
Chapter 951

Life experiences were so ridiculous. The world was so big, but they appeared in the same restaurant.

"God must have done it on purpose!"

Ji Jing's panicked eyes met Gong Yuze's smiling eyes. In an instant, the two looked at each other in the air a few meters away.

However, it was enough to see the shock in the eyes of the two people. Ji Xinxin forced herself to calm down and only felt that the couple in front of her was too dazzling.

A beautiful and pure girl was in the arms of Gong Yuze. The love in his eyes was definitely not fake, but came from the bottom of his heart. Besides, he pinched her face just now. What else could it be if they were not lovers?

Gong Yuze didn't expect that the woman he met at the party last night would meet in the dining room in a twinkling of an eye. What a coincidence.