
Chapter 17: REUNION..? (1)

Alex looked at Albert as he disembarked the blimp and on the derelict runway. He clicked his tongue silently. He wasn't supposed to arrive until two solid hours later. Yet here he was. That's the main branch for you, he thought bitterly. Albert walked up to him and asked," Is everything ready"? and looked at his watch. Two a.m. He had made it in good time.

For the first time in his life Alex was happy the lights were out. He didn't want Albert to see the angry and dirty look he had just thrown at him. Calmly he said," Everything is ready including the mobile tracker you requested." Albert looked around him and said," Alright then let's get some shut eye then." Once again, Alex was thankful for the darkness. His face was showing exactly how he felt; exasperation. He wished he could punch him. Slowly they walked back to his house to sleep.




The sound of the rocket engine woke Alvin up. He had fallen asleep despite his efforts to stay awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked around him. The sun wasn't up yet but everything was visible. His phone rang." Where the heck are you,"? Kui asked, her voice being carried by the wind. "I'm here," he replied as he lifted his hands. She, inside the rocket blimp, kept circling all round where Alvin's phone signal kept pinning. She still couldn't see him. " Seriously where are you"? she asked again in a more serious tone. " I'm here inside a tree", Alvin replied panicking. He did not want to be left alone again. " Can't you at least see my arms or fingers"? he continued.

Finally, Kui saw the tips of his fingers inside a Baobab tree. She circled twice before finally finding a good spot to land the rocket blimp. She grabbed her med-kit and ran towards Alvin. A wave of mixed emotions overwhelmed her as she stood in front of Alvin. She was happy. Happy to see him alive and well except for the broken leg, She got inside the Baobab tree and hugged him. " Thank you for finding my little brother Kui," a voice from behind them said. Alvin looked up and was shocked. His brother was here.

This wasn't happening. He wasn't supposed to be here. Slowly, his dream went up in smoke. " What are you doing here",? he asked looking at his brother. The sheer amount of hate and despair flowing from Alvin's expression made Albert smile. You've grown up Alvin, he thought. Loudly he said," Would you believe me if I said that I was looking for you." Alvin scoffed, " You wouldn't look for me even when I am in front of you," he retorted. Kui peeled herself off the hug and slowly moved away from the two bickering men."

" Now then tell me about the village," Albert said looking intently at his brother. "NO"! Alvin shouted angrily. " I won't let you have the glory this time," he continued looking at Albert. " You'll make a fine man someday Alvee but not today definitely... " Albert said but was interrupted by Alvin, " I don't want to be a fine man. I want to rule them all and this is my chance so don't you even dare think I'll be giving it to you."

A punch on his lower right jaw temporarily stunned him. He looked up only to get another punch. " Do not interrupt me ever again," said Albert looking at Alvin's bleeding face, " I don't care about your stupid plans or anything. You can have everything else I just need the water. Alvin refused," I want everything because I'm the one who found it all", he said angrily. This was his and no one was going to take his dream. That village and everything in it was his to take no one was going to take it not even his brother.

Albert smiled and said," Alright then, let's do it your way."

Thanks everyone for the 4k reads. Let's keep going and don't forget to like and vote for the story. Let's continue the adventure together.

Yondycreators' thoughts