
Chapter 518

  Gong Yuning was their daughter's name.

  The meaning of Gong Yexiao's name was to hope that his daughter could live a peaceful life forever. As for the word "Yu", it was the word in the middle of his son's name.

  Cheng Liyue gently read this name and smiled. She felt that this name was very good for her. After staying in the hospital for a week, she went back to the castle and started her one-month-long monthly life.

  As an Asian, she was very particular about this aspect. If Yuezi was not done well, she would suffer a lot of diseases, and the people who came had already suffered. Therefore, Xia Houlin and Mrs. Xi had repeatedly told her to finish Yuezi's work.

  It was winter again, and this month was especially important. In the castle, there was another sound, which was the loud cry of a baby. Although the little fellow was just born, she seemed to have a bad temper. She refused to change the medicinal cloth and cried out loud, and her little face became redder.