
Chapter 505

  The man sitting in the back seat looked very formal in a black suit. His black hair was combed behind his head, revealing a handsome and sharp face. Even though he was sitting in the car, his natural dignity and pressure were still very strong.

  Fire and fire stared at this man. She didn't know how many days had passed, but she felt very strange. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

  Because the man in the car really had the demeanor of a leader of a country.

  Looking at the girl who was standing in front of the window, breathing slightly, but without saying a word, he raised his sexy thin lips. "You're late."

  Huohuo, of course, knew that she was late. She had broken through so many traffic lights along the way before arriving in front of his team.

  "You... you can't go." Fire-fire knew that at this moment, she couldn't find any reason or excuse to ask him to cancel the speech.