
Conjurer of The Dark Lord

After the renowned Hero party has defeated the Infamous Dark Lord, a corruptive disease spread across the world causing an apocalyptic cataclysm. Anyone who has an essence for magic that are infected by it will lose control over themselves. Years after the Apocalypse, Noctris, a member of the sub-division of the Adventurer’s Guild known as the Night Guild, came across an abnormal assignment which led to an unwanted revelation that caused him to be haunted by dreams of the Dark Lord, an ancient villain. However, the Dark Lord's revelations turn the world's heroes into villains, exposing their treacherous past. This newfound divulgence opened up a potential solution to the cataclysm as well as the biggest conspiracy against the heroes who ‘saved’ the world. Betrayals, battles, and moral dilemmas unfold as Noctris confront individuals of their roles in a deceptive world. "Conjurer of The Dark Lord" is a spellbinding journey through a realm of magic, mystery, and shifting alliances, where heroism and villainy blur in the face of redemption.

MOONiE_ · Fantasía
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3 Chs

[ Convalescence ]

The morning sun gradually ascended over the rugged, crystalline mountains of Craghelm. As its golden rays pierced the horizon, the city's crystalline structures seemed to awaken, catching the light and shimmering in response. The entire city came alive, reflecting a dazzling array of colors that danced across the morning sky.

Amidst this breathtaking display, baby wyverns soared gracefully around the mountain peaks, their wings glistening like precious gems. Their elegant flights painted intricate patterns in the sky as they basked in the first light of the day. It was a mesmerizing sight, one that drew the attention of anyone lucky enough to witness the exquisite existence of these magnificent creatures.

The warm sun rays bathed Dr. Loux's office, casting a golden glow on her desk. The soft, radiant light accentuated the elegance of her surroundings, emphasizing the complex details of her office.

As Dr. Loux spoke over the transmission crystal, her voice carried a sense of anticipation and excitement. "My office will be open all day when you arrive in Craghelm," she informed Elara.

A gentle voice responded from the other end of the connection, "We should be arriving around noon."

Dr. Loux's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she shared the exciting news with Elara. "There's a small festival happening in the city today," she explained. "Why don't you enjoy the festivities first before coming to the office? I'll be finishing up my report during that time."

Elara's voice carried an undertone of delight as they responded, "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Thank you, Dr. Loux. We'll see you later." With their plan set and the festival awaiting them, they both ended the transmission.

The Adventurer's Guild had a different atmosphere that morning, with the sound of celebration echoing in the distance. The usual hustle and bustle of adventurers picking up quests and sharing stories was subdued. A few adventurers, however, still remained in the guild, either taking on security assignments or enjoying a leisurely drink.

Barno, a grizzled warrior with a bearded face, could be found at one of the lounge tables. Despite the early hour, he nursed a tankard of ale. Illyria, an elegant elven archer with a sharp gaze, sat beside him, occasionally sharing a knowing smile. Her party member, Zorus, a heavily armored knight, stood nearby, surveying the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

Barno, clearly relishing the morning, drained his third tankard and let out an impolite burp. Illyria and Zorus exchanged a look of momentary disgust, but they were accustomed to Barno's lack of manners, and it didn't affect their camaraderie.

Zorus, his tone serious, shifted the conversation to the recent events at Kruos Ruins. "I heard about that collapse. Do you know anything more, Barno?"

Illyria chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "Oh right! Our party had to leave at noon that day, since we had to take on that ice golem job on the opposite side of the outskirts. What happened there?"

Barno scratched his beard, recalling the little he knew. "Not much, to be honest. Just rumors. But I did hear that Noctris was doin' a job there all alone when the place caved in."

Illyria and Zorus exchanged glances, their concern was evident. "Is Noctris all right?" Illyria asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

Barno, seeing their apprehension, couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction. "Calm down, you two. Noctris is as fit as a fiddle. He strolled into the guild the evening after the incident, and he brought a pretty elf lady with him." Barno couldn't help but emphasize the 'pretty' part, leading to Illyria's curiosity.

With a mix of jealousy and genuine interest, Illyria prodded, "A pretty elf lady? Who is she, and did they seem... close??"

Barno, feeling a bit awkward, shrugged. "I don't know all the details, to be honest. She's the one who posted the job in the first place, but Noctris didn't seem to be in trouble when they returned."

