
-In memoriam of ..-

Love is a very funny concept if we define it as it is.

Out of plenties living upon this planet, we choose one to give all the emotions we have and not doubt for once to share it with others!

One takes it all! One takes billions of highly indescribable sensations!

One against the world! One against the whole pack !

A very poor math equation !

We spend ,as smart creatures, our entire lives screaming for freedom, our right by nature, we fight for the light, we die in fields for the sake of green lands, we revolute against the eldest powers , we pray for the roots , we stand for dignity! And one evening , the universal butterfly effect sends a stormy being to our way and without an honorable combat , silently we surrender, we fall at their feet and admit that for once loosing our freedom would feel divine in the right hands !

Isn't love funny?

And for love is funny..

For the sake of loosing my liberty to the wrong soul,

For I should have been laughing rather than burning ,

Here I am owning a new pen!

Here I am burying you into my pages,

To your memoriam I shall pour my heart out and write your love away for I was blinded..

cursed as I am ,old friend, I should pay .

for those who fight by the sword die by it.

I broke my walls once for you, so now let the wind conquer,

while I watch weeping words and never tears .

May I hold on to the strength and let go of you as your hand turns cold , and waves me goodbye ..

May my pen feel at ease, may I never run out of ink , may I smile again as your shadow appears whenever I wink, may your name pass as a sweet fresh breeze through my bones whenever it is spelled.

May I never fall for you again.. Amen

Yet still, deep inside of me a pure tenderness and an infinite kind of adoration rest waiting for you, hoping, regardless of everything, that my words will find you again, and beyond your faults , beyond my promises to leave you behind , beyond right and wrong , somehow we will meet again ..

Hadil Mayoufi🖋