
Come To You

#Reverse harem #strong female lead Can you live two lives at the same time? In two different worlds? Is that even possible? How does it feel when you know that you’re not living inside your own body? Can you let new people come to your life? Can you open your heart to the new relationships that come with them? Curious to find out about all this? Well… Kim Raimin is experiencing it all. Check out her story :)

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12 Chs

Chapter 3

The next day, Raimin woke up and opened her eyes with a great hope of seeing her messed up room. But nothing seemed to be familiar except for those she saw the day before. A young , innocent pair of eyes were watching her at the moment she opened her eyes.

" Good morning Miss" Haeyon said.

" Gosh, I'm still here". Raimin got up with the help of the girl.

" Are you feeling well , Miss? " She asked.

" I'm okay. " Raimin answered.

The girl smiled. " You felt asleep on the floor yesterday. Mrs. Hong took you to bed. " She said kindly. " I'm glad that you look better than yesterday, Miss"

" Really? Do I ?" Raimin replied, though she wasn't pleased to see her again. 'So, it was not a dream afterall. Well...who cares if I'm okay or not . No-one knows who I really am.' She thought.

After a while, the door opened and Mrs.Hong entered with two other servants. They were holding some trays. " Time for your breakfast, Young lady"

Even though all of these were totally new experiences for Raimin, she could not accept or enjoy any of them. But she had to eat what they offered to her because she was too hungry.

After she had her breakfast, Mrs. Hong sent the two servants away. " Miss, I have something to discuss with you" she started.

Raimin looked at her with much hope.

" How are you feeling? Do you recognize us? Can you remember anything? " Mrs. Hong asked.

" No , I don't" Raimin replied.

" Then I may ask you to not to leave your room, Miss. The rumor about your memory loss has been spread all over the place. If you go out, you might feel hurt. So, can you please rest in your room until you get better; young lady? " She asked.

" I don't care what others think." Raimin replied, rudely. " It all is lie, after all. I'm not mentally ill or memory lost, I'm just mistaken to be someone else. If I want to go out, I will. No one can stop me."

She was being rude, as much as she could. She has never been this rude to an elder before. But she was too confused and scared to care about her manners.

" Well, it's the chairwoman's orders. Not mine, Young lady. And today , you must stay in your room because the young master has informed us that he would visit you. I'll tell Haeyon to make sure you get prepared well to meet the young master." The woman said, calmly.

Raimin paused. 'Oh no... The young master. I completely forgot about the fiance guy. Meeting that person? How can I face another stranger? He's not an ordinary person. He's said to be my fiancé. Well....not mine. And that's the problem.'

However, Raimin did not let the girl change her clothes. " No. Please, leave me alone. I don't want to dress up and impress someone I have never met." She said, looking at her messed up , curly hair and the gray color pyjamas.

"But ....Miss... You have to look good for the young master. You have to change your clothes. And your hair too. Please let me prepare you, as I always did." Haeyon pleaded.

" No, I will not. If he's not going to meet me unless I change my dress, then that's better. I don't want to meet him anyway." Raimin shouted.

Even though Raimin did not change her clothes, she could not stop his visit.

"The young master has arrived." someone from outside shouted. Haeyon looked terrified. "I'm going to get scolded!" She said, running towards the door.

After she opened the door , a Young man came in. Raimin was facing her back towards the door. After hearing the footsteps, she turned back, though she did not want to.

The Young Master. He actually looked like a fine painting. He was a tall, handsome man dressed in a black outfit. He had a cold gaze in his olive black eyes. He had soft curls and a sharp nose. For a while, Raimin could not take her eyes away from him. She was mesmerized by his looks.

"Damn!" she mumbled.

The young man's eyes widened. He was surprised both by her messed up figure and her words.

For a moment , his cold gaze was fixed to her eyes. His eyes hinted out that he forgot what he was going to say. So he took his eyes away quickly.

Raimin finally came to her senses. 'I should not get panicked.' She told to herself.

Then she looked at him. "Ahem... So...you are...my fiancé... right?" She said , looking straight into his eyes. He was surprised. But he tried to pretend like he didn't.

" Are you alright, my lady?" He asked, changing the topic. But before she could find an answer, he talked again. " You look better. I'm glad that you are healthy again.... I was worried. My lady" he said, without any emotion on his face. 'Haa... 'my lady' he said.... But why do I feel more pissed? The way he spell the name was rather odd. It's as if he was being forced to call me like that. Or am I imagining things?' Raimin thought.

" But your face looks like you did not." Raimin said, ironically.

She was actually surprised by her own words. 'Why did I say something like that? ' she thought. There was something hidden in his eyes, which she found strangely inconvenient.

The young master was surprised. He cleared his throat, trying to sort out what he heard. Then he looked at the two guards who were standing behind him. "Leave the room, for a while." He said. " And , you too" he pointed at Haeyon.

After they left, he looked at Raimin. " Are you angry? My lady" he asked.

" Stop calling me your lady. I have a name." Raimin said. He came close to her. She stepped back.

" You are different today" he said trying to look calm. " Are you not okay? I never wanted to believe those rumors. So I came here to see you and prove myself that they are not true." he said.

