
Conan: Living with Haibara Ai

Haibara Kaito who is a fan of Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai is reborn in the world of Detective Conan. Using the Character Template System( Dazai Osamu, L, Kaito Kid...) that he got, he successfully made her promise to marry him when they got 18 years old, but the problem is that she turns into 7-years-old loli.

BlueberrySandwich · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Roller Coaster

After School, Haibara Kaito went to Dorabica Paradise. He will get his reward today, so he might as well go film the scene of Kudo Shinichi being smaller, as a souvenir.

He didn't go to the park as Haibara Kaito but as a girl. He didn't do it because of a weird fetish or something but it is a part of a plan. After I got the reward, which will make it possible to interfere with the plot, I will save Shiho Miyano without her being small and I will disguise her like what I am now.

If Miyano Shiho disappeared from the organization and a new student is appearing in the school, it will make it suspicious. So today I'm gonna meet Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran while reminding them that I'm gonna go to school tomorrow.

The disguise is just a girl who looks like Mori Ran but with brown hair and blue eyes. Instead of the gentle atmosphere from Mori Ran, she has a cold atmosphere that made people subconsciously stay away.

Soon, Haibara Kaito came to the amusement park. After buying tickets, he was about to go directly to the roller coaster when he saw 3 little kids trying to sneak without paying, so he bought 3 extra tickets and come to them.

"What are you doing?" Haibara Kaito said in a girl's voice with a cold tone. In normal times, he may not care about kids but this is the Junior Detective Boys, so you have to brush some favorability.

"Ahhhh!!!! I'm so sorry!!!"(3x) all of them said at the same time, thinking they got caught sneaking.

"Here." Haibara Kaito said.

When the 3 of them saw someone giving them tickets, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko are wary of the stranger, while Genta just walks over and gets the tickets.

"Thank you, beautiful big sister," said Genta, which dispel the cautious expression on their face."My name is Genta"

"My name is Ayumi," said the cute girl.

"My name is Mitsuhiko," said the thin boy.

When Haibara Kaito heard this, he also replied with a cold expression." I'm Shiro."

He and the detective boys go to the roller coaster together. While walking they keep talking about Gomera or something and Haibara Kaito just nodded sometimes.

When they arrive, they saw a lot of police.

"Wow, there is a lot of police officers," said Ayumi.

"Maybe there is a murder case," said Mitsuhiko.

"Maybe there is a free eel rice?" said Genta.

When Haibara Kaito heard this, he couldn't help but show a wry smile.

What does this have to do with eel rice?

While he was still thinking, the 3 little kids is already in the front, trying to see what was going on. When he was about to remind them, he heard their scream.


After hearing the scream, inspector Megure on the side said," What are you doing, who let these kids in!!"

Haibara Kaito took the kids and said coldly,


When Inspector Megure, heard the cold reply, he swallowed the words, he was about to say.

"Ran, she looks a lot like you," Kudo Shinichi said in surprise after seeing this, after all, he also has a classmate who looks like him.

"Huh?" When Mori Ran heard this, she also turned her head with tears in her eyes to look and saw a girl who look like her but with a cold temperament.

When Kudo Shinichi saw Mori Ran crying, he comfort her by saying that he will get used to it soon which made Mori Ran leave angrily after hearing it.

Kudo Shinichi hesitates when seeing her leave, but he still chooses to investigate the case first.

Haibara Kaito saw Mori Ran, walking over her while crying, so he handed her a handkerchief. Of course, without saying a word, to maintain my cold and arrogant girl image.

Mori Ran hesitate for while before accepting it," Thank you"

After wiping her tears, she suddenly noticed that the girl is wearing the same uniform as her and couldn't help but asked. " Are you also from Didan High School? By the way, I'm Mori Ran."

"Transfer Tomorrow, I'm Shiro." Haibara Kaito replied.

After Seeing that the other party didn't want to continue chatting, Mori Ran come to the 3 little kids and comfort them. While Haibara Kaito turns to observe the situation while licking a lollipop, that appears out of thin air.

At this moment, a police officer a criminal policeman suddenly came over with a handbag and said," Inspector Megure! There's a knife in this woman's bag!"

After hearing this, Inspection Megure took the handbag and open it.

Revealing a kitchen knife wrapped in a towel.

"Aiko!! Why did you kill him?! Didn't you love him so much!!" A woman shouted to the lady named Aiko beside her,

"No, Hitomi, it's not me!!, It's really not me!!" The woman named Aiko replied.

After seeing the murder weapon, almost all the people around believe that she's the murderer, Inspector Megure ordered his men to take the woman away.

When Haibara Kaito saw this, he bit the lollipop and asked Mori Ran beside her,

" Did that girl named Hitomi has a necklace before?"