Zorus, catching on to Illyria's jealousy, couldn't resist a playful tease. "Jealous, Illyria? It seems our friend Noctris has a taste for pretty elf ladies."

Illyria's cheeks flushed red, and she crossed her arms in mock irritation. "No! I just... I was worried about his safety, that's all." But her unconvincing tone betrayed her true feelings.

Barno couldn't resist teasing Illyria about Gorden's attempts to win her over. As they sat around the table in the guild lounge, he leaned in, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Illyria, why don't you give Gorden a chance? The man's been trying to woo you for ages, you know."

Illyria's eyes flared with indignation as she retorted, "Barno, I'd rather face a pack of Crystal Wolves alone than even entertain the thought of giving a chance to a bald, wrinkly, middle-aged drunkard like Gorden. Have you seen his scar? It looks like something chewed on his face!"

She took a moment to cool down and then continued with more passion, "And Noctris... he's different. Mysterious, handsome in his own way, and he doesn't just throw himself at anyone like some others do. There's something attractive about his independence."

Zorus couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange, enjoying the banter between the two. "Must be nice to be fawned over, that Noctris is a lucky guy."

Barno's laughter filled the guild lounge as he heartily agreed with Illyria's comparison. "You're right, Illyria! Noctris has his charm, and he's helped me sober up more than once when I couldn't even walk straight after a drinking party. That water affinity of his works like magic to wash away the taste of a hangover, no pun intended."

Illyria and Zorus exchanged confused glances. "Wait, what? Noctris has water affinity?" Illyria asked. "I distinctly remember seeing him help some townspeople with wilting gardens. He was using earth magic."

Zorus nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I thought the same thing. I've seen him create some pretty impressive stone sculptures."

The three of them ended up staring at each other, a collective "Eh?" escaping their lips. The mystery surrounding Noctris seemed to deepen by the moment, leaving them puzzled and intrigued.

Noctris carefully navigated through the bustling festival crowd, carrying baskets of local fruits to help out one of the vendors. The vendor thanked him with a warm smile, and Noctris replied in kind. Turning around to make his way back, he accidentally bumped into a lady carrying a precarious stack of food trays.

"Oops, sorry about that," Noctris said, moving to steady the stack of trays before they could fall.

The lady looked up, and Noctris recognized her as Daisy, one of the guild's staff members. "Oh, it's you, Noctris!" Daisy said, her face brightening. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Noctris grinned, "Well, I thought I'd help out today. You're not working at the guild?"

Daisy chuckled and shook her head. "No, I took the day off. My family is participating as one of the vendors in the festival, so I'm here to assist them."

Noctris nodded, impressed by the lively atmosphere of the festival. "That sounds like a great way to spend the day. If you need a hand with anything, feel free to ask."

Daisy's smile grew wider, and she thanked him for his offer. As Noctris continued to help with the food trays, the festival continued in full swing, with people enjoying the local delicacies and colorful displays all around.

Daisy led Noctris to her family's vendor, where they were serving a variety of mouthwatering dishes. As they approached, Daisy's mother, a warm and boisterous woman, spotted Noctris and beamed at him.

"Well, look who's here!" she exclaimed. "Noctris, you're looking as handsome as ever. Adventurers usually end up with scars all over their faces, but you seem to be an exception."

Daisy rolled her eyes and whispered to Noctris, "I'm so sorry, my mom can be a bit... blunt."

However, her mother wasn't finished. She leaned in closer, her voice conspiratorial, and said, "You know, Noctris, my Daisy is quite the catch. If you're interested, you should give her a chance. She's a fine lady, you know!"

Daisy's face turned bright red, and she was clearly flustered. "Mom! Stop it," she said, embarrassed by her mother's matchmaking efforts.

Daisy's mom, not one to give up easily, continued her teasing. "Daisy, look at this man! He's kind and polite. I'd be happy to call him my son-in-law."

Noctris, trying to defuse the situation, chimed in, "Well, you know, I might not be looking for a partner just yet. My occupation keeps me on the move, and it can be quite dangerous. I'd feel guilty if I had someone worrying about me all the time."

Daisy's mom finally relented, seeing that her teasing was making both her daughter and their guest uncomfortable. Noctris, ever the gentleman, decided to change the subject. "But Daisy," he said with a warm smile, "She's always taken good care of me whenever I visit the guild. So, I'll agree about her being a wonderful person."

Daisy's face grew even redder, but this time, it was from the genuine compliments. She playfully scolded both her mom and Noctris. "Please, can both of you stop teasing me already!"

