

Chapter 881 – I Don't Want To Be Called A Womanizer

"I don't know," William answered Hebe's question. "Even though today was the first time I saw her, I believe that that was not our first meeting. I feel like… I have seen her before. I just can't remember when."

William could tell that Hebe was trying to pry answers from him, but he didn't mind. He also had the same motive, so saying his sincere thoughts about Amalthea would help him gain Hebe's trust and allow him to pry more information from her lips.

"You feel like you've met her before?"

"Yes. But, I don't know where."

"How very peculiar," Hebe straightened herself as she leaned back on the couch. She continued to brush William's head with her hand, as she digested the information she'd gathered from William.

The Half-Elf, in his drunken state, closed his eyes to enjoy the comfortable feeling. The two stayed in this position for quite some time before William drifted into a dreamless sleep, unaware that a certain handsome man was watching him from the shadows.

The next day, William awoke when he felt several hands caressing his body in different places. It was then when he found himself in what seemed to be a spring, without his clothes on, and being washed by the four beauties that had accompanied him at the feast a few hours ago.

The gears in the Half-Elf's half asleep brain started to churn, while the four beauties giggled as they continued to touch and clean him everywhere.

"So, you're finally awake," A deep and masculine voice said from his right side, which made the Half-Elf turn his head to the side.

Dias, who was being cleaned up by eight naked beauties, gave William a confident smile in greeting.

As William's brain tried to process everything that was happening around him, a set of choices appeared in his head.

The first choice was to break free from the four ladies who were currently washing his body zealously, and run away.

The second choice was to act as if everything was fine and chat with Dias about the weather.

The third option was to politely ask the ladies if they could return his clothes to him, so that he could wear them.

After a brief internal struggle, William smiled as he stared at the handsome Dias whose hands were actively groping the ladies, who were more than happy to receive his affection.

"Fine weather we are having today, eh?" William said as he gazed at Dias. "I have to say, your hospitality is truly extraordinar– um, girl, please don't touch my tralala. I'm already married."

After hearing William's words, the four ladies, as well as the eight that were servicing Dias all giggled as if finding his words very funny.

Dias was also smiling, but deep inside he was very impressed because William wasn't affected by the beauty of the Nymphs.

These ladies who had driven many men crazy due to their beauty were doing their best to seduce the red-headed teenager, but it had no effect on the Half-Elf.

'Well, Hebe's beauty didn't seem to affect him as well, so it is perfectly normal for him to be able to resist the advances of the Nymphs,' Dias thought as he continued to observe the young man who had covered his… with his hands to prevent the Nymphs from groping it.

"You're already married?" Dias asked.

"Yes," William answered.

Dias gave the Half-Elf a knowing smile.

"They say that great men have many wives. I myself have seven wives," Dias said with a smug expression that was oozing of charisma. "How about you? How many wives do you have?"

"Currently, I have four legally wedded wives," William replied. For some reason, a part of him wanted to compete with Dias, so he decided to add a bit more to his answer. "But, I have six other fiances who are waiting for me to marry them."

As the Half-Elf expected, the smile on Dias' face stiffened when he heard that William had more wives than him. For him, this was unacceptable, so he decided to fight back to show that he was manlier than him.

"Actually, I have many other lovers," Dias stated. "I just didn't say it out loud because I don't want to be called a womanizer."

The corner of William's lips twitched when he heard the reply of the handsome man who was busy groping all the ladies that were pressing their bodies against his.

For a brief moment, the Half-Elf even felt some regret on Dias face as if he was wishing that he had more hands, so that he could play with all the ladies around him at the same time.

"I see." William nodded.

The two stopped talking and only the giggles of the Nymphs who were splashing their bodies with water could be heard in the spring. Half an hour later, Dias left, followed by his beautiful entourage.

As William was pondering on what to do, Hebe strolled to the spring carrying a set of clothes for William to wear.

"The clothes you wore last night are dirty, so I decided to have them washed for the time being," Hebe said. "Please, get dressed. There is someone who wants to meet with you."

"Someone wants to meet me?"


"Who?" William asked. He had just arrived yesterday and there was already someone who wanted to meet him. The Half-Elf found this affair very strange.

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you," Hebe answered with a complicated look on her face. Honestly, she didn't know why that person would ask to meet William. All she knew was that she had been given an order that she must fulfill no matter what.

"Can I not go?"

"You can't. You must go even if you don't want to go."

William scratched his head, but in the end, he decided to meet the person who had asked to meet him.

Hebe's complexion wasn't that good, so he believed that this was a person of great importance.

'Just who is this person that can make even a God feel anxious?' William thought as he followed Hebe into the hallway of the residence.

The two walked for ten minutes before arriving at a dead end, where a three-meter tall black obsidian mirror, that reflected nothing, stood facing the two of them.

Chapter 882 – It Is Very Rare For Me To Have Guests

"Go," Hebe said as she patted William's shoulder. "She is waiting for you on the other side."

William frowned, but he still decided to take a step forward. Right now, he didn't know where he was, or how he would be able to get out of this place.

In order to break through his bottleneck, he went to find the Hall of Thunder, inside the Forbidden Ground. After successfully arriving at his destination, he was sent into this world where Gods resided.

'Maybe I'll find the answer beyond this mirror,' William thought as he took another step forward towards the mirror.

After arriving directly in front of it, he pressed his hand on its surface in order to test his theory.

Just like he expected, his hand passed through the mirror without any problems. William took a deep breath before moving forward to enter the mirror.

Only when he had disappeared from her sight did Hebe breathe out a sigh of relief. She really didn't know why that person called for William.

'I better tell my father about this.' Hebe hurriedly left to find her father in order to tell him what was going on. She hoped that Dias would be able to tell her why William had been asked to meet with the person who resided on the other side of the world.


William found himself in a world that was in complete darkness. Even though he was a Half-Elf, his vision couldn't see past a meter in front of him.

Just as he was about to conjure some light to guide his way when several floating orbs of blue light shone in the distance.

"Come. Oh, traveler from the future," a silky and seductive voice of a lady reached William's ears that made him unconsciously shudder. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I just want to talk."

William took deep breaths in order to calm himself and his body. The voice had barely said a few words, but it was more than enough to make him feel faint.

The Half-Elf knew that he was being subjected to a form of suppression. Even though he had a feeling that the owner of the voice meant him no harm, her mere words contained enough power to make his very soul shudder.

Gritting his teeth, William followed the orbs of light and traveled that pitch-black world for several hours.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but each step he took took a toll on his willpower. It was as if the world of darkness was draining all the light, emotions, and life from his body.

Just as he decided to remain still to catch his breath, his eyes broke through the darkness and saw an obsidian throne in front of him.

Sitting on the throne was an otherworldly beauty that almost took William's breath away. The lady in front of him was so beautiful that no other lady that William had met in his lifetime could hold a candle to her.

Not even the beautiful lady with light-blue hair, and purple horns, that made his heart ache in sadness.

"Come," the lady said with a smile that almost made William's knees turn to jelly. "Let me take a closer look at you."

William stood his ground and didn't dare to move. He felt that if he took one more step, his legs would give way, which would cause him to collapse in this dark world that was colder than ice.

Seeing that her guest didn't want to obey her command, the beautiful lady snapped her fingers.

Immediately, several black chains coiled themselves around William's body.

The Half-Elf tried to break free but he couldn't muster any strength in his body. In fact, the more he resisted, the faster his strength waned. It came to the point when he simply hung limp in their hold, unable to move a muscle.

