
Chapter 410

  Jian Yunyun purposely pretended to go to the tea cup. When she was in Chengye Liyue's office through the glass window, she could see Gongye Xiao's figure was still in Chengye Liyue's office. The corners of her lips curled up into a cold smile. How was Chengye Liyue going to explain this now?


  However, in the office, there was a warm scene of chatting.

  Cheng Liyue looked at the man who did not leave. He propped up his chin and asked, "Do you want to go back to the company now?"

  Gong Yexiao sat down on the sofa next to her and raised his eyebrows with a smile. "Let's go to the nearby supermarket to buy vegetables at five o'clock on time. Tonight is our two-person world."

  Cheng Liyue glanced at his wristwatch. "There are still five minutes left, then I'll go ahead! I just want to buy some clothes and accompany me on the street for a while, okay?"