Mori Ran who heard this, feel weird about why she asked her this but she still thought for a moment and nodded, " Yes, she seem to have a necklace before, where did it go?"

"I see"Haibara Kaito replied and turned to the 3 kids," Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta right?"

The 3 of them haven't still overcome the fear, which is normal for a kid, and when they heard the big sister call them, Ayumi took the lead and asked, " what is it, big sister?"

"Eat these candies(L candies from the system mall), it will make you calm down"


"Do you want to become a detective?"

Haibara Kaito said with a smile.


When the police are about to put handcuffs on the girl named Aiko, to end the case as soon as possible.

"Inspector Megure, She's not the Murderer!!" Kudo Shinichi said with a confident look.

"What!!" Everyone is shocked

At this moment, Gin said with murderous intent in his eyes, " Hurry up!! We don't have time to accompany you here, to play some reasoning game."

When Kudo Shinichi saw this, he felt hairy and thought.

This guy must have a lot of lives in his hand.

But his thoughts are disturbed and he heard a kid's voice.

"The murderer is not Miss Aiko, but you, Miss Hitomi." Said Mitsuhiko.

"Is what is the kid saying true, brother kudo?" Inspector Megure said.

Kudo Shinichi nodded, and what about to say something, but a kid voice sounded again.

"How can you talk nonsense!!, Why am I the murderer?!"Hitomi replied with an angry look," The murder weapon is already found in her bag!!"

" You can't cut off a head so clean with a kitchen knife, Big sister," Ayumi said with a smile.

"And the real murder weapon, should be that necklace in the hands of the detective big brother, right? Genta said feeling proud.

Kudo Shinichi who heard this began to doubt himself.

Did I lose to a kid?

But he still keep his mind together and said.

"The children are right, You're the murderer, miss Hitomi, and this is the physical evidence."

When Hitomi saw that she couldn't escape, she said all her motives and kneel while crying.

Love made her blind and kill someone.


"Hello I'm Kudo Shinichi, what's your name kids."Kudo Shinichi, who is impressed by the children's reasoning ability, introduces himself.

"I'm Ayumi"

"I'm Mitsuhiko"

"I'm Genta"

"And we are the Junior Detective League."(3x)

Said the 3 of them at the same time.

"And we were taught, by the big sister just now," said Ayumi.

"Big Sister? Where is she?" Kudo Shinichi said curiously because that reasoning ability is stronger than him.

When the kids turned to look for the big sister, they realized that she was gone.

" Big Brother, she's with that big sister just now but we don't know where she's now."

Said Mitsuhiko

"And they look alike that big sister, I think they are twins," said Genta

When Kudo Shinichi heard this, he turned to Mori Ran and asked.

"Ran, where's that girl who looks like you."

"You mean, Miss Shiro?"Ran replied sadly, she still can't get over the murder, "She said that she saw someone she's looking for, and go away."

"Ah, Ran, I still have something to do, you go first." Kudo Shinichi said when saw the two guys in black while remembering what Haibara Kaito said to him,

Beware of Black

Mori Ran stretched out her hands, trying to stop Kudo Shinichi but her shoelace broke off," Really, Shinichi that idiot!"

"Are you going to find that girl!"

A misunderstanding is born.


Haibara Kaito, who had already changed into another appearance rushed near to the trading location.

He didn't go on the spot but just hide in a corner eating ice cream because there is a sniper in place.

I think that snipers should be Korn and Chianti, pro snipers under the command of gin.

But even though there's a sniper, he didn't want to disturb their plan, because he need Kudo Shinichi to become Conan, to receive his reward.

After some time, he saw Gin and Vodka walking out from the corner, and the moment they are about 1 meter away from him, he move his hand and walked away

"Huh," Gin said solemnly, while quickly grabbing the girl's arm and finding that it's a dummy.

"What's the matter, Big Brother?" Vodka asked when he saw the strange action of Gin.

Gin didn't reply, turned to look behind, and found that the girl with a hoodie just now is gone and nowhere to be found. " Investigate that girl just now"

"What? Do you like that type, Big Brother?" Vodka replied.

"Shut up! Vodka" Gin said with a murderous intent, " That girl just stole the newly invented poison."

He observe the realistically made dummy in his hand and said viciously,

" Which rat does that guy come from?"

"Is it FBI? But they won't be so bored to play a prank like this"

"And that guy is so fast that I can't even react"

He suddenly remembered something and said it with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes, but it suddenly replaced with murderous intent,

"Or is it you"


While Gin and Vodka are talking, Haibara Kaito has already arrived near Conan. He has already removed his disguise and shows an appearance that looks like Kudo Shinichi.

He robs that APTX-4869 because it is needed to implement his backup plans, because you will never know what happen, and it's better to be prepared.

After thinking about messy things.

It's for the rewards