The bustling station outside Craghelm City was abuzz with activity. Workers scurried about, travelers bustled through the crowded terminal, and passengers disembarked from the massive high-speed magic train, exchanging hushed whispers about a particularly important individual who had just emerged from the exclusive carrier section of the train. It was evident that a person of great significance had arrived in Craghelm City.

Two passengers, both elegantly dressed in pristine white uniforms adorned with gold trim, stood out among the crowd. One of them had striking blue hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, while the other sported a stylish bob cut of honey gold. The emblem of a Pillar was prominently woven in gold on their capes, signifying their exceptional status.

A station guard, recognizing the significance of these special passengers, led them through a separate gateway, distinct from the standard customs area that the rest of the passengers had to navigate. As they moved, curious onlookers couldn't help but gossip and speculate about the importance of these distinguished visitors.

The station guard addressed them with deference. "Ladies, if you could please follow me, we have made special arrangements for your arrival."

The blue-haired girl turned to her honey-gold-haired companion and suggested, "You should go on ahead and report our arrival in Irides. I'll have to stay here in Craghelm until tomorrow before I can join you there."

The honey-gold-haired girl pouted, addressing the blue-haired girl as "big sister." She attempted to persuade her sister to let her stay, not wanting to be separated. "Big sis, I don't want to be without you."

With a soft, reassuring smile, the blue-haired girl explained, "This is important business, and we must ensure we don't incur the displeasure of the Pillars. One of us has to represent our arrival, can you do it for me this time?"

The honey-gold-haired girl pouted once more, reluctant to part ways, but she eventually relented, understanding the gravity of their situation. The blue-haired girl, in a show of compassion, called over the station guards, requesting them to accompany her 'little sister' and arrange for an airship to take her to Irides. With a tender farewell, the sisters went their separate ways, the blue-haired girl heading deeper into Craghelm, and her honey-gold-haired sibling being led towards the airship port.

The festival in Craghelm was in full swing, a lively display of entertainment, food vendors, and various businesses, creating a joyful atmosphere throughout the city. Laughter and music filled the air as people of all ages enjoyed the festivities.

At one of the bustling festival tables, Gorden raised his tankard high and called out to Daisy's mom for another drink. He sat alongside Noctris, sharing the table with him near Daisy's family vendor. Noctris indulged in a delicious homemade appetizer prepared by Daisy's mom, and he couldn't help but express his appreciation.

"This is the best homemade food I've had in a long time," Noctris said, savoring the flavors.

Daisy arrived at their table with a fresh drink for Gorden, her expression a mix of amusement and concern. She playfully scolded Gorden, saying, "You should really slow down on the drinks during the day."

Gorden, in his usual boisterous manner, laughed heartily. "How can I refuse such a fine drink from your mom, Daisy?" He raised his tankard for a toast, inviting Noctris to join in the merriment.

Barno, Zorus, and Illyria joined Noctris and Gorden, the lively atmosphere of the festival making their camaraderie even more enjoyable. Gorden, in an uncharacteristic gesture of chivalry, stood up and offered Illyria a seat, "Milady," despite her somewhat disgusted expression.

Noctris's attention was drawn to a young boy sitting on Barno's shoulder. A warm smile spread across Noctris's face as he recognized the child. "Marco, is that you?" he called out cheerfully.

Barno gently placed Marco on the ground, and the young boy beamed as he responded, "Noctris! Yes, it's me!"

Gorden couldn't resist chiming in, teasing the boy. "So, Marco, what do you want to be when you grow up, young man?"

With all the innocence of youth, Marco replied, "I want to be a cool mage like Noctris! I've been practicing my magic essence every time I play with the other kids."

Laughter erupted among the group at Marco's earnest response. Noctris ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. "That's great to hear, Marco. You keep practicing, and you'll become a powerful mage one day."

Eager to join the other kids at the festival, Marco turned to his father. "Dad, can I go play with the other kids?"

Barno gave his son a loving smile, ruffling Marco's hair in much the same way Noctris had done. "Of course, Marco, but remember to be careful. Have fun!" Marco couldn't contain his excitement as he thanked his dad with a tight hug before bounding off to join the other children at the festival.

Illyria was determined to get closer to Noctris, her chair scraping against the ground as she pulled it closer to his side, all while trying to maintain an air of casual nonchalance. Everyone at the table, except for Noctris, couldn't help but notice her sly maneuver, and they exchanged knowing glances, trying to stifle their amusement.

