

In the Night a flame suddenly appeared. it illuminated the night sky till it was as bright as the early hours of dawn. the fire was small though, only as big as a small cabin. To add more mystery nothing around it was burning or catching fire. The people heard a voice come out of the fire saying it was a gift from Heavon telling them that the fire was to keep them safe from harm and to show that God is watching over them

To a few they think the fire is a lie. That the fire was created to decieve everyone with its promise of safety. They decided that they would not fall or its lies and that it was created by the Devil himself. they all decided to form a group to destroy the fire and save everyone from the Devil. They formed the Anti-Fire league.

This little chapter is to give an example on how humanity views on things can differ 

this novel is just a place where i can type some of the things that pop into my mind so please don't judge me to harshly because nothing in here will be completly coherent thanks to a few little disorders i have along with a potential lesion/brain damage in my left hemispere of my brain

DeathDxDcreators' thoughts