Noctris's adventurer card to verify the completed quest. As she reviewed the documents, Dr. Loux's presence seemed to captivate everyone in the guild. Once the paperwork was confirmed, Daisy handed Noctris his well-deserved payment.

"Thank you, Daisy," Noctris said with genuine gratitude. After securing his payment, he turned to Dr. Loux. "Shall we, Dr. Loux?" She nodded with a polite smile. The pair bid farewell to Daisy and left the guild.

Dr. Loux, with her usual grace, suggested to Noctris, "You should rest and recover, Noctris. It's been quite the day for you." She gave him a reassuring smile and continued, "I'll head back to work on my report about Kruos Ruin."

Noctris nodded in agreement, appreciating her concern. "Thank you for everything, Dr. Loux."

With a polite nod, Dr. Loux made her way to her office, leaving Noctris to his own devices. He returned to the Craghelm tavern, where some of the residents recognized him and offered friendly greetings. Noctris continued to his room, ready to rest after the day's events and with a sense of anticipation for what lay ahead.

As Noctris lay in his comfortable bed, he couldn't help but reflect on the unusual events of the day. He thought aloud, "I guess not every day has to be a life-and-death adventure." He chuckled at the thought of an icy witch, realizing it was all just his imagination.

However, he raised his right arm and stared at the mysterious runes etched upon it. The vivid memory of his unsettling dream resurfaced, and he began to wonder if there was a connection between the runes and the haunting images he had witnessed while unconscious.

Noctris had always been intrigued by magic, and the runes on his arm were unlike anything he had ever seen before. He considered reaching out to Dr. Loux for more answers, but she was occupied with her own responsibilities. Instead, he decided to get some rest and think more about the runes tomorrow.

As he drifted off to sleep, his mind was filled with questions and curiosity, unsure of the mysteries that lay ahead.

Noctris's eyes slowly opened, thinking that he might've not felt how long his sleep was. But just as he regained his awareness, Noctris's heart pounded in his chest as he found himself in an eerie crimson room. The walls seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy, casting an unsettling bloody texture on everything around. Fear gripped him as he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Slowly, he turned to confront the source of the sound.

He was met with a pale face and a creepy smile. Before him stood a menacing figure, tall and imposing, with long, disheveled hair and an aura of malevolence. The man's features were hauntingly similar to his own, yet warped and twisted, as if a dark mirror reflected his image.

With a jump of caution, Noctris stammered, "Who are you?"

The man's chuckle was chilling, and he stepped closer, his voice echoing with menace. "Well, you could say that I'm… You."