The moment he stopped resisting, the chains moved and pulled him closer towards the throne where the beautiful lady looked at him with great curiosity.

"It is very rare for me to have guests," the beautiful lady said as she cupped William's face. "Especially someone that came from the future."

William decided to make a last ditch effort and unleashed all of the powers he could muster.

The Half-Elf's body glowed as golden lightning bolts snaked around his body. He was planning to break free from the chains that bound him and escape by traveling at the speed of lightning.

But, before he could execute his plan, the beautiful lady kissed his lips and drained all of the power that he had gathered up.

Half a minute later, the beautiful lady pulled back, savoring the exquisite taste of William's existence.

"I see… so it's really you," the beautiful lady caressed the side of William's face. "You are the reason why Amalthea decided to give up her immortality."

The Half-Elf hadn't heard the beautiful lady's words because he had already lost consciousness after all of his strength had been drained from his body.

The corner of the beautiful lady's lips curled up into a smile as she pulled William closer to her.

The lady took off William's upper robe and kissed the blue gem that faintly glowed on William's chest.

"I can sense a strand of darkness in your very soul, which means that you are connected to me one way or the other," the Primordial Goddess said with mild surprise as if she had discovered a hidden gem among countless rocks.

"Although I can't use my powers to see your memories, your soul feels familiar and unfamiliar at the same time… just, who are you? Why did Amalthea decide to give up her Divinity for you?"

The beautiful goddess pulled William close to her and made the unconscious Half-Elf sit on her lap. She then rested his head on her chest, while her finger lightly tapped the blue gem on his chest making the light inside it grow dimmer every second.

"Sorry Amalthea," the beautiful lady said as she playfully brushed William's lips with her delicate finger. "I don't know who this child is, but I'll be sure to get to know him more from now on. For the time being, I'll indulge myself and have my fill first. It's your fault for trying to hide something so precious from me."

It was at that moment when all the light in that dark world disappeared until nothing remained, but total darkness.

Chapter 883 – A Place That Only Belonged To Him

Just as soon as everything descended into darkness, several bright lights suddenly appeared in the sky of the pitch-black world, which made the beautiful goddess frown.

Soon, the lights converged forming a constellation. A dazzling golden light shone down upon William's body, who was cradled in the beautiful goddess' embrace.

A second later, the Half-Elf's body was covered by a golden barrier, which made the Goddess' frown deepen.

A moment later, Amalthea's projection appeared in front of the Primordial Goddess.

"You shouldn't treat your guest in this manner," Amalthea said with a smile as she made a welcoming gesture to William's body.

As if being pulled by an invisible force, the Half-Elf's body floated towards the blue-haired beauty.

The Primordial Goddess could have held onto the red-headed teenager's body to keep him in place, but she didn't do that. She simply stared at the Half-Elf who was now being held in a princess carry by the blue-haired beauty that she thought she would never see again.

"You just became a constellation a day ago, and yet you appear just to save this boy from me," the Primordial Goddess stated with a smile that matched Amalthea's. "Well, your timing is perfect as well. I want to ask you a few questions. Just who is this boy? Is he the reason why you decided to become one with the stars?"

Amalthea didn't answer right away. Instead, she pressed her hand on the pitch-black gem that was embedded on William's chest. All the light in William's body had been snuffed out. If she didn't tend to him soon, the boy would be consumed by darkness, and this was something that Amalthea didn't want to see.

A few seconds later, the gem on William's chest glowed brightly, and pulsed like a beating heart.

Only after the color of William's face returned did the blue-haired beauty shift her attention back to the Primordial Goddess, who watched everything unfold, while seated on her throne.

"His name is William, and he is a very special existence to me," Amalthea replied. "You're right. The reason I decided to join the stars was because of him. I will appreciate it if you don't mess with him too much."

"Too late," the Primordial Goddess said softly. "There is already a strand of darkness in his soul, and this strand came from the future. This means that I have marked him as my property, you should be the one that should back off, Amalthea."

"If I back out now, wouldn't my sacrifice be in vain? Sorry, but I'm not handing this child over to you."

"I see… so we agree to disagree. How do you want to settle this?"

Amalthea planted a kiss on William's forehead before raising him towards the sky. The constellation above her shone, and showered William's body with its radiance, pulling him upwards.

"We are not the ones who get to decide his fate," Amalthea answered. "The one who will be making the decision is him."

The Primordial Goddess rested the side of her face on the palm of her hand, as she stared at the lady in front of her. After briefly experiencing the exquisite taste of William's soul, her interest in the Half-Elf had grown by leaps and bounds.

Also, she wondered why a strand of darkness had buried itself deep in the boy's Sea of Consciousness. She was sure that she had no recollection of doing something like this, which meant that it was something that had happened in the future.

"Fair enough," the Primordial Goddess said after William's body had left her world of darkness. "I still don't know what kind of game you are playing, Amalthea, but I can somewhat understand your thoughts after spending some time with that child. He is a very special existence."

Amalthea nodded. "That's right."

"Then, just who is he?"

"If I tell you, will you keep it a secret for eternity?"

The Primordial Goddess placed her delicate hand over her chest as she made an oath.

"By my name, I swear that I will keep it a secret for eternity," the Primordial Goddess vowed. "Satisfied?"

Amalthea nodded in acknowledgement. Making an oath using their names meant that they were binding their Divinity to the promise. Breaking that promise would give them a very harsh backlash, which could cause them to fall from grace.

"That child is an existence who was denied to be born in this world," Amalthea explained.

The Primordial Goddess immediately fixed her posture as she looked at Amalthea in shock.

"You mean to tell me that he is…"

"Yes. He is him."

A minute passed in silence before it was broken by the Primordial Goddess' bell-like laughter.

"No wonder. So that's the reason," the Primordial Goddess smiled sweetly after realizing who WIlliam really was. "Well, I guess I have something to look forward to now. This will be a fun thing to watch."

Amalthea shook her head because she knew that the Primordial Goddess had always been like this.

"Promise me that you will not mess with him for the duration of his stay in this timeline."

"Don't worry. I'm not that petty. You have my word that I will no longer touch him while he is in this world. I would rather wait to enjoy a grand feast, than eat cookie crumbs."

Amalthea smiled as she floated towards the sky, leaving that dark and cold world behind her.

The Primordial Goddess lightly tapped the armrest of her throne with her finger.

"William…" the Primordial Goddess smiled. "I look forward to meeting you again in the future."


William felt something softly caress the side of his face.

A minute later, he felt someone lightly pulling on his ears.

After that, his nose was poked repeatedly.

It was as if someone was toying with him while he slept.

Earlier, he felt very cold. So cold that he thought that he had turned into a block of ice, unable to move ever again.

However, right now, he felt warm and at peace.

The Half-Elf opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the face of the Goddess that made his heart ache, when he first arrived in this strange world.

"You are… Amalthea," William said as the beautiful lady poked his nose.

"Yes," Amalthea replied.

"Have we met before?"


William felt a little emboldened as he raised his hand to touch the side of Amalthea's face. It was soft, and smooth, which made the Half-Elf feel that he had indeed felt this familiar sensation before.

Suddenly the memories of the world of darkness returned to him. He almost panicked, but Amalthea's gaze and touch calmed his senses.

"Don't worry," Amalthea assured him. "You're safe with me."

"Am I really?" William asked back.

"Yes," Amalthea said with a smile. "But, you can't stay here for long. There are still many people waiting for you in the future."

