
it's best to make a grand entrance that all will remember

The group walked around the city which was named Morne Odin gave a general knowledge of the world so they wouldn't stand out and ask any stupid questions.

They soon got the direction of the place for hunters. After a ten-minute walk, they reached the tall skyscraper compared to the other skyscrapers this was very tall. The group walked in and was met with a huge crowd of people. Many types of people were around those that were like giants around the people easily stood out.

Many had weapons in them some had staffs others were covered in light armor and others looked like medieval knights. Odin looked around and soon found what he thought was the reception.

Heading towards it was quite difficult with so many people around. they constantly bumped into people or had to change direction because of a group blocking the path.

Soon they finally arrived at the counter the dark-skinned man was typing on his computer he ignored the defending noise of the people around him. Odin waved at the man to get his attention.

"How many I help you?" asked the man as he looked at odins and his group he adjusted his glasses.

"Hello, we are here to awaken our skills," Odin said as he gestured towards his group.

"Oh, new hunters please wait while I contact the test administrator my name is James," James said as he reached for the phone on the desk after a short conversation with the person on the phone James looked towards Odin and asked.

"Do you have any questions for the test or of the occupation?"

"No, not currently," Odin said as he leaned on the counter James went back to his typing, and after five minutes a girl arrived to receive them.

They followed the young girl and went up the elevator towards the fifth floor. once the doors opened they saw the same crowd but much less compared to the first floor. They walked past the crowd and arrived at a relatively empty counter.

"Please register at the counter and wait for your number to be called." the young girl said as he pointed to the counter she soon went back the way she came probably to bring in more new hunters.

The group registered their identities and go their number they waited for half an hour before they were called in. Once they entered the double door they were met with a white room a blue orb was at the center slightly floating above the table. A man and woman sat on the chair waiting for them.

'Finally, after this, I can have my break' the man thought as he looked at odins group.

"Hello," Odin said as he waved the rest greeted in their own ways.

"Hello and welcome new hunters please place your hand on this orb it will shine and reveal your skill over there on the board. The man explained how the test would work and he demonstrated by placing his hand on the orb. a few skills appeared but soon disappeared after he let go of the orb.

"Now who will go first?"

"I shall go," Serena said as she walked towards the orb she placed her hand and a red a purple glow was revealed.

[title obtained

The binding mage assassin

The grand assassin used her chains and magic to silently kill her enemies she moved quickly and effortlessly even in a one on one she would easily defeat her opponent she was not a conventional assassin as she never hid herself but stayed in plain sight.

Effect: user has a 1000% increase in critical attacks using chains user can also learn magic at an unprecedented level if the user stays in plain sight she will be subconsciously ignored user has an increase of 205% in speed. ]

"Ohh a titleholder this is quite rare and it's not a bad one!" the woman said as she looked at the board soon it changed towards the skills.

[Skills obtained

1. chain arts

2. flow arts

3. shadow jump

4. lions claw

5. archmage's mind

6. mockery

7. Photographic memory

8. Enhanced strength

9. stalker

10. enhanced reflexes ]

"Ohh and even good skills archmage mind and shadow jump!" the man said as he looked with envy at the board.

"Girl if you wish to join a guild we will gladly take you I hope you can meet us during our break." the woman said as she looked deeply at Serena.

Shadow jump was a good skill for an assassin as long as there was a shadow they could move instantly at higher levels there didn't even need to be a shadow. Archmage mind was a good magician passive skill they could easily construct spells and would be able to use them at near max efficiency.

"I shall go next then." the deep voice of bob sounded as he walked with heavy steps his hand could easily wrap around the entire orb.

[title obtained

Spear saint

The spear pierces the sky leading to a new age the spear saint studied the spear since young never stopping after many years and many dead enemies the spear saint broke past the heaven leading to a new age.

Effect: you can master any spear art easily your damage increases by 150% with any spear you can deal with any spiritual spear weapon. ]

"Another title holder!?" both the examiners said as they looked at the board.

Titles weren't really rare as 1:100,000 had one but what actually made them rare was ones that were like these. Most had titles like.

[Track star

The champion of speed breaking every record.

Effect: increase speed by 3% ]

People with bobs and Serena's titles were 1:10,000,000.

[Skills obtained

1. spear mastery

2. Harden skin

3. Roar of the lion

4. Hawks eye

5. Harden will

6. Enhance weapon

7. Photographic memory

8. Enhanced strength

9. Mountain rush

10. Enhanced vitality ]

"Not bad we can use someone like you if you have any interest in joining a guild talk to me during my break here." the man said as he handed a card to bob.