For a strange reason, Raimin realized that those words were not sincere. " You are lying. You came here to witness that they all are true. Didn't you?" She asked, trying her best to look sarcastic. " And now you confirmed that something is wrong with me... right? But, listen here...I want you to know that my memories are not lost. Even if you believe me or not , I'm not your fiancée, I'm someone else who look exactly like her. So don't mistake me as your future wife. I'm not her. Okay? " She said.

For a moment, he was silent. His eyes realized that she was not pretending. Then he took a step back. " I think I should leave now....my lady" he said. " You need to rest. I see that you are not very well. Maybe it's because you are still in a shock. I'll ask your servants to look after you well. "

He turned at the door. But he turned back to her as he had something to say. " My lady...." He started. " I was not going to tell you this. But if you are doing this just because of the past incidents, then you should stop here."

Raimin looked at him. "Stop, what?" She asked.

He cleared his throat. " We'll talk about it later. You should rest now. I'll come and visit you soon. And I hope you'd be more properly dressed in my next visit." he said looking at her clothing. And then, he left.

Raimin leaned on to an arm chair. "Huh... haa.... he got the nerve... he sure is annoying. What a freaking cold attitude! Were they on bad terms? He and she? He seems to dislike me. But I did felt some rather odd vibe about him. " She was thinking about him while Haeyon entered the room.

" What happened, Miss?" She asked. But Raimin was not in the mood to answer.

" The young master did not look happy when he left the room. Are you okay? Did you two fight? " She asked, and then she realized that she should not have said something like that.

" Yes...we fought...in a kind of a way.....he's got quite the attitude. I really don't like it. And it's better if I can never meet him again." Raimin said.

The girl looked devastated. "My god Miss!" She exclaimed.

" You have changed a lot. You used to appreciate him so much every time you saw the young master. You even drew a painting of him"

" What!?" Raimin looked at her with surprise. "Eww... That's so cheesy. Was she fangirling over that guy? Thank god she's not me" she said.

" But.....I...I'm not lying Miss...it was a really adorable painting. But...you never showed it to him. "

Raimin realized something. She needs to know more about these people. If she's going to live with them for a while, she needs to know more about her and the others.

"By the way Haeyon, tell me what you know about me." She asked, coming close to her.

"Right now? " Haeyon asked.

Raimin nodded.

Then the girl sat on a chair in front of Raimin and started describing her: which was more of a story to Raimin.

"I don't know where to start...but here's what I know about you, Miss. I know quite much about you because I was there with you since you were a little girl. You were so kind. You treated me like your own sister. You used to be a very happy girl, always smiling. You were able to make all of us smile even though you went through so many hardships."

"What hardships?" Raimin asked.

"You were being looked after by your nieces. Because my lady.... your...your parents died when you were a little girl. So, your uncle took you to their place and raised you. You begged them to take me with you.... That's why I'm still with you...Miss. I , I really can't believe this happened to you. How could you forget everything?....." Haeyon described.

"Haah... But...my parents are not dead. They are alive and doing well. You don't have to cry." Raimin said. The girl suddenly leaned forward and hugged Raimin.

" My goodness...my dear lady....you are reminded of your past. How can I bear this? You may be still living in your past." Haeyon said, her voice trembling.

"No... listen to me...I'm saying the truth. But anyway, please continue the story" Raimin said. " Tell me how did I end up in this place"

Haeyon wiped her tears. " Your uncle, he's the late prime minister. He arranged your marriage with the young master when you both were little kids. Back then, you did not know at least how the young master looked like. None of us did. But three years ago, on the day you first saw him, you told me that you fell for him. You were so happy....my dear Miss. You drew his face remembering every single detail even though you saw him just for a few seconds. You were the most happiest on your engagement day. I still remember how happy you were. Your eyes glittered like you were the luckiest girl alive. Then, after a year, we came to live in this place, the Sky Castle."

" I can't believe that I have an uncle who's the late prime minister! " Raimin laughed. " If he's a prime minister, then who's that guy? My fiancé? "

" The young master? His name is Kang. Song Kang. He's the son of the wealthiest family in the country. His father comes from the royal family and his mother, the chairwoman is from a conglomerate family. After the death of the late chairman, she is taking care of the Shinsae group."

" Oh...man!" Raimin gasped. " So he's practically a prince. No wonder he had that arrogant look in his eyes. He's born with a diamond spoon in his mouth."

For a moment, Raimin started to think about her status. She's actually from a middle class family. Her father is a school teacher and he's the only bread winner in the family. If she compared her status with that young man, she's just a little peck of dust. But she is a different person now. Of course she's Raimin but not the one she used to be. This one is from a conglomerate family and is the heiress of a huge amount of wealth. She felt like she was never ready for something like this.

" Look ..." She said. " Right now, I feel like you're not trying to deceive me. But to be honest, none of these makes sense to me."

" I'm telling you that I'm not the girl you know. I'm a 12th grade student and not a conglomerate. I should be busy with my studies right now. But here I am, trying to figure out a way of going back home. "

"What a piece of rotten luck! well I can't even call it that way. Cuz I'm not in a financially difficult position unlike how I used to be. But it's not like I wanted to be this wealthy all of a sudden. This is just too much to handle. I wanna go back to my usual life."

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