Daisy returned, cheerful as ever, to take Noctris's order. "Would you like another plate of our delicious appetizer, Noctris?" she asked with a smile.

Before Noctris could reply, Illyria swiftly interjected, "I'd like a plate of those as well, please." She offered a sweet smile, hoping to get her way.

Daisy jotted down Illyria's order with a chuckle. "Of course, Illyria. I'll be right back with those."

Meanwhile, Gorden and Zorus huddled together, whispering their frustrations at how Noctris was receiving all the attention from the ladies. Gorden grumbled, "It's not fair. Noctris is stealing all the attention. We might as well be invisible."

Barno couldn't help but chuckle at their dilemma. "You know, you two won't get anywhere with women if you keep acting like this."

Zorus shot back, "Barno, you don't have any right to comment. You're already married."

Barno laughed heartily, taking a sip of his drink. "Fair enough, fair enough."

Barno leaned in, his eyes glinting with a mischievous spark, and said, "You know, you two have been struggling in the romance department lately. But what if I told you there's a way to attract the ladies without saying a word?" He let the suggestion hang in the air, knowing well how to pique their curiosity.

Zorus raised an eyebrow, and Gorden looked at Barno with anticipation. "What's your brilliant plan, Barno?" Gorden asked, his interest clearly piqued.

Barno grinned and explained, "Well, why not showcase your manliness through a game of strength? We'll have a hand wrestling match, right here at the festival. Ladies love a strong man, and nothing says 'manly' like a good old-fashioned strength competition."

Zorus nodded in agreement, already picturing the admiring glances from the fairer sex. "I'm in," he declared, eager to prove his prowess.

Gorden's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "That sounds like a fantastic idea! Count me in as well," he said, ready to show off his strength to any potential admirers.

Barno couldn't help but shake his head in amusement as he thought to himself, "Lord, these two are simpler than I thought." He found their eagerness to please the ladies rather endearing, even if their methods were a bit straightforward.

Barno's idea of a strength competition met with enthusiasm from Gorden and Zorus. They saw it as a way to showcase their manliness and perhaps catch the attention of the ladies. Barno, the married man, was their role model in this endeavor. Gorden and Zorus were eager to participate, and they started flexing their muscles, getting into the competitive spirit.

Barno, with a hearty laugh, called out to Noctris, "Come on, Noctris! Don't tell me you're afraid to join. Even as a mage, you should have the strength to handle your duties as a man."

Noctris was well aware that once Barno had made up his mind, declining was not an option. With a good-natured sigh, he responded, "Fine, fine. I'll join in. But don't expect me to be as strong as you guys."

The table buzzed with excitement as they prepared for the impromptu hand wrestling match, setting the stage for a friendly competition to prove their strength.

The festival square was abuzz with excitement as word spread about the arm wrestling match. Adventurers and townspeople alike flocked to the tables set up for the competition, eager to witness the strength and prowess of their fellow Craghelm residents.

As the crowd gathered, they chatted animatedly amongst themselves, discussing who they thought would emerge victorious. "I heard that Noctris is participating. Can you believe it?" one woman exclaimed to her friend, disbelief etched on her face.

Another man chimed in, "Zorus is a knight; he's got to have the upper hand in this match, right?"

Near the front of the crowd, a group of children eagerly pushed forward, trying to secure the best spots to watch the contest. "I bet Gorden's going to win," one of the youngsters declared with smirky confidence.

Meanwhile, the blue-haired girl arrived at the festival square, her eyes caught sight of the gathering crowd. She was momentarily puzzled by the sudden uproar and excitement that seemed to emanate from this side of the festival. Her curiosity spurred, but she had other intentions and a more pressing agenda, which drew her away from the lively spectacle.

Two mighty arms locked in an intense struggle, their owners determined to prove their strength. It was a showdown between Zorus and Gorden, and the friendly banter between them was only matched by the fiery intensity of their arm wrestling match.

Gorden, with a mischievous grin, boasted, "Age doesn't diminish my strength, Zorus. Don't underestimate me just because you're younger."

Zorus shot back, his voice full of determination, "You might have more experience, but you shouldn't look down on a knight!"

The crowd surrounding the table couldn't contain their excitement. Cheers, bets, and chants filled the air, and it seemed everyone had taken sides. Some voices rallied for Gorden, while others rooted for Zorus. The atmosphere was electric.