William felt a pang of pain in his heart because he felt that he would part ways with this beautiful lady whom he felt was very important to him.

As if seeing his discomfort, Amalthea planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that," Amalthea said as she held William in her loving embrace. "Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

William didn't understand what Amalthea was trying to tell him, but he didn't resist being hugged by her. For some reason, he instinctively felt that this was the place where he belonged.

It reminded him of the days during his childhood where he would snuggle against Ella's body to keep his body warm and safe. That was his special place, a place that only belonged to him.

Chapter 884 – When Love And Hate Collides

When William opened his eyes he found himself in an open field.

After propping himself to a sitting position, he tried to recall how he arrived to where he was, but no matter what he did, he couldn't remember anything.

"The last thing I remember was eating and drinking with Hebe last night," William muttered as he subconsciously smacked his lips as if to recall the taste of the wine last night.

However, the thing he tasted was different, which made him blink in confusion.

'Milk?' William thought. 'I don't remember drinking any milk last night? Am I still drunk?'

The Half-Elf immediately rejected the idea because his mind was very clear right now. He could even observe the tiny particles that were rising up in the air because of his incredible vision.

While the Half-Elf was still wondering how he ended in the open field, a lightning bolt landed a few meters away from him.

"So this is where you are," Dias said as he walked towards William. "I was getting worried because you've been missing for two days."

"Hah?" William blinked. "Two days? Are you sure?"

Dias smirked as he extended his hand to help William stand up. The Half-Elf grabbed Dias' strong hand and allowed himself to be pulled up.

Just as William was about to ask some questions, Dias' expression suddenly turned serious. The handsome man then sniffed on William's clothes, then his face like a dog.

A trace of shock flashed across his face, which made William wonder if the handsome man had awakened a sniffing fetish.

"You… why do you have the scent of Amalthea on your body?" Dias asked. His question had a trace of anger in it, and his mood was reflected in the sky above their heads as it started to darken.

Thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed. Dias' eyes glowed brightly as tendrils of lightning sparked from its depths.

"Why do you have Amalthea's scent on your body?!"

A loud clap of thunder reverberated in the heavens, and strong gusts of wind started to blow. William could tell that Dias wasn't joking or anything, and was really angry at him for some reason.

"Amalthea? Didn't she return to become one with the stars?" William asked back. "What are you talking about?"

Instead of answering his question, Dias raised his hand and a lightning spear as red as blood appeared in his hands.

"I'll ask you one last time… why do you have Amalthea's scent on your body?" Dias asked in a deep and threatening tone.

He was like a wild animal that was about to lunge at its prey to go for the kill.

"I already told you. I don't know what you're talking about," William replied. "The last time I saw Amalthea was on the mountain when she bid goodbye to you!"

"Liar!" Dias roared as he threw the lightning spear at point blank range.

William didn't bother to dodge because it was simply lightning. He was not afraid of lightning!

However, what happened next caught the Half-Elf by surprise.

The red lightning spear pierced through his body, and sent him flying towards the mountain several kilometers away.

The force of the attack was so strong that the mountain was obliterated by Dias' attack.

William spat a mouthful of blood as his body crashed on the ground creating a crater. The spear that had embedded itself in the left side of William's chest pulled itself out of his body and flew through the air to return to Dias' hand.

William momentarily shifted his Job Class to Life Wizard and healed the injury in his body. To his surprise, the wound was recovering at a very slow rate, which alarmed him.

'He managed to pierce through my body using a lightning bolt even though I have the Prince of Thunder Job Class,' William's face became pale as he forced himself to stand up.

He once again changed his Job Class to Prince of Thunder. The Half-Elf felt that if he were to get hit by the red lightning bolt a second time without his current Job Class, the injury he would receive would probably be lethal.

For now, his wound had stopped bleeding, but it would still take a while before he had a full recovery. It was at that moment when he heard a notification sound in his status page.


< Ding! >

< You have unlocked Trial of Thunder>

– In order to break through your bottleneck, you must be able to surpass your current strength. Only by doing so will you be allowed to obtain the Prestige Class, Thunder Emperor.

Requirement to advance: Survive the Trial of Thunder for thirty minutes.


'Sh*t!' William cursed internally. He had experienced only a single attack from Dias and he had already received serious injury. Frankly, William didn't have the confidence to survive against Dias for thirty minutes.

However, since this was the only way to become the Thunder Emperor, he had to do it no matter what!

"So, you will still refuse to answer?" Dias snorted. "Very well. I will pry the answer out of you before you take your last breath!"

William's strongest Job Classes at the moment were his Einherjar Job Class and the Vampire Progenitor. However, lightning was the bane of all Demonic and Undead creatures. Using the Vampire Progenitor Job Class at this point in time would be suicidal.

As for his Einherjar Job Class, William didn't dare to use it. He was fighting against a God, and he was afraid that before the trial's time was over, all of his memories about his past life might disappear completely because of the power of his adversary.

'There is only one thing that I can do,' William thought.

The Half-Elf raised his hand and a golden staff materialized in front of him. He held Ruyi Jingu Bang firmly in his hands as he prepared to fight against Dias seriously.

Stormcaller and Soleil also appeared beside William and both weapons were posed to strike.

Dias grinned evilly because it had been a while since he had fought someone.

Amalthea was a special existence to him. He loved and respected her so much that he didn't dare to even make her his woman. However, this red-headed teenager that had appeared out of nowhere suddenly reeked of her heavenly scent.

This information drove Dias crazy. Right now, the only thing he wanted to do was torture Wililam and make him spill why he had the scent of the first woman he loved on his body.

"Before we start let me ask you something," William said with a serious expression.

"What?" Dias hovered in the air as the power of lightning and thunder enveloped his body.

"During the feast, aside from wine, did the Nymphs serve me milk as well?" William inquired.

Dias' face contorted in anger when he heard William's question. He then raised the red lightning bolt in his hand and the world trembled due to his wrath.

"You Bastard!" Dias roared in fury. "I'll kill you!"

His shout marked the beginning of a fight between two men who had a special relationship with the woman who had now become a constellation in the sky.

Chapter 885 – A Battle For Supremacy

Inside the world of darkness, a lady with otherworldly beauty watched the fight that was about to start with great interest.

"A fated battle that spanned thousands of years in the making," the beautiful Goddess said with a smile on her face. "Show it to me, child. Create a miracle, right here, right now."


Hebe, and the Nymphs stood in the residence of the Gods and looked at the two combatants with anxious expressions on their faces.

The golden-haired goddess couldn't understand why her father was fighting against William.

After the Half-Elf entered the Obsidian Mirror, he wasn't heard from, or seen until today. What surprised her was that the first thing her father did upon meeting him was to strike him with his lightning bolt.

This act of violence was something that she hadn't seen for a very long time because the Gods had been at peace with each other for the past few years. What surprised her the most was that William was just a mortal, and he managed to survive a direct attack from her father.

If she were to tell these things to others, none of them would believe her. There was simply no mortal who would be able to survive the lightning bolt that had ended the Titanomachy War.

"Die!" Dias roared as he hurled the red lightning bolt toward William with all of his might.

The Half-Elf turned into a golden lightning bolt and flew upwards to evade the attack, which obliterated the land he stood on a moment later.

Hebe and the Nymphs cried out because a powerful earthquake ensued after Dias' attack missed.

William frowned, and immediately flew away, so that the girls wouldn't be involved in their battle.

