
Come Through

Mia stared at the pregnancy test before her that was positive. She remembered being fearful the first time she was pregnant with Aaron’s child, but now her nerves were still a mess. This child would actually be a happy thing for him, but her twins would never be. Mia immediately went to the doctor to get a confirmation of her pregnancy, which the results came back 30 minutes after and an ultrasound on her stomach; it was conclusive, and she was indeed pregnant with Aaron’s child again. _____________________________________________ Mia gets pregnant with her husband and ends up having a divorce with him due to him having cheated and wanting nothing to do with her.

xSeraRosex · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter One: Wonder

Mia glanced over to her husband's desk, it was piled high with papers on it. She was sitting at his desk, excitedly to tell him the news that they were going to have a child together. Finally, after 2 years of marriage, she had been able to conceive a child and provide an heir for his family. But Aaron had told her over the phone he had something to talk about as well, which left a little minorly worry in the back of the brunette's thoughts. 'What could he possibly have to say?' She chewed on her bottom lip as she waited.

After about 15 minutes of pure anxiety ridden for Mia, her husband Aaron entered the room with a big brown envelope and he sat it on his desk and then took a seat in his desk chair, as the backdrop of city lights sparkled behind him from his CEO office that was once her dad's.

"Aaron!" Mia called out, her eyes sparkling as she beamed, happy to see her husband although he had his normal cold demeanor towards her.

"You're happy to see me, although you have no idea what I wanted to talk about." He spoke coldly, as he turned away from her to observe the sky behind him.

"Yes, well you see…" Mia stumbled with her words, in her soft voice.

"I've been seeing someone else." He said blatantly, cutting her off, his ice blue eyes slanting over to look over Mia to catch a glimpse of her reaction.

Mia froze, her hand falling on her lap. Did she just hear him right? She couldn't help but wonder. "Oh… for how long now? Do I know her? What's her name?" She mumbled out in a daze.

"It's been since we've been married actually, and yes you do know her. Actually, she's your cousin Lauren."

Mia felt like the tears were going to come out at any given second, after finding out her husband has been cheating on her since the beginning of their marriage. "Oh…" She choked out.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to tell you about it, because I've fallen in love with her. She's beautiful, smart, talented and my entire family loves her." Aaron nudged the envelope he brought in, across his desk and towards Mia. "I actually want to get a divorce. I don't love you, I never have— I just married you out of obligation towards your family's company, but now that your dad has transferred ownership to me. I thought this was the right time to end things."

Hearing those words, Mia clenched her fists in her lap as she thought about the life inside of her. Could she even tell him now? Mia nodded, still refusing to cry in front of him and more so just accepting defeat. She couldn't show him weakness, even if her hormones were a mess. She was so upset, she couldn't even speak to him, she just got up out of the chair and walked out of his office in a daze with the brown envelope in her dainty hand. As she was leaving, she watched Lauren enter with her bleach blonde hair curled elegantly framing her beautifully round face as she wore a fashionable outfit consisting of a black skirt with a white blouse embroidered with black lace. She had a smug look on her face as she walked past Mia and made her way into Aaron's office. Mia immediately felt sick and ran towards the bathroom. Her heart aching as she up-chucked everything into the toilet.

Mia couldn't help but finally let out her sobs as she fell back onto the floor in the washroom, her back hitting the wall as she flung herself back from the toilet and the envelope sitting beside the toilet on the floor. Her hands on her stomach, as she was terrified of telling him. She knew he wouldn't be happy about it. She rubbed her stomach, as if to ease it. "Don't worry, you won't have to worry about a thing. Mommy will protect you, we'll live a good life." She whispered. Her eyes falling on her tummy. She wondered how she could afford to take care of a child on her own. She hadn't had the need to save up money, but now she had to.

Picking herself up off of the ground, Mia dusted off her pants and then flushed the toilet and made her way out of the bathroom and out of the company.

Where she went was home, which was once a sanctuary, now it felt like a whole different planet. The house was huge, in reality it was a mansion, not even a house. The place had many bedrooms and baths, but Mia always made herself busy in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning. When she found herself in the kitchen, she was still in a daze as she began baking a large batch of chocolate chip cookies. The maid entered the kitchen, noticing the noise Mia was making.

"Mrs. Montgomery, would you like some help?" The sound of the maid Loraine talking to Mia, brought her out of her daze and she dropped the bowl onto the counter with a giant clash sound. The glass mixing bowl scattered across the counter, as Loraine gasped and scurried over to the lady of the house.

"N-no." Mia immediately began to pick up the pieces of glass in her hand, more of a reflex rather than an actual movement. She accidentally moved her hand too fast and one of the shards cut into the palm of her hand. Blood began to drip down her wrist and arm until Loraine saw how out of it Mia was and rushed to her with a towel to apply some pressure immediately.

"Mrs. Montgomery go sit down, let me clean this up for you." Lorraine instructed and Mia went and sat down in the closest chair to the kitchen island in a daze. The kitchen was beautifully decorated with marble countertops and intricate wood designs carved into the cabinets. Mia loved the kitchen, she didn't want to move out of it. As she held down the rag on her bleeding hand as Lorraine continued cleaning up the mess Mia had accidentally made, she couldn't even feel a tinge of pain; she just felt so numb to everything.

As soon as Lorraine was done, she threw away all the glass shards and the cookie dough that Mia was making and sauntered over to Mia to check on her wound. She noticed the petite girl didn't move, she just sat there slightly lifeless as Lorraine continued to check on the bleeding which appeared to have no sign of stopping. Lorraine immediately dialed on her phone for Aaron Montgomery.

After a few rings, he picked up. "Hello?"

"Mr. Montgomery, your wife cut herself so I'm going to take her to the hospital—"

"Don't. She is no longer your priority to take care of. In fact, Lorraine, I'd like to move you to my girlfriend's house, and start her care."

"Mr. Montgomery she is bleeding—"

"Then she can drive herself or call an ambulance. Whatever she does is none of your concern anymore. If you touch her, or take care of her, I'll fire you." With that being said in a stern and cold voice, Aaron hung up.

Lorraine turned to Mia, who just seemed to be in a catatonic state. Her hand holding a rag on her palm. She didn't look to be in an okay state of mind either.

"Mrs. Montgomery, I will call the ambulance for you, but I have to leave." Lorraine stated, but with Mia not responding to anything it was unclear if she heard her. Mia stayed in her catatonic state of shock until the ambulance arrived, but Lorraine was long gone by then so she didn't get to discuss anything with them.

The following day, Mia had woken up in the mansion. Her throat was dry and her lips were equally dry, causing them to get chapped. She had gone to the hospital the day before and her palm of her hand had to get stitched up. Part of her heart hoped that Aaron would've came up to the hospital, that he would've cared enough to check up on her. But, that was never the case was it? Getting up out of bed with her left hand bandaged with gauze so the wound wouldn't get infected, Mia made her way to the kitchen that was empty and still a bit of a mess from the remnants from her accident. The brown envelope still sat on the breakfast table in the corner of the kitchen, unopened. Mia hadn't brought herself to open the divorce papers, nor sign them. Just looking at them made her stomach fill with dread.

Mia slowly ambled her way over to the envelope and peeled the seal open. 'Divorce Agreement' she read on the white piece of paper as she felt tears swell in her eyes. Everything was so surreal.