


Glory_Nnamdi · Historia
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MINISTRY OF INFORMATION : Secret Agency Of Seven Continental Distortion Disbarment! (SASCDD)

This is a firm solid RED notice to all 'SASCDD' Members of a threat of high level, Discovered on 'December 21 1998', an extreemely hostile organisation called "COM" by special agent Lt. Grave Mason, who died after secretely giving his report to Special Commanding officer Maj. Gen. Aerus Landon before his untimely and obvious assasination.

We have been investigating this matter in secret for more than Twenty Years, we have enough intel and information about this Psychatric and in-humane movement, on the 3rd of June, in the year 2000 we were able too find out the full meaning of this organisation, with the aid of a spy, Special Agent Sgt. Raymond Omatolu whofound out the full meaning of 'COM' to be "Congregation Of Murderers".

This was no shock, Obviously as many of our undercover agent got assasinated with no cover up, meaning they boldly did it with no fear of the law because as we discovered from the arrest of renouned member E'lmin Hassan the the leader of a fraction in a town in afgharnistan who was caught in the act, in the murder of one of the Governor's Sons in 2003, was arrested and even judged by Lord Wilson In Britain in a Judiciary active in a town in London. Sentenced to death by hanging, He was later reported to us to have been found on a first class plane that landed in dubai a day after his Verdict.

A similar incident occured with Mr Raymond Lockwood, a former arms dealer and drug cartel tied to brutal robberies and Riots. We apreheneded him in Croatia with an army of bandits, I probably should have shoot that ass head when I had the chance, anyways to cut the long story short he was sentenced to life in Prison in the comfort of a great mansion in Atlanta.

In respect, This is a direct order from the Secret Chief Field Marshal not a request, any one who comes in contact with this COM barbarians Should shot them to kill and stay undercover and never risk exposure.

Great Lord Damian: So this is war; all members COM, we are at war.

Hey sorry, it's not a letter, it's a story of the Congregation Of Murders and their great fall. Great Lord Damian was the leader of COM, yeah one of the many hearth-less individuals that needed to desperately die for the world to have peace but tried hard to escape their self appointed faith.

SASCDD were good people but ended up becoming priests ready to make these human sacrifices in other to appease the grim reaper, or it's more like they became higher-ed kidnappers that will snatch these lost individuals and take them slowly to their father the grave so that he can be pleased for once and stop taking people away from their families and homes. Never mind me these were not incidents of fun, The COM where responsible for 70% of the death of people all over the world, Thanks to the SASCDD people now have the choice to die of old age.

It was on a Sunday mourning, Gen. Barry Top led the victory over this monkeys. He sent me to Dubai and Atlanta to finish of Raymond and E'lmin. I prayed to God and Death, maybe I shouldn't have, No shouldn't have. Barry stormed their headquarters during the meeting as we have infiltrated 70% of them, more like seventy percent of their member were SASCDD under cover agents. Yeah that's right they fell and Barry killed them all to save thousands of lives, so I heard, it was now left to me to assassinate the remaining two members.

This was my prayer to death, 'Inevitable Grim reaper bringer of death, eater of souls your babies are coming home please throw them the best torture party as the come to see the enemies they have made for eternity. I shouldn't have, yes I shouldn't have. I landed at 6:00am, Atlanta used to be my home so I called on my driver but we were involved in an accident with my new Mercedis Benz car model 2020, it got crashed by an eight seater bus on my way to Raymond's house, my driver died, his blessed memory, I survived the crash without breaking a bone, but I had bruises. Yeah mysterious, since when do accidents like these happen in Atlanta, it was like death wanted to take me but God said no, Wait, it was not like it was what it was, But I didn't realize that on time.

I reached my destination at about 21:00(9:00pm) Atlanta time. I did the incognito movements and got through his gate undetected. I systematically (With the aid of SASCDD satellite) pin pointed his location to be in his enormous dining room so I proceeded to assassinate this bastard, On getting there I found out that I was so Unlucky because he was having a meeting with the CIA, SWAT, INTERPOL, and Tiger Securities officials. The sat round his table with giant full chicken meats and assorted dishes on the table, they had been all bought over. The first thing that came to mind is what the General said; "Don't Risk Exposure". I wore my mask, drew my blade, cracked my gun and sprung into action. I was exchanging bullets with fifteen highly trained officials, five were already down, to make matters worse this murderer was escaping guarded by three tiger security officials. I thought to my self, young Promising men are going to die just for food!!, There kids will be so proud, so I charged head on, I can never forget that day, I Practically saw six different types of bullet pass my face, I quickly ducked and hid my self behind an already thrown over metal table. I came very equipped for no reason so I took out my flash bang grenade, threw it at these gluttons so that I don't have to kill them and made a run for after Raymond. I went through his kitchen as it was the only alternative way out, I found out that Raymond was already in a truck, I looked left only to see a classic Ferrari GTO, how dumb can these COM's be I thought to myself being well pleased. I broke into the car, started it and took the speed all out, I caught up in no time, I exchanged bullets with them and opened a nice hole in the back glass. Do you know the famous tale of the greatest specials Ops of all time Capt. Carlos C4 Drew, Yeah probably not, here is one thing about him, he always had his C4s, like twelve and he was very good at aiming that no ones wants to ever play snowball with him, and congratulations you are reading one of his tales. Raymond's driver took us off the road into Junk yard Atlanta cash for cars. So I aimed the windows and threw a C4 inside it, I speed up and blew it up. So that's how Raymond died and this is more like a confession. When I got to the main road there were police cars everywhere I tried all in my power to outrun them but I was caught and arrested by one of the policemen, he put me in his car together with his partner and started heading towards Athens, they both discussed for a while as they drove, then all of a sudden his partner got silent. I got alarmed when I looked closely to find out what was going on, I found out that his partner was fast asleep, as the thought of being kidnapped came to my mind I inhaled methoxyflurane (Penthrox) a very good take out gas I tried reaching but passed out only then I opened my eyes on a hotel bed. I came down from the bed and reached out to my small knife, the door opened, behold General Barry Top, I gave a sigh of relief. Mission Accomplished or so I thought.....

Part 2 coming out on the 21/5/23

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