Dias sneered, but he didn't attack William when the latter chose to escape. Instead, he turned into a red lightning bolt to chase the Half-Elf who had crossed his bottom line.

William flew towards the sea, in order to prevent anyone else from being affected by their battle. After making sure that they were now far away from land, he stopped retreating and charged towards Dias with the intention to smack his face to oblivion.

"Sweep away all adversaries!" William shouted. "Ruyi Jingu Bang!"

The golden staff in William's hand grew in size and extended towards the red lightning bolt that was hot on his heels.

Dias didn't back down and thrust his red lightning bolt to meet William's oversized weapon.

The clash of the two weapons created an ear deafening explosion that split the sea in half.

"Quick Shot War Art Fourth Form!" William roared. "Grand Bazooka!"

A powerful blast erupted from the tip of Ruyi Jingu Bang which blew Dias hundreds of meters away.

Tendrils of lightning seeped out of his body like flowing blood, but his injuries regenerated at a very fast rate. The lightning-like blood then merged with the red lightning bolt in his hand making its glow more deadly.

This was the specialty of Dias' weapon. The more he was injured, the more powerful his weapon would become.

The handsome man was about to counterattack when two glowing spears appeared in front of him. Stormcaller and Soleil unleashed a lightning storm, and a firestorm, at the same time, bathing the Dias in a lightning-infested inferno.

"Quick Shot War Art… First Form." William aimed the giant golden staff at the blazing inferno in the distance to unleash another powerful attack. "Destroy everything in your path!"


Seconds after William unleashed one of the strongest attacks of his Quick Shot Shepherd Job Class, the inferno exploded, creating a gigantic mushroom cloud that expelled the seawater from its point of impact, showing the seabed bereft of water.

Stormcaller and Soleil returned to William's side just as Ruyi Jingu Bang returned to its original form.

From the center of the chaotic inferno, a lone figure emerged.

His upper clothes had been destroyed, and his body injured, but Dias stood tall as if the injuries he received were merely scratches.

"Not bad for a person that is about to die," Dias said in disdain. "Now, it's my turn."

The handsome man only took a single step forward, but when he appeared in William's sight again, he was already in front of William with his fist raised high.

He was over two-meters tall, so he towered over William and his fist slammed down on his chest, sending him crashing towards the sea like a cannonball.

"Disappear!" Dias shouted as he threw his red lightning bolt towards the boy laying on the seabed.

A world-shaking explosion reverberated across the seas as the red lightning bolt created a two-mile crater.

Dias was about to call his weapon back when something hard hit the back of his neck, which sent him smashing towards the sea where his weapon lay buried.

Just before the red lightning bolt was about to hit him, William had teleported towards Soleil, which he had positioned behind Dias.

He had already started to swing his weapon when he initiated the teleport, giving the handsome man no time to dodge his sneak attack.

Dias landed with his feet firmly planted on the ground, preventing any further damage to his body. The handsome man stared back hatefully at the Half-Elf who was panting heavily while standing on top of a floating cloud.

After activating his Heroic Avatar, William gained the power of Sun Wukong, including the Monkey King's sturdy and powerful body.

However, even with the added boost in his strength, stamina, and resistance, fighting against a High-Ranked God like Dias took everything he had.

Dias retrieved the red lightning bolt and held it firmly in his hand. Lightning flashed in his eyes as he marked William with his Divinity.

Loud peals of thunder, which was the manifestation of Dias' anger, shook the heavens, as the red lightning bolt in Dias' hand grew. His lightning bolt was special. It was not only his injuries that made it powerful.

More than anything else, his rage increased the power of his weapon as well. The injuries that William had given him was nothing in his eyes. Although it did hurt, and he received significant damage, it only fueled his desire to kill the bastard who dared to defile something precious in his eyes.

William took a deep breath as he summoned a wooden mallet in his left hand.

The wooden mallet then transformed into a small steel hammer that made the lightning bolts in the heavens strike William's body consecutively.

Soon, William was covered in the armor of the Thunder God that had been one of his close friends in Asgard.

"Mjolnir, help me beat this bastard," William said softly. "Just this once, give me full authority of your power. Let's show this bastard the power of the God of Thunder."

Mjolnir hummed as it agreed to William's request. It had already detected that the person William was fighting against was a God of Thunder, similar to its previous master, which made it feel competitive.

Mjolnir shone brightly and the lightning in the heavens answered its call, bathing William's entire body in deadly lightning that would turn any mortal who dared to touch it into ashes.

Dias raised an eyebrow after seeing such a scene. He felt insulted that someone dared to manifest the power of thunder and lightning before him.

"Junior, you dare?!" Dias asked as the red lightning bolt in his hand became bigger.

"Tell me, have you seen a world get destroyed right before your eyes?" William asked as he wielded both Ruyi Jingu Bang and Mjolnir with both hands. "You haven't, right? I have dared many things, even dying in the process.

"So, yes, I dare. I dare to fight an unreasonable God who dares to bully mortals like me. Come, you puny god. Let's see who the real God of Thunder is. You, or the person whom I looked up to thousands of years ago."

Countless lightning bolts snaked across the skies as if fighting amongst themselves. The two combatants were both eligible to call upon their powers.

This created a rare phenomenon since one of the most primal forces of nature didn't know whom to side with.

Dias and William both took a step forward and clashed mid-air. For a short period of time, William was granted the Power of the God of Thunder by Mjolnir.

Thanks to Sun Wukong's Heavenly Body, he had been able to reduce the tremendous load of Divinity that rampaged inside his body.

Two Gods of Thunder and Lightning.

One battle for supremacy.

The Gods and Immortals of the world watched with bated breath as the two fighters clashed in a battle of epic proportions.

A battle whose record would be preserved in the library of the Gods, until the end of time.

Chapter 886 – Thunder God's Pride

The sky and land trembled as William and Dias clashed repeatedly, almost turning the sea into a boiling inferno.

Gazing at the two madlads from afar, several men and women chatted among themselves.

"Just who is that boy?" a handsome man with short dark-brown hair, holding a winecup in his hand asked. "He's giving Dias a lot of trouble."

"I don't know, but whoever he is, he's my type." A very beautiful woman with long golden hair, and blue eyes, looked at William with great interest.

A teenage boy with short blonde hair, wearing winged sandals chuckled after hearing the beautiful Goddess' words.

"All handsome men are your type," the teenage boy said.

The beautiful Goddess shook her head. "No. This one is different. He has the strength to back up his looks. Men like him are on the top of my list."

"But, he's not yet a man, though?" the teenage boy replied. "He's only a teenager."

"Even better!"

"You never change. Still a cougar, I see."

As the Gods chatted among themselves, a cold looking man with gray hair gazed at the battle from afar. He was holding an exquisite looking helmet in his hand, and he was radiating a deathly aura around his body.

"What are your thoughts about this?" the gray-haired man asked the handsome blue-haired man beside him that was holding a trident in his hand.

"My thoughts?" the blue-haired man snorted. "I wish that those two bastards would show some common etiquette and not fight in someone else's house. Just who do they think they are? They've already destroyed this area and are spreading the damage to others as well!"

"Why don't you stop them then?"

"I can't. Both of them are going all out at the moment. If I'm not careful I might get hit by their lightning bolts. I'll just ask Dias to compensate me later."

The gray-haired man smiled when he saw the frustration on the blue-haired man's face. Clearly, he didn't like what was happening in his turf, but he was powerless to stop the two madmen from their battle that was sending powerful shockwaves in every direction.


