
Chapter 921

When Xia Shufen came back, Xia Xian had already turned off the light and lay on the bed. Xia Shuyu gently pushed the door open and took a look at it. She thought she was asleep and did not want to chat with her anymore.

However, when the starlight outside the window sprinkled in, Xia Taiping's eyes were shining with water. She didn't fall asleep at all. On the contrary, she would sleep to the end of her sleep tonight.

Even if her eyes were extremely sore and swollen to the point where she could see a trace of light, she still did not want to fall asleep.

A little later, she turned on the light, sat on the bed, took the mobile phone, flipped through the photos they had taken before, flipped over the calls they made every day, and her heart was torn bloody again.

She did it! She did what Lan Ying requested!