As the two competitors strained against each other, drops of sweat glistened on their foreheads. They were locked in a fierce battle, and the outcome was anyone's guess. Barno, serving as the master of ceremonies, hollered to the eager onlookers, encouraging them to place their bets on the victor of this thrilling arm wrestling match.

Meanwhile, Daisy balanced two plates filled with delicious festival food as she made her way toward Noctris and Illyria, who sat together at a separate table, enjoying the festivities in their own way.

The arm wrestling match between Gorden and Zorus reached its climax. Gorden, with his arm inching closer to victory, was basking in the glory of the moment. Noctris, who had been impressed by Gorden's strength, watched with anticipation.

However, Gorden's focus suddenly wavered as his eyes fell upon a figure in the distance, a girl with striking blue pearled hair. She was a vision of beauty, and her presence was captivating. Gorden was momentarily lost in her charm, his strength wavering. This was the opening Zorus needed.

Seizing the opportunity, Zorus channeled his remaining energy and made a powerful surge. With a knight's roar and might, he managed to overpower Gorden's weakening arm. The crowd erupted with excitement, and their cheers reverberated through the festival.

Gorden, still entranced by the girl in the distance, realized that he had lost the match. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked at Zorus with a mix of admiration and good-natured frustration. The tables had turned, and it was Zorus who claimed victory. The crowd's roars celebrated the thrilling turn of events, and the festival atmosphere reached a new high.

Illyria couldn't contain her laughter as Gorden's momentary distraction and subsequent defeat played out before her eyes. She took a swig from her tankard, her laughter filling the air. With her free hand, she playfully slapped the table in amusement. "Gorden, you're an absolute idiot!" she teased between fits of laughter.

Gorden let out a heavy sigh, realizing that his lapse in concentration had cost him the match. He accepted his loss with a begrudging nod. On the other side, Zorus was basking in the glory of his victory. He did a victorious pose, drawing cheers and applause from the jubilant crowd.

Barno, the mastermind behind the arm wrestling competition, collected the money from the bets, his gruff voice barking orders to the cheering crowd. The festival atmosphere was electrifying, and it was clear that everyone was enjoying the day of merriment in Craghelm.

The blue pearled hair girl thanked the vendor, receiving a small bag. She muttered to herself, "This should be enough," without specifying what she meant.

Then, a piercing sound of running footsteps cut through the rowdy crowd, drawing the attention of many. A little girl, her face twisted in terror, pushed her way through the crowd, tears streaming down her face. When she reached the arm wrestling table, she turned to Barno, pointing wildly into the distance, her voice breaking as she screamed, "It's M-Marco, please help him!" Panic swept through the crowd like wildfire, and it fell into a tense, breathless silence.

Noctris and the other members of the Adventurer's Guild, along with various townsfolk, quickly rushed in the direction the little girl had pointed. The blue-haired girl, her concern etched on her features, observed them for a moment. Then, something seemed to click in her mind, and she hastened to follow the growing crowd as they headed in the opposite direction, the lively festival atmosphere vanishing into worry and apprehension.

As they reached the nearby playing field where children usually gathered to play, the atmosphere was grim, and several kids were standing at a distance, their faces carved with terror. Something terrible had occurred, and it sent chills down the spines of everyone present. Marco, Barno's young son, was at the center of the unfolding nightmare.

Marco's screams of agony filled the air, his normally bright and spirited eyes now a horrifying shade of blood-red, followed by the coughing of blood, staining his clothes and the grass beneath him. He writhed in pain, his small hands clawing at his own body as if trying to rip something out from within him. The sight was beyond horrifying, and everyone stood there in shock.

Barno's heart-wrenching scream cut through the chaos as he desperately tried to reach his son. He sprinted towards Marco, but before he could take a step, Gorden, acting swiftly, intercepted him.

Gorden held Barno back with a firm grip, his expression grave. "Don't touch him, Barno," he warned, his voice filled with urgency. "It's corrupted essence. If you touch him, you'll be infected too."

Barno, still struggling against Gorden's restraint, refused to accept the grim reality. "My boy... Marco! We have to help him!"

Gorden's voice remained steady, his years of experience evident in his words. "I've seen this before on my missions. You can't touch him. You'll both be lost if you do!"

The crowd watched in terror and disbelief as the father's outstretched arms trembled, his heart aching as he yearned to hold his suffering child. Marco's cries and writhing in pain were agonizing to witness, and the atmosphere was filled with dread.