Dias brandished his Red Lightning bolt and bashed William towards the sea, creating a gigantic tsunami, with him at its center.

"Perish!" Dias threw the Red Lightning bolt in his hand to obliterate his hated enemy. However, William teleported to where Solais was, dodging the attack by a hair's breadth.

"Not this time, punk!" Dias sneered as the Red Lightning-bolt veered from its trajectory and hit William squarely on the chest, sending him hurtling towards the sky.

The Red Lightning bolt didn't stop there and attacked William from every direction like a living creature out for blood.

Sparks flew from all over William's body as his armor endured all of the attacks that the lightning bolt made. Even so, the Half-Elf still felt pain because of how powerful Dias' lightning bolt had become. It was now over four meters long, and its power was strong enough to obliterate a Myriad Beast at its peak with a single strike.

If not for the fact that William had temporarily gained God-like powers, he might have turned into charcoal by now.

"Two can play that game!" William roared as he hurled Mjolnir towards Dias who had his arms crossed over his chest.

The handsome man sneered as he stretched out his hand to grab the flying hammer mid-flight. However, the moment his hand touched Mjolnir, he felt an unprecedented weight that he couldn't overcome.

The back of Dias' hand smashed into his face when he failed to stop Mjolnir's advance. It sent him tumbling several hundreds of meters in the air before coming to a stop.

Recalling his Red Lightning bolt, he swatted the hammer to the side, sending it swerving in the air back to William's outstretched hand.

As soon as William held Mjolnir in his hand, he turned into a golden lightning bolt to clash with Dias. The latter also turned into a Red Lightning bolt as they collided several times in the air.

After several exchanges, Dias backed away and threw his lightning bolt towards William.

The Half-Elf didn't back down and threw Mjolnir to meet the Red Lightning bolt mid air, creating another powerful explosion that blew both combatants away.

The Red Lightning bolt and Mjolnir seemed to possess lives of their own as they continued to zigzag across the skies as if trying to determine who was the strongest between them.

Seeing that both their weapons wouldn't be returning soon, William and Dias charged at each other, with the intention of beating the crap out of each other.

Dias threw a punch at William, but the latter dodged it. In return, the Half-Elf swung Ruyi Jingu Bang to the handsome man's chest, splitting him in half.

The severed body parts turned into two lightning bolts that attacked William in every direction.

Suddenly, the two lightning bolts merged, making Dias materialize behind William.

"Die!" Dias roared as he smashed his fist on William's back, sending him smashing towards the sea, making the waves rise up hundreds of meters in the air.

Although the attack was painful, William remained uninjured thanks to Sun Wukong's powerful body.

The Half-Elf's eyes glowed golden as he used the Monkey King's "Fiery Golden Eyes" that could see through disguises, illusions, or transformations. Aside from these uses, the eyes were also capable of seeing things from great distances without any problem.

From afar, he could see the Red Lightning bolt and Mjolnir duking it out in the heavens. The two powerful divine weapons seemed hell-bent to fight against each other until only one prevailed.

William had no intention of pulling his helper back because he could feel Mjolnir's unwavering resolve to prove that it was the most powerful thunder and lightning type Divine Weapon in existence.

Dias shared the same thoughts, so he didn't recall his weapon. It was his pride and the symbol of his power. He believed that it wouldn't lose to a puny hammer that happened to also wield the power of thunder and lightning.

The two weapons were not only fighting for themselves, but the pride of their respective owners. As the two divine weapons turned the sky upside down, William and Dias once again clashed, only this time, both of them were only using their fists to duke it out with each other.

Which made the spectating Gods look at them with serious expressions on their faces.

Chapter 887 – I Will Use Any Kind Of Means To Achieve Victory

The two smashed each other's fist against their opponent's body as they rampaged across the sky.

As if agreeing to an unwritten rule, the two didn't use anything else aside from their pure physical strength.

Dias was over two-meters tall so he towered over William. Even so, the Half-Elf didn't back away and met his attacks head on.

Both of them had ignored defense and just focused on pummeling each other. The Gods who were watching from afar clicked their tongues in dismay upon seeing the barbaric method that the two were using against each other.

'Fool, do you think you can beat me in a fist fight?' Dias sneered internally. 'I am the strongest among the Gods. I will show you that you messed with the wrong person!'

William received Dias' punches and counter-attacked on his own, making the taller God's body shudder with each blow he delivered.

'Fool, you call that a punch? More like a tickle if you ask me.' William eyed Dias in disdain and contempt. 'You dare challenge Sun Wukong's nearly invincible body in a fist fight? Delusional much?'

Sun Wukong's body was not only sturdy, but his strength was also out of this world. Back in the Celestial Realm, the Monkey King could easily lift two Heavenly Mountains, while doing his morning jogs.

Dias might be strong, but his physical strength was no match for Sun Wukong who dared to defy the Heavens and fight the Celestial Army alone.

After a quarter of an hour of brawling, Dias realized that he was starting to take significant injuries from his exchange with William.

The Half-Elf however was still dishing out blows non-stop as if he was just using the handsome man as a warm up.

Dias felt his dignity being challenged by the red-headed teenager in front of him, so he increased the speed and power of his attack, but it was to no avail.

William's body was so strong that Dias felt like he was punching his shield, Aegis, which was indestructible.

After remembering his other regalia, Dias backed away and raised his hand.

Soon, a golden shield appeared in front of him, blocking William's punch and making the Half-Elf's face wince.

"Loser." William snorted before backing away.

"Loser? What nonsense are you talking about," Dias sneered. "In battles, any method can be used as long as it leads to victory. You are still too green."

"And you are a puny and petty God."

"And you are just a mongrel that I will crush with my fist."

William made a come and get me gesture at the handsome man who had lost all dignity in front of him.

"You've been trying to crush me from the beginning, but I'm still uninjured." William ridiculed. "You throw punches like a girl. Weakling!"

A smile appeared on the gray-haired and blue-eyed man's face after hearing the red-headed teenager taunt their brother.

"That phrase alone is enough for you to forgive him, right?" the gray-haired man asked.

"Well, not completely, but it is enough to lower the punishment that I will give him afterward," the blue-haired man replied.

Deep inside, the two men had always wanted to say those words to Dias, but in order to keep the peace between the Sky, Sea, and Earth, they had held their grudges in the depths of their hearts and dealt with each other in a civilized manner, befitting of their ranks.

"You really have a death wish!" Dias roared as he used the shield to bash William's body.

William had tried to punch the shield, but only felt pain on his knuckles afterwards.

The handsome man then used this opportunity to kick William and send him hurtling towards the sky, right in the peanut gallery's direction.

'This F*cking Mofo is cheating!' William cursed internally as he forced himself to stabilize his position.

Just as he was about to regain his posture, his body was caught by a soft and delicate body.

"You are amazing," a seductive voice filled with temptations and carnal promise whispered in William's ears. "How about you forget that brute and spend the night with me?"

"Sorry, but I'll pass," William replied as he pried away the naughty hands that were in the process of removing his clothes. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I still have things to settle with that weakling."

William analyzed his current situation as he charged back to the fray. After several exchanges, with him being blown away by Dias attacks, the Half-Elf finally understood what he was up against.

'My attacks can't break past Aegis' defenses, and this Mofo is using that opportunity to counter attack me,' William thought. 'I guess I have to use that method.'

Dias sneered at William who stood right in front of him.

"Have you given up?" Dias asked in a tone filled with ridicule.