The man was interested in Bob's skill roar of the lion as it both debuffed the enemy and buffed friendly allies.

'So who goes now me or you?' omega asked as he looked at the orb.

'Hmm, I don't know if you want to go ahead.'

'Ok, but are you sure you want to use those skills?'

'Well dose it really matter at some point I'm going to stand out like a sore thumb it's best to make a grand entrance that all will remember.' Odin said as he smiled at omega.

'Well, it's your choice I'm just here to stave off some boredom.' omega said as he shrugged and walked towards the orb.

[title obtained

the sword of hate

He carries humanity's hatred and struggles he is the blade of humanity.

Effect: when fighting against any nonhuman that has slain humans your stats increase by 200% when near humans they will gain an increase of 50% in stats and they will have a shortened cooldown on their skills. If a war happens against monsters for an hour fate will make sure no human shall die This has a cooldown of a year ]

"..." the examiners looked at the board with shock and confusion.

'Um, maybe it miss registered or something?' the man thought he grabbed the orb and looked at it soon after seeing nothing wrong went to get another one.

'Why are they acting like that this isn't that out of logic actually no yea as long as humanity has hate I can become stronger but inst that basically a glitch I made humanity with my own personalities so it shouldn't even work like this?' omega thought as he started to check if anything had affected the code of reality.

'Hmm nothing change maybe it was always like this but I shouldn't complain.' omega said as he shrugged and returned to normal.

"Here use this orb." the man returned with another orb and placed it on the table.

Again omega(who is Odin just changed his name for both my sake and your sake) touched the orb and the same thing happened.

"Holy shit it's real!"

"Young man you must join our guild you shall be one of the top-rated hunters in less than five years, no three years!" the man shouted as he grabbed omegas shoulder.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested I already have my team." omega said he gestured to the group.

The man was not willing to give up though.

"Don't worry we can take in your team and you'll be a part of team 2-A!"

"None of us wishes to join a guild please resume the test." omega said with an expressionless face the hidden intent in his eyes was affecting the man causing him to grow fearful.

'Pathetic just using the bloodlust of a village scares you but then again insignificant creatures are insignificant for a reason.' omega thought as he returned to normal a small smile appeared on his face.

[Skills obtained

1. Weapon mastery

2. Magic mastery

3. Natures mockery

4. Reset

5. Eyes of lies

6. Fate control(partial)

7. accelerate

8. Eternal body

9. Eternal mind

10. Beyond eternity ]


"Not bad"

"Yea I know."



After a long amount of silence which would have continued if omega didn't bring them back to reality.

"What are you?" the woman asked as she looked at omega with fear and shock.

"I'm omega." omega said calmly as he didn't just flip logic on it's head.

"Only the first two are somewhat normal what the heck are the seven others?!?" she screamed as she looked at the board.

"Well they're skills and some are described by their name.

"You're the holder of eternal body and mind how is that possible that the last person was king Arthur!?"

"Well I don't know ask the system or something?" omega said casually.

"Ok everyone let's get this over with he has some decent skill now it's my turn," Odin said as he place his hand on the orb.

[Titles obtained

Sovereign of humanity

The one that unified humanity the one that sits at the center of all struggle he carries the hope of mankind.

Effect: any nonhuman species will lose 50% of their stats when engaging you any allied humans around you will receive the lost stats if any humans die they will give their stats to a nearby human.

Mocker of fate

The one that has stood against fate for whatever is thrown by it he shall just destroy it.

Effect: you are unbound by fate and can not be read by any fate seekers or future sight.

,!:@2&1!:$, &2@.


Effect: @29,&:!28:&: 19282910% ]

'Hah system your gonna make these people numb to everything at this point I love you!' Odin started to laugh if he didn't teleport and stop time the planet he was on would have been destroyed. as reality crumbled at odins soft laugh he soon stopped. He returned and resumed time.

The examiners just stared at the board with an expressionless face.

[Skill obtained

1. Emperors will

2. Weapon mastery

3. Book of magic

4. time control

5. Immortality

6. Respawn

7. Spatial travel

8. Resurrection magic

9. True damage

10. Gamblers intuition

11. Actor of fate

12. eternal mind

13. eternal body

14. Cries of the forgotten

15. Blade of mercy ]

'Even extra skills incredible are they going to die from shock now I kinda hope that would be funny?'Odin thought as he looked at the examiners deeply.