As Barno's cries of despair pierced the air, the frantic scene was thrown into even greater turmoil. People in the crowd exchanged fearful glances, some beginning to back away from the horror unfolding before them. Marco's painful wails continued to tear at everyone's hearts.

In the midst of the chaos, Illyria spotted Noctris and urgently called out to him. "Noctris!" she yelled, extending her arm in sheer panic.

Gorden, still gripping Barno to prevent him from rushing to Marco, noticed Noctris approaching the scene. His voice filled with alarm, he shouted, "Noctris, stay back! It's corrupted essence, you can't get close!"

However, Noctris seemed impervious to Gorden's warning. His determination shone in his eyes as he continued to advance toward Marco, disregarding the perilous situation.

Noctris knelt beside Marco, his heart racing as he saw the boy's suffering. He focused his water affinity magic, channeling it to heal the young child. The crowd around them remained in shocked silence, watching with bated breath.

Noctris poured more essence into his magic, trying to draw upon every bit of healing energy he possessed. He refused to let Marco suffer any longer, determined to save the boy. However, as he continued to cast his magic, he felt a sharp, searing pain in his right arm, originating from the mysterious rune etched upon it. The pain was intense, but he gritted his teeth and pressed on, unwilling to give in to the agony.

"Come on, Marco," Noctris muttered under his breath, his voice trembling with a mix of desperation and determination. "You're going to be okay."

He focused on channeling the magic, doing everything in his power to heal Marco's corrupted state, but the pain in his arm from the rune intensified with each passing moment. It was as if the rune itself resisted his efforts to save the boy.

Desperation fueled Noctris as he shouted to the crowd, "Is there anyone with water affinity magic? We need more essence!" His voice was tinged with urgency and fear, echoing through the stillness that had gripped the onlookers.

The sharp pains in his right arm grew more intense, and Noctris felt like the rune was burning its way into his very soul. Doubt gnawed at him. Could he really help Marco, a child suffering from corrupted essence, a condition he'd never encountered before? But he couldn't stand by and do nothing. The memory of Marco's happy face at the festival flashed in his mind, especially the moment when the young boy had expressed his admiration for Noctris. That memory fueled his resolve.

Noctris pushed past the pain and continued to pour his water affinity magic into the boy, "Please.." a shimmering blue aura enveloping Marco's writhing form. The crowd remained silent, their collective breath held, waiting for a miracle to happen.

The newcomer in the white uniform with blue pearled hair swiftly passed through the crowd, her aura resonating with a powerful presence. She quickly reached Noctris and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Noctris felt an immediate surge of essence as her water affinity magic flowed into his body.

With resolution in her eyes, she spoke to Noctris with an air of authority. "Touching the patient will speed up the healing process." Her voice was firm, and there was no room for hesitation.

Noctris, still holding his right arm and fighting against the intense pain, remembered Gorden's warning about the risk of getting infected by touching a corrupted individual. The situation was dire, and he had to make a decision quickly. The life of the suffering child, Marco, hung in the balance, and the stranger's magic was already making a difference.

Noctris clenched his teeth and overcame his fears, "Okay, let's do it." Reaching out to grasp Marco's hand. Their combined water affinity magic intensified, creating a dazzling display of energy as it clashed with the corrupted essence. The struggle was intense, and the pain in Noctris's arm became excruciating. He couldn't help but scream in agony.

The blue-haired girl, her expression tense and focused, noticed a mysterious glow emanating from under Noctris's right sleeve. As the seconds dragged on, the corrupted essence began to slow down, and the intense battle between their magic and the dark force waged on.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, a collective gasp rose from the crowd as the corrupted essence was finally neutralized. Marco's cries of pain subsided, and he began to breathe more easily. The terrifying ordeal was over.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, a solemn silence hung in the air. The tension slowly began to dissipate as Barno and the other guild members rushed to Marco's side. Barno, his eyes filled with relief, gently picked up his unconscious son, cradling him in his arms. Marco was still alive, and that was all that mattered.

Noctris, lying on the ground, continued to pant heavily, his right arm throbbing with pain. The blue-haired mage, with curiosity, began to approach him, but before she could reach him, Illyria and Gorden hurried over to check on their fellow guild member.

Illyria, her concern coated on her face, asked, "Noctris, are you alright?" Noctris, still catching his breath, managed to nod slightly. His eyes reflected the mixture of exhaustion, pain, and gratitude for the assistance he had received.