"No," William replied. "Since you decided to play dirty, I will also play dirty. Let's see if your Aegis will be strong enough to block my attack. Prepare yourself, weakling!"

Dias snorted as he took a fighting stance.

"Play dirty? There's no such thing," Dias stated. "I will use any kind of means to achieve victory."

"What a coincidence," William said as he summoned his secret weapon. "I am in complete agreement with your words."

After exchanging words the two once again charged at each other.

As Dias drew closer to William, his sixth sense was telling him that he was about to face something dangerous.

The handsome man ignored this warning because he was confident that as long as Aegis was with him, he could take any attack that William could throw at him.

When Dias was only a few dozen meters away from him, a devilish smile appeared on William's face as he brandished his weapon.

"Eat Sh*t Motherf*cker!" William roared as he unleashed a devastating attack that would make anyone, even Gods, feel like dying.

Dias was still unaware what kind of sorcery his opponent was doing, but it didn't matter. He simply raised the shield to block his upper body from William's attack that made the beautiful goddess, who had caught the Half-Elf earlier, grimace in horror.

After seeing the scene in front of them, the spectating Gods all distanced themselves as far away from the battlefield as possible.

Aegis only reacted to things that could potentially deal great damage to its owner. Anything that didn't dish out physical, magical, or spiritual damage would not activate its special ability.

A mountain of "night soil" wasn't something that Aegis considered as a threat to its current owner.

How can a God be injured by excrement?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Dias' disgusted scream echoed in the surroundings as his entire body was bathed in excrement. He didn't expect that his enemy would do something so disgusting, which made him want to puke.

"Well, that's a whole new level of playing dirty," the teenager wearing winged sandals said with a pale expression on his face. He then covered his mouth as is trying to prevent himself from throwing up the food he had enjoyed eating a while ago.

The other Gods nodded their heads in agreement. They glanced at the Half-Elf, who was holding a chamberpot in his hands, with caution.

It was at that moment when all of them decided to not mess with the madlad, who would go as far as to throw literal sh*t in other people's faces.

Chapter 888 – Lightning Thief

"I will kill you!" Dias roared as he raised his hand to retrieve the Red Lightning-bolt that was still at war with Mjolnir above the heavens.

After hearing its Master's call, the Red Lightning bolt reluctantly returned to its owner. Mjolnir danced in the sky as if saying that it was the winner of their match before flying back to aid William in his battle.

After retrieving his weapon, Dias dived into the sea to clean the filth off his body. He never felt so humilated in his entire life, and this time, he was feeling murderous.

He knew that the other Gods were spectating in his battle, so the shame he felt was multiplied tenfold. Right now, the only thing he wanted to do was to kill William and feast on his blood.

"You have successfully angered me!" Dias roared as he rose towards the sky. Thunder and lightning crackled around his body which showed how truly angry he was.

William scoffed at the God who was spouting b*llsh*t.

Like bruh, dafuk? You've been angry at me from the start. Making you angrier wouldn't make a difference!

"Don't worry, there's more where that came from," William pointed his chamberpot at the arrogant God, which made the latter wince subconsciously. "Come at me Bruh, or I'll come at you!"

The Half-Elf held a chamberpot in his right hand, while Mjolnir hovered beside him. Clearly, the Divine Weapon had no intention of letting William touch it for the time being unless he properly washed his hands.

William felt Mjolnir's reluctance to be held by him, so he didn't force the issue.

Just as the two warriors were about to duke it out again, William suddenly felt his strength leaving his body. It was at that moment when he realized that his Heroic Avatar's duration had finally ended.

'S-Sh*t!' William had completely forgotten that his Heroic Avatar had a cooldown.

He could only watch helplessly as the Red Lightning-bolt pierced through his body, sending him flying for thousands of meters in the sky, with his blood trailing the heavens.

It was truly an unexpected development that even Dias, who had expected William to resist his attack, was caught by surprise.

Wiliam could feel a searing pain in his body as the red-lightning bolt dragged him about without mercy. As if leaves were falling from a tree, the Half-Elf saw his life pass before his eyes.

Images of his childhood, family, his journey, battles, his wives and lovers, appeared in front of him.

'No… this cannot end here…' William thought as he gritted his teeth. 'I will not let it end here!'

The red-headed teenager grabbed the Red Lightning bolt with both of his hands. Red lightning crackled into his entire body, tearing his flesh, but the Half-Elf endured it and held on.

"I will not fall here!" William roared. "I will not be defeated here!"

William used every fiber of his being in order to pull the Red Lightning bolt that had pierced through his body out.

Blood started to pour from his hands, dying the Red Lightning bolt with the color of his mortality. Centimeter, by painful centimeter, William roared as he pulled out the weapon that was sticking out of his chest.

His blood trailed behind him, making him feel light-headed, but he knew that he must persevere no matter what.

Just as his eye-sight was starting to turn blurry, a notification sound broke through the haze in his mind.


< Ding! >

< Congratulations! Requirements for Job Advancement has been met! >

< Initializing Upgrade! >

< New Prestige Class Acquired! >

< Thunder Emperor! >


William's eyes glowed with power as he forcefully absorbed the power of the red-lightning bolt inside his body.

One of the ways to level up a Job Class was to meet its requirements. For example, the Sun Knight Job Class would only increase its level if Wiliam allowed himself to be bathed in sunlight.

Right now, the red-lightning bolt was like a super-charged battery that was being greedily absorbed by William's body in order to heal the injuries that it had received from it earlier.

This time, the Half-Elf no longer tried to pull out the Red Lightning bolt, but simply held it in place. How could he possibly let something precious escape his grasp?


< Congratulations! Thunder Emperor Job Class has increased a level! >

< Congratulations! Thunder Emperor Job Class has increased a level! >

< Congratulations! Thunder Emperor Job Class has increased a level! >

< Congratulations! Thunder Emperor Job Class has increased a level! >

< Congratulations! Thunder Emperor Job Class has increased a level! >


Several notifications appeared nonstop in William's Status Page as the Red Lightning bolt he was holding slowly shrank. Although its power was still overwhelming, it no longer dealt any damage to William's body.

In fact, the Red Lightning bolt was doing its best to free itself from William's hold. If earlier, the Half-Elf was doing its best to pull it out, now, the Red Lightning bolt was trying to pry itself out of William's body on its own accord!

Even so, the red-headed teenager was no fool. This was a golden opportunity to reach the Max Job Level of his Thunder Emperor Job Class, so he wouldn't let his battery go until he had drained it completely.

As if sensing his weapon's distress, Dias snapped out of his daze and flew after William turning into a Red Lightning.

The Half-Elf sneered at the pursuing God, as he, too, transformed into a golden lightning bolt that flew towards the horizon.

A grand chase that spanned the entire world commenced with William and Dias traveling at the speed of lightning. They had circled the world several times over, making the spectating Gods scratch their heads in helplessness.

"Return it to me, you lightning thief!" Dias shouted in frustration. "If you do, I will forget everything that happened today."

William ignored the handsome man's shout and juiced the Red Lightning bolt, until it reverted to its original size.

Only after the final confirmation that his Thunder Emperor reached its Max Level did Wiliam stop his escape. He floated in the sky facing the God that had tried to kill him several times, over something that he couldn't remember.

The Red Lightning bolt had lost its luster, and its color was now lighter. However, it didn't stop its efforts to free itself from William's body.

It was like a wriggling snake in Wiliam's hand, that couldn't break itself free because it was being held in a vice grip.

"Return it to me, now!" Dias said in a threatening manner.

"And if I refuse?" William replied.

Dias was about to say that he would kill him, but stopped short because he had already tried and failed in doing so.

"What do you want?" Dias asked. He could tell that if the Half-Elf wished for it, he could drain the powers of his lightning bolt until it ceased to exist.

It was the handsome man's most powerful weapon, and he didn't want it to be destroyed in the hands of the red-headed teenager that was on the verge of driving him insane.

"Blood," William replied. "Lots of it."

Dias frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I want to drink the blood of others," William replied. "The Nymphs would do nicely. Don't worry, I will only drink some of their blood.

"There will be no lasting damage to their bodies. You already saw it earlier, right? I'm just a mortal and I lost so much blood. If I don't replenish it soon, I might just use this lightning bolt as an alternative to recover my strength."

Dias frown deepened. Although there were monsters that drank the blood of mortals to live, he didn't expect the Half-Elf to demand that he be given the blood of the Nymphs that served under him.

"Fine, but give me the lightning bolt first," Dias stated. "I will let you drink your fill afterwards."

William shook his head. "Make an oath first. Only after you finish making your oath will I agree to this trade."

"Don't push your luck, Mortal."

"Alright. Say goodbye to your weapon then."

William sneered as he absorbed the power of the struggling lightning bolt in his hands. Although he had already reached the Max Level of his Thunder Emperor Prestige Class, that didn't mean that he couldn't continue to absorb the Red Lightning bolt's power.

Seeing that his weapon was at its last legs, Dias was forced to make an oath using his name.

He stared at William with bloodshot eyes, while the latter returned his gaze calmly.

"Here you go," William tossed the not-so-Red Lightning bolt to its owner who held it firmly in his hands.

Dias panted heavily as he forced himself to regain his calm. He then gave William one last death-glare before flying back to his residence.

The Half-Elf trailed behind him with a smile, but deep inside he was really nearing his limit. He had lost a lot of blood during the battle, and if he didn't drink some soon, he might enter a state of bloodthirst, which would make him lose control of his senses.

That was how the battle between William and Dias ended. Although the Half-Elf got the upper hand, it was only due to the help of every ability in his arsenal.

Without the Heroic Avatar and Mjolnir, he would have definitely suffered a world of pain under Dias' fury.

With his goal of breaking through finally achieved, William would spend two days in Dias' residence to recuperate, surrounded by the Nymphs who became addicted to having their blood sucked out by the handsome Half-Elf, who would be leaving their world in a few days' time.

Chapter 889 – We Meet Again, Pendragon

Three days after William's battle with Dias…

"This is the Hall of Thunder," Dias stated in an impatient tone. "Go. Just go and don't come back."

As soon as he finished saying his words he turned into a lightning bolt and left without even looking at the Half-Elf, who had made him lose face in front of the other Gods.

William watched him go before shifting his gaze to the teary-eyed nymphs who were begging him not to go with their pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," William said as he reached out to give all of them a hug. "All of you, take care of yourselves."

The Nymphs all hugged him back as they did their best to prevent the tears in their eyes from falling. They were very sad that William was going to leave and they would no longer experience that unbelievable euphoria that they felt whenever their blood was drunk by him.

Hebe watched all of this with a sad expression on her face. It had been so long since she had a guest at their residence, and knowing William was about to leave made her feel that she would never see him again.

"Thank you, Hebe." William smiled as he gave the golden-haired beauty a hug. "Your home-made wine is very delicious. It's quite unfortunate that I will not be able to drink it again."

Hebe did her best to prevent her sadness from showing on her face as she returned William's hug.

"You're welcome," Hebe replied. "If Fate wills it then our paths will cross again. Until then, may you be safe, always."

A few minutes later, William stood at the Gates of the Hall of Thunder and waved his hand one last time to the friends that he had met in this world.

Although he would have liked to tour this beautiful world for a few days, there were still many people waiting for him in his own homeworld. He couldn't afford to let them wait for a very long time.

William decisively turned around and entered the gates.

The moment he was safely inside the temple, the Hall of Thunder shot towards the heavens and disappeared.

Leaving a certain grumpy Dias behind.


Inside the Hall of Thunder…

William's eyes widened in shock when he saw three beautiful ladies smiling back at him.

One of them had long golden hair, and eyes as blue as the sky.

The other had long, light-brown hair, and eyes as green as emeralds.

The third, and the youngest of the three, had long silver hair, and gray eyes that seemed to see the depths of a person's soul.

William had seen all three of them in a distant past, and his eyes teared up because he thought that they had also perished back then.

"We meet again, Pendragon," the lady with long golden hair said with a smile. "It seems that life has been hard on you, just like it was in the past."

"Yes," William said as a tear streamed down the side of his face."Life has always been hard. But, that's just how life is. Aren't I right, Urd?"

Urd gave William a bitter smile as she made a gesture for him to come closer.

The Half-Elf obeyed and as he moved forward to hug one of the Norns that had counseled him thousands of years ago.

The Half-Elf felt a flood of emotions rise up inside his chest, making his body shudder.

"Sister, I think we came to see the wrong person," the light-brown haired beauty said in a teasing tone. "Pendragon has never been a crybaby. I think we messed up the timeline a bit."

Even so, she still went forward to hug William, as the Half-Elf held onto Urd.

"Pendragon, Pendragon, didn't he already say that we should just skip formalities and call him Will?" The silver-haired girl who seemed to be just a little over twelve pouted.

Still, she also joined her sisters, on hugging the Half-Elf who was currently bawling his eyes out, not caring of what the three girls would think of him.

"You're such a big baby, Will," Urd said. "Where is that Einherjar who bravely fought till his last breath?"

"Skuld, Can you say some encouraging words to make him stop crying?" the lady with light-brown hair asked.

"You should be the one doing that, Sister Verdandi," Skuld replied. "Afterall, you are the one that represents the present."

The three Norns that had nourished Yggdrasil since time immemorial bantered with each other, as the Half-Elf wept within their embrace.

Minutes passed before William finally regained his composure. The three ladies teased him for being a crybaby, but the Half-Elf didn't care. As long as they were alive and well, they could tease him as much as they wanted.

After calming his senses, William sat on a floating chair, while Skuld sat on his lap, resting her head on his chest.

The Half-Elf didn't mind and even held the mischievous young lady in place to prevent her from falling off his chair.

Among the three Norns, Skuld was the most spoiled. She would do anything that she wanted, even if it caused Odin and the other Gods to scratch their heads in frustration.

"How did the three of you escape Ragnarok?" William asked.

"Simple. We left before it even started," Urd answered with a sad smile on her face.

Verdandi nodded her head as if to support her Big Sister's words. "Skuld told us what was going to happen, so we made preparations in advance and left before the Flames of Destruction even touched Yggdrasil."

"Are you disappointed that we left without putting up a fight?" Skuld, who was resting her head on William's chest, asked with her eyes still closed.

"No." William replied as he patted Skuld's head. "Even if the three of you were there, the ending would still be the same. I'm just glad that the three of you are safe."

"Mmm." Skuld hummed as she enjoyed William's hand that was making her feel good.

Verdandi gazed at William with a smile as she raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you going to ask us why we came to see you?"

William shook his head. "Even if I don't ask, you will still tell me why you came to see me."

The Norns did not particularly interfere with the affairs of the mortal realm, unless it was of absolute importance.

Urd represented the Past.