The surrounding crowd began to murmur in awe at the miraculous recovery and the heroic actions of Noctris and the unknown woman with blue pearled hair. The terrifying event was over, and Craghelm's festive atmosphere slowly returned, albeit tinged with a sense of wary and amazement.

In the hushed atmosphere of Craghelm's Healthcare Centre, Marco lay asleep on a patient's bed, his small hand held tightly by his father, Barno. The other guild members gathered around the bed, their faces marked with worry and exhaustion.

Zorus, breaking the silence, voiced the question that lingered on everyone's mind. "How did the corrupted essence make its way to Craghelm?"

Gorden, who seemed to have more knowledge on the matter, replied with a heavy sigh. "It can happen at random. I've seen it before on one of my missions, near the Riftlands. It usually starts with someone who has magic essence."

He continued to explain, "But as far as I know, the corrupted essence could only affect ordinary people who don't possess any affinity for magic upon physical contact."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on everyone present. The threat of corrupted essence was a terrifying reality that could strike at any moment. They exchanged worried glances, contemplating the implications of this new menace in their current hometown.

Noctris glanced out of the window, noting the sun's descent on the horizon. The weight of his promise to Dr. Loux hung on his mind, and he knew he couldn't delay any longer. He turned to his concerned friends, who had gathered around Marco's bedside, and said, "I need to head to the citadel."

Illyria, her voice laced with worry, inquired, "Are you sure you're feeling alright, Noctris?"

Noctris offered them a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, really. I just have to take care of something, but I'll be back at the guild tomorrow, see you guys."

Despite their concerns, Noctris's friends reluctantly nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. They watched him leave the room, their minds still processing the recent events while wishing him well on his journey to the citadel.

As Noctris walked down the hospital corridor, he couldn't help but think about the traumatic event with Marco and the corrupted essence. He felt a dull, persistent ache in his right arm, a constant reminder of what had transpired.

His thoughts kept returning to the mysterious rune etched onto his arm and its connection to the events of the day. Noctris couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the situation than he understood. Dr. Loux had mentioned someone who might be able to help him, and he hoped to find some answers.

With determination in his steps, Noctris made his way through the hospital and towards the exit, ready to meet with Dr. Loux and get to the bottom of the strange occurrences that had unfolded in Craghelm.

As Noctris entered the grand citadel, the air felt different, more formal and bustling with activity. The marble floors were polished to a shine, and the high walls were adorned with banners bearing the crest of the city. It was clear that the citadel was a place of importance.

Noctris reflected on his limited interactions with the citadel as he made his way through the imposing structure. His visits were typically brief and tied to specific tasks. However, ever since he met Dr. Loux, he'd become more acquainted with the inner workings of the citadel and its importance in the city's governance.

As he walked, he overheard two secretaries engaged in hushed conversation. The mention of someone from the Pillars sprung his ears, and he couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"I heard someone from the Pillars is here," one secretary whispered to the other.

The second secretary, her tone equally conspiratorial, responded, "That's what I heard too. I wonder what they're doing in Craghelm. It's pretty unusual."

Continuing on his way, he finally reached the door to Dr. Loux's office. He took a deep breath, raised his hand, and knocked.

Noctris, his mind preoccupied with the recent events and the burning questions he needed to ask Dr. Loux, entered the familiar office without much thought. He was eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding the strange rune on his arm and the corrupted essence incident at the festival.

As he hastily fired off his questions about the festival and its aftermath, Noctris finally glanced up, only to be met with the sharp tip of a blade. He quickly averted his eyes, pass the hand over the firm grip of that sword. A somewhat familiar figure who exuded an air of authority and vigorous presence.

"You're—," Without giving him a chance to address their appearance, Noctris was interrupted, "Who are you? And how did you heal that boy?" It was the blue-haired girl. She swiftly adjusted the position of her sword, bringing its tip closer to Noctris's throat. Her eyes remained sharp, studying him intently.

Before Noctris could respond, the office door swung open, and Dr. Loux stepped in with another tray in her hands, her tone lighthearted with a tight-lipped grin as she spoke, "Oh, I see you two have already met."

And that's it for this entry! If you're interested in reading more, please consider voting for me in the contest! (lowkey been invested in the story myself ngl hehe) I'll continue it if I somehow win... anyways, love y'all!

MOONiE_creators' thoughts