Verdandi represented the Present.

And Skuld represented the Future.

The three of them together held the strings of Fate that foretold events that had happened, were happening, and would happen in the future.

They would appear on rare occasions to give counsel to important figures that would play a bigger role in the grand scheme of things.

Chapter 890 – Under The Moonlight Where No One Could See

The sound of laughter echoed inside the luxurious hall as many men and women, dressed in beautiful clothes, chatted with each other.

This was the place where the young elites of the country had gathered, and everyone was having fun… except for a young lady, who was surrounded by many good looking men. They were doing their best to invite her to socialize with them, but the lady politely rejected their advances.

Instead of getting dejected, the men didn't back down and considered it as a challenge to make the black-haired beauty's defenses crumble.

Every man who was within the inner circle of society had long wanted to make her their lover.

Even the sons of politicians had tried to pull some strings in the background to make the beautiful lady land in the palms of their hands, but it was to no avail. This only made her more precious because only a lady that couldn't be obtained easily, was a prize worth having in their eyes.

As the night deepened, the lady decided to head outside to take a breather.

Due to her close friends' pestering, she had drank some wine during the party. It was not enough to make her feel intoxicated, but it was more than enough to make her face flush, making her beauty stand out from the rest.

'This is why I hate parties,' the beautiful girl said as she looked at the moon in the sky.

The night breeze blew over her white dress, which made her skirt flutter.

Her parents had personally chosen her dress for the party, which made her the star of the night.

The beautiful girl didn't like the dress because it highlighted the curves of her body, and her back was laid bare for everyone to see.

Normally, she preferred a more conservative dress, but she had made a promise to her parents that she would obey them this once, in exchange for not going through with the arranged marriage that they had been planning for her.

The young lady's parents were worried because their daughter wasn't showing any signs of attraction towards the opposite sex. Even with countless good looking men asking for her hand in marriage, she rejected them all without even batting an eye.

This made her parents think that she was only interested in women, but after observing her for a long time, they didn't notice anything strange with her interactions with her girl friends either.

In the end, they thought that she was Asexual, so they decided to take matters in their own hands and arrange someone to marry her. Unfortunately, the girl discovered their plans and immediately confronted them about it.

After a lengthy discussion, both sides compromised that she would appear at the birthday celebration for the Mayor of the city's second son.

The birthday celebrant was one of her childhood friends, and they had a good relationship. Because of this, the beautiful lady agreed, and wore the dress that her parents had chosen for her.

Naturally, her parents were also at the party and were observing their daughter from the third floor of the most prestigious hotel in the city.

They watched as she became the highlight of the party, and even the birthday celebrant wasn't able to take his eyes off her.

In the end, when the young man asked her to be his first dance, she reluctantly agreed in order to not make him lose face in front of his guests at the party.

However, after the dance ended, the beautiful lady refused the other invitations by the other young men, who were also going to the same university as her.

Her movements didn't escape the eyes of her admirers.

One by one, they made excuses and followed her outside to the gardens, to the dismay of the other ladies in the party who were looking to form connections with the eligible young men within their circle.

Sensing their approach, the beautiful woman decided to increase her pace and headed for the Hedge Maze that the hotel was very famous for.

When the young men realized what she was planning to do, they deliberately slowed their pace to allow her to get a head start.

This particular Hedge Maze had been featured in several magazines within the city, and was even listed as the biggest in the country. It spanned over four thousand square meters, and an individual would take, at the very least, more than an hour to reach its exit.

The hotel staff had already anticipated that some people might try to challenge the maze during the party, so they placed lighting in strategic locations in order to allow that someone to see their path clearly.

After the beautiful lady had entered the maze, the young men glanced at each other with wolfish grins before entering the maze.

Each of them only had one thought in mind and that was to find the beautiful lady who had been the apple of their eyes for many years. If they were lucky, they would even have the chance to get ahead of the others, and make the most popular girl in the university their lover before the party was over.

The black-haired beauty knew that if she followed the path that led to the exit, the people following her would catch up to her sooner or later.

Because of this, she intentionally veered off path and headed to the places that her pursuers would overlook.

Half an hour later, the men who had entered the maze had all separated from each other. This was not the first time that they had entered the maze, so they wouldn't get lost inside it even if they chose to go down the wrong path.

The beautiful lady panted as she stopped at one of the small clearings in the maze that had a fountain.

She was feeling light-headed due to stress, exhaustion, and the drink she had earlier in the party.

Just as she was about to catch her breath, she heard the sound of footsteps headed in her direction.

Because of this, she immediately headed to one of the exits of the clearing in order to escape one of her pursuers. However, she had only taken a few steps when a hand wrapped around her waist, while another hand covered her lips, preventing her from screaming.

She was then pulled into the dark area of the clearing, where the light wasn't too bright.

Half a minute later, the birthday celebrant appeared in the clearing and scanned the surroundings, looking for possible traces of the young beauty that he was trying to catch.

After seeing that his target had already moved on, he chose one of the paths heading west, and disappeared not long after.

The beautiful lady tried to break away from her captor, but it was to no avail. The man was stronger than her, and no matter what she did, she couldn't escape his grasp.

It was at that moment when a teasing tone reached her ears, and it made her body unconsciously stiffen.

"A beautiful lady wearing a dress as revealing as this and walking into a maze alone in the middle of the night is just asking for trouble," a teasing voice said. "A delicious sheep like you out in the open will make any wolf go crazy."

The black-haired beauty slowly turned her head to look at the man who was holding her in place.

Suddenly, a tear fell down, followed by another as the beautiful girl gazed at the young man, with red hair and green eyes that looked back at her with a tender gaze.

The young man smiled and removed the hand that was covering her soft, and seductive lips.

The same lips that he had kissed a few years ago.

"Am I dreaming?" the black-haired beauty asked as she cupped the young man's face with her delicate hands. "Is this a dream?"

A chuckle escaped the young man's lips as he pressed his hand over the young lady's right hand that was cupping his face.

"Actually, I was about to ask you the same question," the red-headed teenager said with a smile. "Am I dreaming? If yes then I don't mind staying in this dream for a little while longer."

The tears on the beautiful lady's eyes fell like rain. The emotions that she had been holding back for the past year surged like a thunderous river that blew away all obstacles in its path.

"Me, too," the beautiful lady replied as she wrapped her arms around the head of the young man that had given his heart to her. "If this is a dream, I don't mind dreaming a little while longer."

The black-haired beauty tiptoed and pressed her soft lips on the young man's lips.

The red-headed teenager returned the kiss eagerly and wrapped his arms around the young lady's body, feeling her warmth and fragrance that he had missed dearly.

When he first saw her, he didn't recognize her right away. Such was the extent of the memories that he had lost over time.

However, even if he couldn't fully remember who she was, his heart and body did. Before he could even do anything, his body had already moved on his own and grabbed hold of the black-haired beauty, pulling her in his embrace.

Only when he had dragged her into the corner of the maze, and held her firmly in his arms, did the remaining memories of his past life allow him to identify her.

The red-headed teenager's heart ached at the thought of no longer remembering the precious person he was holding in his arms. It hurt him so much that he threw caution to the wind, and simply let his love carve these new precious memories into his soul.

Soon, the sound of kissing echoed in that small clearing. Both of them didn't care if they were discovered, and simply allowed themselves to let their emotions take over their senses.

Under the moonlight, where no one else could see, two people who had been separated by an insurmountable distance, once again held each other in a loving embrace.